Oh Hey there

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Alice's P.O.V

"Well um I brought you here to help us." Levi says "It's really complicated alice?" He says stepping back telling me to explain.

"Well fir- *CRASH*" all our heads turn to my bedroom door we hear some one moving around I grab my dad's gun and aim it at the door. The door handle jiggles and I place my hand over the trigger.

"Ouch yo! You really need to clean your room Ally" I hear a familiar voice say. I put down the gun as they step out of the room.

"Priscilla?! I could have shoot you! I told you not to sneak into the apartment like that." I yell

"Uh sorry?" She says laughing

"Ok who's that?!" Levi asks

"I'm her unbioloical sister you are?" Priscilla says taking an apple out of the fridge biting into it.

"Levi, her best friend. Alice how come you never mentioned her before?!" Levi says looking over at me.

"Wasn't really anything to talk about." I say shrugging my shoulders "let's get back to work pris can help us."

"Help? Help With what?" She says taking another bite of apple.

"Finding the man who killed my mother." As soon as I say this pris chokes on a piece of her apple.

"What!? I thought she left no one told me she was murdered!" Pris says tossing her apple towards the garbage can.

"No dad says she was murdered so we need to hunt him down and get revenge." I said bending down to pick up a box full of more old files.

"You know revenge is not always the answer." Levi says.

"It is in this family buddy." Priscilla says crossing her arms over her chest. "But if we're gonna do this we're gonna need help"

"What or should I say who do you have In mind pris?" I ask turning towards her

"A couple friends in 'Prison'" she says smirking.

I'm back guys thanks for being patient with me i love you guys. Am I forgiven for being M.I.A?

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