The Trial

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So as amity and nocedas walk in the court room. Amity saw her father who look even more dead then before. 

Amity it good see you dear.

Amity stare lean next to luz ear.

Alador sir amity isn't comfortable talking to you. It not because of what happened just she just not comfortable.

Alador just nod in response. In his head i am a horrible father.

Time skip to trial. The judge spoke. Mrs blight you are being charge with child abuse child in dangerment and handful other crimes. How do you pleade your case.

Not quietly your honor.

Very well then please bring in orb.

Excause me what honor.

This orb design show any crimes someone has done if show you be sent to life in prison. Now odalia blight and amity blight may you please hand your finger.  Both them did so. It show their history. From the burns. To threate on willlow.

I see with this evidence i find you odalia blight gutiley you shall be give twenty years in prison cannot be anywhere near amity. Also tyour wealth be given to your twins. Now guards.

The guards grab her as she kick and scream about her rights.

Now on alador blight how you plead sir.

Quilety your honor i have royal scream my kids and i desvere to be in prison.

Well since came clean you get fifteen years amity will choose if your allow near her afterwards. Your wealth be give to your twins. Guards if you may. The guards ask alador place under his back.

As he walk to prison bus he turn to amity. Amity deae i like say i am sorry and that your in good hands goodbye amity. He said walking off.

As he left amity sheld small tear.

Amity sweetie you okay.

Kinda no it little hard seeing that. Sorry camilla i not usely good with my emontions.

Camilla hug her it okay hon let all out noone will judge you.

Thanks camilla can we stop somewhere for ice scream.

Oh that what call ice cream here sure hun.

Time skip to ice scream shop.

So kid what going do now.

Well to be honest eda i don't know. I guess just live my life as it is.

Do you need any help with anything.

No camilla me ed and em are use to not having them around hut this going be longest we had to depend on each other.

Well just know regardless you have home with us. Camilla said giving her pat on back.

Thank you camilla amity smiled know that she was free of her biggest nightmare.

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