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"ok so tell me who's he?" my dad asks crossing his arms over his chest giving levi a death glare.

"this is levi dad my best friend." I say walking over to Levi.

"oh. Good thought I was gonna have to kill him for a second." he says still staring at levi who is still shaking.

"dad!" I say whining.

"so let me get this straight deadpool.thee deadpool is your father!" levi says

*wow he really likes speaking the obvious doesn't he."

Yeah no kidding.

"yeah Levi he's my crazy father who comes home late at night looking like swiss cheese." I say and Levin looks at me confused. "he has healing powers see!" I say shooting him in the leg.

"Ally! I told you not to do that anymore! But man, you make me so proud *fake crys*" dad says healing but slowly so we stand there awkwardly.

"anyway see he's fine!" I say put the gun back in it's holster.

"you guys are crazy." Levin says

"awe thank you!" me and dad say at the same time. "jinks!" we both say again.

"so wait what about you?" levi asks.

"what about what?" I say which confuses everyone.

"about the healing." Levin asks again.

"oh dad said I don't have healing because I was born before he became deadpool see." I pull up my shirt just enough to show him my injured side.

"see what?" he says looking at me confused.

"huh what do you mean?" I say looking down I turn to face my father who's trying to escape. "oh no you don't." I say running in front of him before he can lock himself in his room.

"oh hey ally I was just gonna you know sleep..well night!" he says trying to leave.

*he lied to us?..*

*that traitor!*

Shut up will ya!

"dad..you lied to me?" I ask unsure.

He sighs backing up a little "yes I lied but only to keep you safe." he says.

"safe!? SAFE!? You basically locked me in a room my whole life thinking I could die!" I yell

"well apparently it didn't work did it!" he yells back

"tell me the real reason!" I yell with more anger then ever before.

Silence he just stands there in silence.



Dun dun da! Cliff hangers yayyy.

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