Chapter 3: Overture!

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It's been about a week since Matthew now DeadPool arrived in hell as well as became the bodyguard of the hotel known as Hazbin Hotel formerly know as the Happy Hotel now that Alastor the radio demon became the host. Matt took his job seriously and made sure that the hotel is fine along with Charlie who appreciates Matt being the hotels top best bodyguard. But now that a week has past things aren't looking that good since the extermination happened and Charlie has been trying to find some sinners to prove that her people can be redeemed but she never gave up hope because after what Matt said to her about her dream at the news station it gave the demon princess confidence. During a week both Vaggie and Matt got along quite well and would doing anything make Charlie happy, they even sometimes train together just to make sure nothing happens to the hotel.

Alastor and Matt got along famously since both enjoyed the soothing sound of music on the radio to keep their minds calm but if someone would to disturb them well they will not like what happens if you make the radio demon and DeadPool angry. The two treated each other like best of friends and when Matt heard that Alastor was tasked to do a video commercial for Charlie, the radio demon hated the idea because he despises electronic technology but Matt helped him get over the problem just for one day and so Alastor thanked his friend and just did what he needed to do.

Right now in his room Matt was doing his training exercises to get into good shape because they could be any minute that something is bound to happened and Matt just wants to get himself prepared for anything.

Matt: 100...101....102...103...104...path...path...105...106.

Knock! Knock!

Matt: It's open!

The person who knocked on the door was Vaggie who came inside to see Matt doing pushups while wearing nothing but red and black gym pants and completely shirtless revealing his muscles that made Vaggie blush hard.

Vaggie: this a bad time...

Matt: Hm? Oh no it's not I just finished my exercises. So what's up?

Vaggie: Alastor wanted to show Charlie something so I am going to fetch her now but I also want you there as well so you can see what the radio demon has.

Matt: It's probably that commercial he did for the hotel, just give me a couple minutes to get dressed and cleaned up and I will meet you outside.(Matt saids while rubbing off the sweat from his body)

Vaggie: Oh um alright sure..I..I will just be o..outside until your done no rush.

Matt: Are you all right?

Vaggie: Totally! I will be out here until your done bye.(Vaggie saids while blushing more then going out the door)

Matt: Awkward?

Minutes later Matt finished getting cleaned up and dressed back into his DeadPool suit and opened the door to see Vaggie waiting outside for him like she told him.

DeadPool(Matt): All right let's go fetch the princess.

Vaggie: Do you have the wear the suit all the time?

DeadPool(Matt): You might never know what could happen. You remember what happened last time.

Vaggie: How can I forget. Two demons tried to break into the hotel until you taught them a lesson and completely destroyed their asses.

DeadPool(Matt): Exactly my point. Now let's go get Charlie.

Vaggie: Right.

Meanwhile with the princess herself, she was in her bedroom looking outside the hotel seeing the destruction caused by the extermination day. She felt bad for what has happened to her home and to her people so she took out a book that belonged to her parents and began to read to help calm her nerves.

Charlie: Once upon a time there was a glowing city protected by golden gates known as Heaven. It was ruled by beings of pure light, angels that worshipped good and shielded all from evil. Lucifer was one of these angels, he was a dreamer with fantastical ideas for all of creation but he was seen as troublemaker by the elders of heaven for they felt his way thinking was dangerous to the order of their world. So he watched as the angels began to expand the universe in their ways from the dust of earth they created Adam and Lilith equals as the first of mankind but despite this Adam demanded control and Lilith refused to summit to his will, she fled the garden drawn in by her fierce independence Lucifer found her and the two rebellious dreamers fell deeply in love, together they wished to share the magic of free will with humanity offering the fruit of knowledge to Adam's new bride Eve who gladly accepted but this gift came with a curse for with this single act of disobedience evil finally found its way into earth with it a new realm of darkness and sin and the order of heaven had worked to maintain was shattered as punishment for their reckless act heaven cast Lucifer and his love into the dark pit he had created never allowing him to see the good that came from humanity only the cruel and the wicked. Ashamed Lucifer lost his will to dream but Lilith thrived empowering demon kind with her voice and her songs and as the numbers of hell grew so did its power threatened by this heaven made a truly heartless decision that every year they would send down an army an extermination to ensure hell and its sinners could never rise against them. But Lilith's hope remained and her dream was passed down to their precious daughter the princess of hell.

Charlie: Don't worry mom, I'll make you proud.

Vaggie: Charlie.

Charlie: Dah?! Oh shit did you hear all of that?

Vaggie: Uh yea I was right there.

DeadPool(Matt): Same here. Had to admit that was one heck of story princess.

Charlie: Thanks, sorry I get pretty worked up after an extermination, the story helps.

Vaggie: Charlie I enjoy your theatrics. Are you okay?

Charlie: I'm fine..just thinking you know family stuff.

Vaggie: Did you hear from your mom yet?

DeadPool(Matt): You haven't heard word from her at all have you.

Charlie: No...not once she tried to call back or even answer any of my voice messages or texts.

Vaggie: How long has it been now?

Charlie: Not that long...maybe seven years off doing something important I am sure but this kingdom was something she really cared about. Something that I care about.

DeadPool(Matt): And you have people to help you with your situation.

Vaggie: He's right we got your back babe.

Charlie: Thank you, both of you. I just hope what I'm trying to do here will work.

DeadPool(Matt): And it will you just need to push forward.

Vaggie: We have faith in you. Come on Alastor, says he has something to show us.

When they arrived downstairs, they met up with Alastor wearing his smile on his face and went to show the three his creation of his first video commercial for the hotel.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

After the commercial was finished both Charlie and Vaggie stared at the blank screen with no words while Matt was video recording the whole show on his phone since he came to like the video that Alastor made and at least he tried using a video camera for the first time.

Alastor: So what do you think?

DeadPool(Matt): Give the man a 9.5!

Vaggie: I'm sorry, what the fuck was that?

Charlie: Uh yea one note. Alastor I mean first off thank you so much for making this seriously amazing but um...maybe the tone is a bit off. We want people to want to come here, this makes it look um...

Vaggie: Bad. The word you are looking for is bad.

DeadPool(Matt): Maybe but for Alastor here he finds it hilarious. After all this was his first time using a video camera so he did what he could.

Alastor: Rights you are my friend. I was going for hilarious.

Vaggie: It didn't explain anything about how we're trying to save demons from extermination which is the whole fucking point.

Charlie: Vaggie's right Alastor, the commercial was to let sinners know we are trying to help them.

DeadPool(Matt): Like I said before this was his first time using an electronic device.

Alastor: Exactly. You see my dear, I haven't been active in hell for some time and everyone remembers me from my radio show, the proper medium to express oneself but you insisted on this noisy picture box of advertisement so I had a little fun with it. Like my friend DeadPool saids I'm not a electronic device kind of demon, I prefer classic radio broadcast.

Vaggie: Well at least he's doing something for the hotel while you are not doing that much here. And fun, you had a little fun with it, well this is not what we want to represent us. When you showed up here a week ago you told us you would help us run this hotel instead you are mocking us. Nobody's going to want to come to a place that has a powerful OverLord like you thinking this is a waste of time.

DeadPool(Matt): Not to cut into this conversation but the horny spider is giving you, the eyes.

Angel: May I have a suggestion.

Vaggie: Sigh..what?

Angel: If you're filming a commercial can I suggest you take better advantage of the talented celebrity you have right here.

DeadPool(Matt): Sorry dude porn stars are not celebrities even down here.

Vaggie: He's right, Angel you're a porn star.

Angel: A famous porn star! I'll have the horniest sinners knocking these walls down to get in.

Vaggie: We are not filming a porn as a commercial.

Angel: Why not? Sex cells don't it. I swear if you film me going at it with Mr.Fancy talk creepy voice here along with Mr.Piegon slayer here you'd be rolling in participants willing to stay at this tacky hotel.

Alastor: HAHA! Never going to happen.

DeadPool(Matt): I'm straight forever. Also I rather be sucked through black hole then doing what shit you have in mind.

Charlie: Look Angel I appreciate you wanting to use your special skills to um attract folks to the hotel but I really don't want to exploit you in that way.

Angel: Oh please baby, this body was made to be exploited. I got the arms, I got the stamina, I got the legs, I got the lung capacity, oh hoho I got the legs! The gag reflex, the wholes, the chest puff everyone thinks it's tits....

Ring! Ring!

DeadPool(Matt): Hey princess phone call for you.

Charlie: Oh I better take this. Hold that thought Angel, I will be right back. Hey Dad...(Charlie saids and leaves to take a call from her dad)

Angel: I can keep going all night baby!

Vaggie: Do you have something to shut him up?

DeadPool(Matt): I could just shoot him but that would make Charlie upset.

Vaggie: Sigh...yea your right. Though I wish you could.

Angel: Say I got a question? If freaking face over here is so powerful, why can't he just make people stay here?

Alastor: Oh trust me I can....

DeadPool(Matt): They don't call you the radio demon for nothing. And Angel he can if he wants to though chooses not too unless he changes his mind of course.

Alastor: Well spoken.

Husker: Why do you think I'm here? You actually think I'd be cleaning bottles and listening to you fucks moan all the time if he wasn't forcing me.

Nifty: I like being forced!

Husker: Keep that to yourself Nif.

Angel(Baby voice): What? You don't love being here with me whiskers.

Husker: Call me whiskers again and I will jam that bottle down your throat.

Angel: Kinky! Come on keep talking dirty.~

Vaggie: Sigh..Angel let Husk do his job and now we can't force sinners to stay here, they need to choose to.

Angel: I choose to be here and I think it's all stupid. We're in hell tots, that's kind of the end of the road ain't it.

DeadPool(Matt): You know if you keep saying stupid so many times you might as well be stupid yourself.

Husker: Heh he's gots you there.

Vaggie: Well Angel, maybe it doesn't have to be. Just because nobody has made it out before doesn't mean it's no possible.

Angel: Hey whatever means I can keep crashing here a rent free. Crack is expensive.

Back with Charlie who just got off the phone with her dad talking about going to meet the leader of the angels and that it could be the princess's chance to ask the angels about extermination day as well as her dream to get sinners redeemed to avoid death.

Charlie: Oh yes.....YES!!!! VAGGIE DEADPOOL HOLLY SHIT!!!!

Vaggie: DAH?! What?!

DeadPool(Matt): Are you trying to kill us?!

Charlie(Whisper): Come here you two!

Vaggie: Sigh...what is going on?

DeadPool(Matt): And why are you filled with happiness and nearly hyperventilating?

Charlie: Path!....My dad just called, he said that the leader of the angel army wants to meet and he asked if I could go instead!

DeadPool(Matt): So the dickless first man is back, wonder what he wants.(Matt saids in thought)

Vaggie: But...but the extermination just happened. What could they want this soon....

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

I can do this, somehow I know it
I'll get Heaven behind my plans

Charlie, hold on

There's just no way I could blow it
Not this once-in-a-lifetime chance

It's just a meeting

To change their mind and touch their hearts
Or whatever angels have

This could be bad

Cheer up, Vaggie
This could be swell
Something tells me that today will be a happy day in Hell

Okay, but just don't... sing to them

That bitch is halfway down the street

Is she...

Oh, she's dancin'

Ugh, no

I will go with her to make sure she doesn't get hurt

Please do

There's a warm, fuzzy feeling that wafts through the air
Every street so revealing, it's hard not to stare
It's a realm so appealing, it beats anywhere
If you don't mind the smell
It's a happy day in Hell

Hi, mister!

Go fuck yourself!

There's an endless trash fire that's burning my soul


Got a ton of barbed wire to shove in his hole

Oh, excuse me!

Doing what is required, we all have our role

I'm not doing well

Another shitty day in Hell

If I can show them the dream I've dreamed
That any soul can change

Those angels' minds are hard to change

Then they will know everyone can be redeemed
From the evil to the strange

They're bloodthirsty and deranged!

I can hear all their stories, the lost and displaced
And I know that they're more of an acquired taste
But if I open the door and I give them a place
At my Hazbin Hotel
It'll be a happy day in Hell

From the porn studio, where the cinephiles go
To watch award-winning demon bukkake shows
To the Cannibal Town, where they don't wear a frown
'Cause holy shit, oh my gosh, why?
And I don't give a crow that his brains got in my eye!
'Cause I know I can spare them from Heaven's genocide

I can do this I just know it
(There's an endless trash fire that's burning my soul)
I'll get Heaven behind my plan
There's just no way I could blow it
(I kinda like the barbed wire that's shoved in my hole)
Not this once-in-a-lifetime chance to change their minds...

And touch my parts

Uh, no thank you, I'm just gonna...
Fulfill my destiny!

Your loss, bitch

I can already tell
Today is gonna be a fuckin' happy day in Hell

After the song was finished Matt arrived next to Charlie with his phone out recording the whole scene from the beginning.

DeadPool(Matt): Have you ever thought trying out for a musical play?

Charlie: What are you doing here?

DeadPool(Matt): Bodyguard remember. Wherever you go I go as well.

Charlie: That is so sweet of you.

DeadPool(Matt): And to also give Adam a scream in pure terror. I wonder if Lute is with him, it would be interesting to see her again.(Matt saids in thought with a smirk under his mask)

Both of them headed inside the building where the meeting will be taking place and when they entered the whole room was quiet like a ghost town.

Charlie: Hello? Hello? Hellooooo?

DeadPool(Matt): Hello anyone home!

Charlie: Creepy...

Charlie walks towards a desk and then rings a bell until a golden paper appeared in front of her telling her to sign the paper in which she did.

Charlie: Okay also creepy.

The doors opened and the princess walked into the room where it was nothing but pitch black and went to call out to see if anybody was around.

Charlie: Uh hello? Anyone here?

Adam: Sup.(Adam saids while the lights went on and him eating a plate of ribs)

Charlie: Whoah shit...Hi, I'm Charlie my dad asked me if I could meet you.

Adam: Totally nice to meet you too.

Charlie went to shake Adam's hand until her hand went threw him meaning it was just a hologram of Adam and not the real dipshit himself.

Charlie: Uhhh....

Adam: HAH! I fucking got you. Did you fucking see that. Good shit.(Adam saids to Charlie then to Lute who just nods her head)

Charlie: Uh so..wait you aren't here?

Adam: No. You think I come down there. Hah! I mean I love the vive totally love your tunes, pretty fucking hardcore don't get me wrong. But it is such a bummer man, everything down there is just GRAAA! you know hehehe...ew.

Charlie: Right. So I am happy that we got this opportunity to meet but there is a project that I have been working on that I really want to talk to you about.

Adam: Hey hey hey, slow down we got time. How about we get to know each other a little hmm. Hows about lunch, you hungry I gots you here's my personal.....huh? Where'd my ribs go? these are good. Charlie you have got to try these ribs.(A voices saids from the side of the table in which both Charlie and Adam looked to see who it was well mostly Adam who eyes widen of who is eating his ribs)


DeadPool(Matt): Oh hello. Did you miss me.~ Your not still mad that I killed your entire army are you or that I blew off your dick speaking of which has that grown back yet? I also see that you brought Shadow Angel with you, hey there Lute it's a been a while.~

Lute:(BA-DUMP!❤️)....(Whisper) What is going on with me....?

DeadPool(Matt): As I was saying, Charlie try these rib they are good especially when I added my special barbecue sauce to them.

Charlie: Mmmm! These are good!


[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Charlie: Uhh...

DeadPool(Matt): Damn that was a high pitch scream right there.


DeadPool(Matt): Eating ribs with Charlie. Why what are you doing?

Adam: NO I MEAN WHY ARE YOU HERE?!!! I never wanted to see your face again you bastard.

DeadPool(Matt): Your just upset that I killed your army and shot off your tiny dick. It has grown back hasn't it?


DeadPool(Matt): So does that make you woman now?

Adam: I hate you.

DeadPool(Matt): Aww that is so sweet. Give the first man a bone.

Adam(Whisper): I'm going to kill him...I'm going to kill him...I'm going to kill him....

Lute: Sir.

Adam: Sigh right. Wait a minute how did you get my ribs?

DeadPool(Matt): Sorry magicians such as myself cannot reveal their secrets. Also no time because we have meeting to get too ain't that right Charlie.

Charlie: Yes absolutely.

DeadPool(Matt): Fantastic! Charlie while you are speaking with the dickless angel who thinks he is the first man whose now became a woman talk I will be standing here to the side making painting.(Matt saids and takes out a canvas and paints)

Adam: Where the fuck did you get that?

DeadPool(Matt): No time meeting now.

Adam was close to loosing his mind while Lute was just standing and looking at DeadPool doing some painting of which she does not know what the guy who kissed her is making. Back at the hotel Vaggie gathered everyone to do a remake commercial while Charlie is out.

Vaggie: Okay so Charlie and DeadPool are dealing with something very important so while they are gone we are making a new commercial one that represents her vision and what we are doing here. So we need a camera, Alastor.

Vaggie: A video camera.

Alastor: Very well.(Alastor saids and snaps his fingers to replace the old camera with an electronic video camera much to his disliking)

Vaggie: All right let's do this! All right Angel and Husker you're up and action!

Husker: Welcome to the Hazbin Hotel. Can I help you with anything?

Angel: I've been a bad boy and I need a big strong daddy to put me in my place. On the path to redemption.~

Husker: Ugh...well you come...

Angel: Oh yes!~

Husker: To the right place...

Vaggie: Cut! Okay Angel I need you to be less horny if possible and Husk can you maybe not have the script in front of your face.

Husker: I ain't no actor?! I can't memorize this shit.

Angel: We could improve this shit baby cakes roar...OW?!(Angel flirts until he gets pushed by Husker)

Husker: Whoops.

Vaggie: Husker come on!

At the meeting with the angels, Charlie was getting board to death while listening to Adam's ridiculous stories about himself while DeadPool was still painting a picture of an unmasked Lute that the exorcists does not know of but will soon after the picture is completed.

DeadPool(Matt): Sigh...yes such beauty. This is going to be my masterpiece.(Matt saids in thought while painting Lute)

Adam: So I was playing this gig and for some reason this virtue chick was digging on the drummer and it's like do you know who I am? I'm fucking Adam, I'm the original dick all dicks de-send from me. You think you want drummer dick no way, I'm the dick fucking master so anyway we fucked and it was awesome. What did you do this weekend?

DeadPool(Matt): Correction you don't have a dick anymore so clearly speaking you can't possibly be the original dick and you think a chick would have sex with a guy with no balls. No balls at all.

Lute: Pffff.....cough!

Adam: Did you just..?

Lute: No I just coughed sir.

Adam: I hate you, you red and black fuck face.

DeadPool(Matt): What was that? You like me? Dude I am flattered really but your not my type and I'm a straight for life.

Adam(Whisper): How did I loose to this asshole.

Charlie: Wait your name is Adam? Like the first man Adam, that means ohhhh that explains so much.

Adam: I know I fucking rock.

DeadPool(Matt): I thought you said you sucked?

Adam: YOU!

DeadPool(Matt): Yes~

Adam:.......Never mind.

Charlie: Well Adam, sir, Mr.Adam sir.

Adam: Call me...Dick know what just call me Adam.

DeadPool(Matt)(Whisper): Ooh he couldn't say it.

Charlie: Well Adam, you seem like a smart stand up guy.

Adam: Huha.

Charlie: And I know you are the leader of the angels and you were a big thinker in revolutionary. A genius!

Adam: I mean your words babe.

Charlie: Who would really love to put his name on something.

Adam: I fuck love putting my name on shit! Shit's the best!

DeadPool(Matt): Wait you love shit?

Adam: Yea I fucking love it.

DeadPool(Matt): So you love shit and all you ever think about is shit.

Adam: Yea thats right.

DeadPool(Matt): thats something I wouldn't ever hear coming someone like you. So your saying that you love shit so much that you would do anything for shit.

Adam: I will fucking bath in shit itself!

DeadPool(Matt): You want to bath in shit. Wow your definitely a guy who is in love with shit. Which means that you my good sir are full of shit.

Charlie was struggling not to burst into laughter and not just her but also Lute who got the idea of what DeadPool was saying to Adam who looks confused on what is going on.

Adam: Uh what now?

DeadPool(Matt): Oh don't worry you will know soon enough, please continue Charlie.

Charlie: Oh yes thank you and Adam it's a solution to our biggest problem!

Adam: Oh herpes, yea that's a bitch.

Charlie: No! Our other biggest problem.

Adam: Oh uh ugly people? Math? Global warming? No wait thats earth's problem uhhhh...

DeadPool(Matt): Wow he's an idiot. Wonder what's Vaggie doing right now?(Matt saids in thought)

Vaggie was in a bedroom at the hotel trying to film Nifty whole was trying to kill a bug with knife but Vaggie needed her for a commercial shot.

Nifty: Stab! Stab! Stab! Stab!

Vaggie: All right Nifty, Nifty...Nifty..Nifty. Your line is we have the cleanest rooms okay.

Nifty: Got it! I'm ready.

Vaggie: Action.

Angel(Whisper): Both creepy and awkward at the same time.(Angel saids as he moves away from Vaggie and avoiding Nifty's eye on video)

Vaggie: Uh cut?

Nifty: Hehehe how was that?

Vaggie: Well Nifty you actually need to say the line so let's role again.

Nifty: Okay!

Vaggie: Action.

Nifty does the same eye stare like before which leaves Vaggie confused and frighten at the same time until Angel butted in.

Angel: You're doing great Vagina.

Vaggie: Cut! All right uh maybe we can try to fix it in post.

Angel: Do you even know what that means?

Vaggie: I'll figure it out!

She couldn't figure it out. She sat on the chair downstairs while trying to solve what was wrong with the commercial and the shots but instead it making her head hurt.

Vaggie: Argh...

Alastor: Seems like you're having a bit of trouble there hmm.

Vaggie: Why are you even here?

Alastor: For the entertainment. I came here because I love seeing wasteful souls struggle to accomplish something meaningful and fail specifically! Like you are doing now, good job.

Vaggie: And here is Alastor the egocentric piece of shit that....dah?!(Vaggie saids while trying to video tape Alastor with the video camera until its glitches)

Alastor: I wouldn't try that my dear, this face was made for radio.

Vaggie: That's it! I don't care who or what you are, you're staying here you're going to make this work. Because it won't be so entertaining to watch over an empty hotel will it shit-ass!

Alastor: Fare enough. I'll tell you what, let's make a deal.

Vaggie: Do you think I'm that stupid making a deal with a demon like you?

Alastor: Not for your soul just a simple deal. I do this for you and you never ask me to engage with this frivolous television technology ever again. Or Charlie can come back to absolutely nothing, your choice.

Vaggie: Sigh..fine.

Alastor: Now then.

Vaggie gives the video camera back to Alastor who uses his sorcery to make things appear before him and Vaggie as well as the others wearing outfits used for making commercials as well as Vaggie who smirks at what Alastor was doing.

Vaggie: All right everyone lets make a fucking commercial.

At the meeting, Charlie was loosing it when Adam keeps on talking about random crap and not the problem that Charlie has in mind until she snaps before Adam says something else. DeadPool was nearly completed with the painting of Lute while Adam was talking the whole time.

Adam: You know when you take her out for the fifth time and she still excepts you yo pay the check but you're like hey thought you wanted equality.

Charlie: No! Our shared problem of overpopulation in hell.

Adam: Ohhh that's not a problem, we got that covered. Lute how many demons did you kill this year?

Lute: Unfortunately I was only able to kill about 107 this year.

Adam: 107! Whoah that is...wait 107? You usually get more than that what happened?

Lute: Him.

DeadPool(Matt): She means me. I did make myself know to you and killed your army which were thousands of you and none of you couldn't hurt me even with those weapons of yours.

Adam: Shit...

DeadPool(Matt): Yes, yes you are.

Charlie: Uh no..those are my people you know that right?

DeadPool(Matt): He knows princess though in his eyes he doesn't give a dam.

Adam: Correct, which must suck for you. Pfff.Hahahahaha!

DeadPool(Matt): Sucks for you, that you don't have a dick anymore.


Charlie: But these are souls..human souls just as the ones you have up in heaven.

Lute: They are not the same, they had their chance and they earned damnation.

Charlie: You're wrong, sinners made mistakes sure but everyone makes mistakes.

Lute: Yes but here's the thing angels don't make mistakes.

Charlie: You sure about that?

Lute: I know that.

DeadPool(Matt): Actually you guys did make a mistake. I mean you practically got your asses handed to you by a guy who wiped the floor with you and also kick your sorry asses to the next week and you hardly killed anyone in hell only sixteen percent which is pretty low for you if you ask me.

Adam and Lute:........

DeadPool(Matt): No comment.

Lute: Listen princess the only reason your so called daddy-kins gave you and your hellborn kind a pardon from an exorcist blade how does that feel to know how little you matter. And you...

DeadPool(Matt): Got something to say to me, Shadow Angel?~

Lute: Nothing...I got nothing to say.

Adam: Oh look at that it would seem that we are almost out of time. Guess we should get into it.

Charlie: Oh fuck! I got a lot to get through and not a lot of time and I feel like you weren't hearing me before so here it goes.

DeadPool(Matt): And this is where the musical starts in 3..2..1.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Okay, I've got a lot to get through, and not a lot of time
And I feel like you weren't hearing me before
So here it goes, ahem

I know Hell's population is out of control
It's a bad situation, it's taking a toll
If we rehab these sinners and cleanse all their souls
At my Hazbin Hotel, wait, I'm getting ahead of myself!
Right, extermination
I know you guys fly down just to kill once a year
And it must be annoying to schlep all the way here
If they join you in Heaven, that trip disappears!
You can wave that chore farewell
It'll be a happy day in He—

Let me stop you right there


Save us all precious time


If what you're suggesting is letting them climb
Up the ladder oh, they'd rather cross the Pearly Gates?

Well, um

Sorry sweetie, but there's no defyin' their fates
'Cause Hell is forever, whether you like it or not
Had their chance to behave better, now they boil in a pot
'Cause the rules are black and white
There's no use in tryin' to fight it
They're burnin' for their lives until we kill 'em again

Okay, but

Just try to chillax babe, you're wasting your breath
Did I hear you imply that they don't deserve death?
Are they winners? Are they sinners?
'Cause it's cut and dry

Well actually, if you take a look—

Fair is fair, an eye for an eye

And, when all's said and done (Said and done)
There's the question of fun
And for those of us with divine ordainment
Extermination is entertainment!
Bow-now-now-nownow, guitar solo, fuck yeah!
Oh, da-ah-ah now-now-n-now-n-now-n-now-n-nownownow

Oh my god...

Hell is forever, whether you like it or not
Had their chance to behave better

Where did all of you people come from?

Now they boil in a pot
'Cause the rules are black and white
There's no use in tryin' to fight it
They're burnin' for their lives until we kill 'em again

Fuckin', Hell is forever and it's meant to suck a lot
So give up your dumb endeavor, 'cause you don't have a shot
Long as I got your attention
I guess I should probably mention
That we made the determination
To move up the next extermination


Can't wait a whole year to slaughter those little cunts
I know it's just been a week, but we'll be back in six months!

Um, wait, didn't you—
Ugh, shit!

As soon as the song ends the Charlie got the news of the new extermination date, she was forced out of the meeting room and the doors slammed shut leaving her upset. But inside the meeting room DeadPool was still there while watching Adam laugh his feather ass off.

Adam: Hahaha did you see her face!

DeadPool(Matt): Six months huh.

Adam: What the fuck are you still doing here?!

DeadPool(Matt): Oh I was just finishing up my painting of course and hearing you mumble jumbo bullshit.

Adam: Well shithead you better get ready because we are coming back in six months so you better get...

DeadPool(Matt): Uh yea hate to break this news to you man but how can you do extermination day without an army. Hmm?


DeadPool(Matt): I mean its only just you and Lute here and your plicately out numbered and I can just simply kill you and be done with it just like how I did with your army.

Lute: You got lucky.

DeadPool(Matt): Nope I am just highly skilled and cunning then you. I also have brains unlike fatso over here.

Adam: Argh...

DeadPool(Matt): So tell me how are you doing to do extermination day without an army in six months. By the time six months are up, you Adam are going bye bye.

Adam: We will see about that because after six months are up you will be the first one I kill.

DeadPool(Matt): Ooh I am so scared of the chicken man whose a complete idiot who doesn't know what goes on in life. Lute here is more superior then you are, she should be leader.

Lute: Me?

Adam: Yes why her? What makes her so special?

Lute: He doesn't think I'm special...(Lute saids in thought while hurt)

DeadPool(Matt): GASP! How dare you say something like that to her. She has more skills and more brains that you do and is clearly smarter than you and knows how to take charge. Speaking of which Lute, what the fuck are you even doing with this clown its clearly obvious that you are more leader like and surely you can do a much better job then he can.


Adam: Extermination Day, six months. You are mine.

DeadPool(Matt): Whatever you say, Adam The Dickless Angel. Oh and Lute I know for a fact that your not a hologram so you keep this painting when you return to heaven. As for me I much be on my way. And Adam.

Adam: What?!

DeadPool(Matt): I will make sure to drop a pile of shit after I kill you in six months.

Adam: BASTARD!!!!!

DeadPool(Matt): Okay bye bye now!

As soon as DeadPool leaves the room to catch up with Charlie, Adam's hologram disappears while Lute was about to leave but stop to see the painting that DeadPool made and was asked to keep it. She was going to denied the artwork but when she saw it, she removed her mask and her eyes widen of what she was looking at.

Lute: It''s me. There's a note.

For the angels I have seen you are by far the most beautiful and cunning angel I have ever met in my life. This painting before you captures your beauty as well as your strong appearance.

Look forward to seeing you again Shadow Angel, sincerely


Ps, You are way better than Adam so much better.

Lute finished the note and she blushed at what she read as well as liking the painting of herself and for once in her life she was never called beautiful by anyone and never been treated nothing more than a lieutenant in heaven. However the way DeadPool spoke about her make her heart skip a beat.

Lute: What is this feeling inside of me? I need to relax and think things through.(Lute saids and opens a portal back to heaven)

DeadPool and Charlie headed back to the hotel while the princess herself was feeling down about what happened but was starting to feel better with DeadPool keeping her calm and relaxed. Once they arrived inside they were greeted by Vaggie.

Vaggie: Charlie! How did it go? Did they listen?

Charlie: Oh uh they sure did...hear it but um..

Vaggie: Oh! Come on you two we got something exciting to show you.

DeadPool(Matt): What is it?

Vaggie: Alastor pull some strings and it's about to air.

Alastor: I pulled a few limbs to hahahahaha!

Charlie: Wait the commercial? You all made a new one.

Angel: Yea one of my better performances if I do say so myself.

Charlie: 😢sniff..that's..that's amazing.

Angel: Shh! It's starting.

Vaggie(Commercial): Welcome to the Hazbin Hotel.......

The commercial gets cut off by 666 news that left everyone in shock and angry that their hard work got ruined.

DeadPool(Matt): Well that utility sucked ass. I should put those 666 news guys on my kill list.

Alastor: Ooh please do. I do like a little bit of carnage.

Katie Killjoy: Hello this is Katie Killjoy with breaking news in hell today. We just have received word from heaven embassy that the next extermination is happening sooner than ever before. Do you know what that means Tom?

Tom: No what does that mean Katie?

Katie Killjoy: It means we're all royally fucked!

Angel: Wait what? Why?

Vaggie: Charlie? What happened?


Tom: We could be but we all know what happened to the angel army a week ago.

Katie Killjoy: Oh yes that is right the sinner known as DeadPool killed them all so what are the angels plans for the next extermination if their army is all but dead. More until we get word.

Husker: That is true he killed the angels, all of them.

Angel: Something doesn't add up? How are the angels going to do extermination day without their flying pigeons?

Charlie: I'm going to my room now.(Charlie saids and leaves)

Vaggie: Charlie?(Vaggie saids and follows Charlie)

Alastor: Hmm, do tell what went down at the meeting my friend.

DeadPool(Matt): Oh a very pissed off dickless angel leader is after for my head for killing his armies and shooting his dick off but I will be the one to take off his head after six months is up.

Alastor: Interesting.

Meanwhile in heaven, Adam was watching on the screen of his armies being killed off by DeadPool one by one and none of them couldn't harm him. The leader of the angel of the dead army grew angry of what he keeps on seeing while Lute was minding her own business.

Adam: How? How the fuck did that asshole do all of this? It doesn't make any sense, he only arrived a week ago and has already destroyed my entire army and made a fool out of me. Not to mention he shot off my dick! Arghhhh!!!! I hate that guy so much!

Adam: I'm coming for you DeadPool and I am going to drive my fucking weapon down your throat and then rip you to pieces. YOU ARE MINE.

Lute: Sir there seems to be a note stuck to your back.

Adam: What?

Lute: Here it is.(Lute saids and gets the note off Adam's back)

Adam: Let me see that.


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