The First Sentence

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*(This chapter will include videos for you to learn from!)*

Connie and Erick were discussing whether they should let Kylie go to her regular school, or if she should go to a school that teaches her ASL and has kids just like her.
"How is she going to learn if she can't hear," Erick was saying. "And she doesn't know a lot of ASL to have someone explaining school assignments to her. And nobody there knows sign language, so she can't even learn there at all. It's basically like sticking someone in a silent room and putting on a silent movie about people walking around. It's useless!"
"But she needs to stick to the same school. She can't be switched to different schools like this! She's already gone through a lot, why can't just do that to her!" Connie replied, grabbing some paper to go and teach Kylie some more sign language.
"But how is she going to learn anything?" Erick said, frustrated.
"I guess she'll be out of school to learn more ASL, and then we can put her back in. We can hire an interpreter that doubles as an ASL tutor to tell her what's going on, and to teach her more ASL. We just have to call her school and tell them what happened,"
Erick sighed, rubbing his forehead and thinking. "I guess. But I don't think it's the best idea."
"Erick, Sweetheart. I need you to back me up here. It's going to take the both of us to do this!" Connie said. "Are you with me?"
Erick looked at her for a second before pulling her in for a hug. "Of course, baby. Always."

'Okay, so what we're going to be learning is simple ASL music. Music is always the best way to learn a new language. Even if you hate music, music is still the best way to learn anything you want to remember! So, we're going to learn some words and then we're going to do the song. I know you can't hear anything, but you'll know the song when I teach you the signs. Does that sound good?'
Kylie read the paper and nodded her head at her mother.
"Okay," Connie said, giving her daughter a piece of paper.
Kylie looked at the paper, then pointed to her chest.
"She's doing the word I," Erick said.
Kylie then put her thumb and middle finger on her chest before drawing them out while touching them together.
"There's the word like," Connie said, smiling.
Then Kylie tapped her mouth with her gathered fingers.
"Now she's doing the word eat," Connie said excitedly.
Kylie made the letter X with her hand and put it to her chin. Afterwards, she twisted it back and forth.
"Apples," Erick said.
Lastly, Kylie put up her pointer finger, and with her other hand, she started peeling it like it was a banana.
"Bananas!!" Connie exclaimed, tears coming to her eyes.
That's when Kylie's confused eyes lit up.
"Oh!" Kylie thought. "I know this song!"
Kylie did the song over and over, singing in her head, "I like to eat, eat, eat apples and bananas."
"Good job, my baby girl!!" Connie exclaimed, grabbing Kylie for a hug. "You just did your first sentence!"
After a bit of hugging, Connie let go so Kylie could keep practicing.
'You just signed your first sentence, baby. I'm so proud of you!' Connie wrote, and Kylie read. They smiled at each other.

A little description: Just like Kylie, you need to learn how to sign your first sentence. I will give you a couple of sentences to learn for your first sentence. You can choose whatever one you want, and learn. It's important that it's one that you like the most and you can memorize the most.
So, go ahead! Memorize the sentence, and have fun with your friends and family signing them!

If you have anymore questions on ASL, feel free to ask and I'll answer as soon as I can.

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