14 | Home Sweet Home

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It is rightly said- home isn't a place. It's a feeling. The moment I enter the familiar threshold of my house, I realize I have been craving that feeling. The sun has set, and I'm welcomed with one of mom's warm hugs, followed by Daisy's air-knocking embrace. My dad grins at me, and I freeze at my first glimpse of him.

Exactly how much time has passed since I last saw him? His pale skin, the hollows that frame his eyes, doesn't stop him from looking any less charming in his office attire. He has lost a few pounds, and his neck looks thinner when he adjusts the tie around his collar. Daisy takes the duffel from my hand and follows mom down the hall to my room.

Me and dad, both stare at each other, trying to put up a show of our strength, and then my composure crumbles, and my legs rush towards him as his strong, less muscular hands reach out to me. "There's my girl," my father whispers in his gravelly voice, his glassy eyes locking on mine, and I fumble over his shoulders as he pulls me in a bear hug.

"I missed you, Dad," I mumble against his chest, sniffing and holding him tightly with my trembling fingers. He kisses the top of my head, holding me with such fierceness that it turns my stomach, his urgency so unguarded, a man who needs his daughter. A sob dies at the back of my throat as I realize how much it will break me if I lose him forever. The mere thought of it wracks me with so many emotions, and I feel stupid to believe any of his assurances.

I had believed when he appeared strong on the call, cracking light-hearted jokes about living for a hundred years. And now, as we grip each other as if this could be our final hug, I feel ashamed for staying away from the town for my selfish reasons. How could anything weigh heavier than this man who raised me, who loves me unconditionally, and who is holding me as if I'm his lifeline? Adrian was right when he said, "We often neglect what we have for what we want."

In this moment of truth, when I finally accept the ways I have failed him, I know that we never abandon the one we love, the one who owns our heart. No matter what the situation is- my father deserves my strength, my presence, and I decide to be the daughter he sees in me.

I keep holding on to dad's soothing embrace until it hits me, his test results. My heart hammers with so many possibilities, good and bad. My eyes pinch as I finally ask him in a whisper, still hugging him for dear life. "Dad, did you hear from the doctor?"

He holds the back of my head and makes me look at him, a loving smile spread across his face. My dad isn't much of an affectionate person, but he wipes away my tears with so much adoration that I feel all of his emotions in those gentle touches. He nods, brushing my hair out of my face, and kisses my forehead.

"There's nothing to worry about, Violet. I'm okay. They ran a couple of tests, scans, and whatnots, but the good thing is I don't have cancer. It's just Perivascular calcification in its early stage, hence the seizures." He says with assurance in his eyes. "I'm here, Violet, and we'll get through this together. I'm under the care of the best doctors."

Even though I'm relieved that it's not cancer, brain stones can be dangerous too. I'm crying once again with worry. He's not well, not life or death sick but not in good health either. I hug him back, letting him know that I'm still concerned for him.

"I was so scared, dad. What would I do if you ever fell sick? I need you, Dad. Mom and Daisy need you too."

"I know, baby," he whispers, kissing the top of my head, and I feel two more warm frames wrapping around us. Mom and Daisy, join us for the family hug, making my heart race with happiness and love for the first time in months.


Hours later, after our family reunion hug, we are sitting around the dinner table. Apart from Mom, Dad, and Daisy, Adrian's mom Julian has joined us for the meal. It was Mom's idea when I told her about Adrian's gift.

Adrian had spent an entire afternoon, shop hopping in search of a worthy present for his mother, something which would compensate for his absence.

"There's nothing that can compensate for your absence, Adri." I'd said.

"Yeah, but there's one thing, though," he grinned, tipping his head towards Sue's Chocolate Shop.

Julian loves chocolate, and the way her green eyes, same as Adrian sparkled when I handed her the jumbo-sized box, I knew he was right. Nothing warms my heart more than the bond he shares with his mother. Not just that, he shares her surname as well instead of the father who abandoned them both.

The room is filled with light conversation and laughter. Mom has whipped up a dinner that includes every dish that's my favorite.

We are halfway through our meals, discussing some medical complications related to Dad's condition, then my classes for the final semester and Adrian's upcoming game when Julian catches the notification on my phone. It's from Adrian, and the prick has to send me a series of hearts and kisses. She flashes me a grin but then replaces it with a blank look. "So, do you know this new girl Adrian's obsessed with? He mentioned something about taking her for a date."

I stuff my mouth with broccoli and give her a nervous smile. The grin is back on her face, which seems to transfer around the table, and as I swallow a mouthful of salad, they wait for my response.

"He didn't mention anything like that to me, though." I clear my throat, gulping down a glass full of water.

"I think it's a close friend." Daisy chirps from beside me, and I don't miss the playfulness in her voice. It appears they already know who the girl is, or they are assuming it's me, but I still try to keep this from them. I will until we've gone through with the date. The last time they imagined something like that, I was crying in my room, waiting for Adrian, and he never came.

Turning to Julian, I find her face beaming with a smug smile. "You'll tell us about her if he shares with you, won't you, Violette?" She raises her brow then gazes back at my phone's screen as a few more notifications pop up. All of them are from Adrian.

I nod at her, flipping my phone and giving a flushed chuckle. I don't miss how everyone around the table suppresses their laughter. I squeeze my eyes and drink some more water to subside the heat across my cheeks. For the rest of the dinner, I ignore the topic that's Adrian. But I'm sure every time my phone dings with a notification, everyone has their eyes on me.

As the day finally ends and I succumb to the familiar warmth of my bed, I have the rest of the week planned. I have to take Daisy for quick shopping, solve sudoku with Dad, take naps on Mom's lap and then meet Emma over a drink(smoothie preferably, but who knows).

I stare at the ceiling, and a small smile appears on my lips as I take in the faded glow worms. Adrian had helped me stick those across the bare white of my room.

My heart blows a trumpet of war as I try to settle for the comfort Adrian has to offer while pushing away the unfurling memories, memories of you, Augustus.

Your absence is felt ten times when I'm in Winsbay, the town which bathes with the memories of your dimpled smile, dear Augustus. But it's also my home. It breathes with the existence of my family.

I turn on my phone and open the text messages Adrian has sent me over the day.

Adri: My heart won't stop whining. Do I need a therapist?

Adri: I think it wants to feel you around.

Adri: I don't think I can be without you. It's crazy, right. Do you think I'm going crazy?

Adri: Hell! I miss you, V.

His messages show I haven't left his mind even when I'm far. I had been in the whirlwind of waiting, an unattainable love. I'm not in that place anymore, and it's all because of Adrian. As far-fetched love feels right now, I'm sure I will get there soon.

Me: I miss you too, Adri.


"Do you remember Smoothie Shack?" Emma asks, looping her arm with mine as we take the familiar turn. My body stills in her hold, and my legs stop abruptly.

Of course, I remember Smoothie Shack and the stranger with amber eyes who used to work there. We spent many evenings sipping smoothies and creating memories. The moments are still fresh in my mind, and his smile is raw in my heart.

"I thought we were dressed up for a party, not to meet over smoothies and milkshakes," I roll my eyes, pushing away the tug in my heart and forcing my heels down the sidewalk.

"A lot has changed in a year, Violet," she grins at me. "Now they don't just serve smoothies and milkshakes. I think you're going to love the new establishment there."

I shake my head and laugh. "It better be a good one."

I smooth my hands over my hair and release a pent-up breath as soon as we near the shack. My phone vibrates inside my jacket, and a smile bites into my cheeks as I read the message.

Adri: Today's game was great, but I missed you in my jersey.

"So, you and Adrian are a thing now," Emma raises an eyebrow, taking a quick peek at my phone.

Are we a thing now? I lock my screen and give her an exasperated huff. "He's my friend, Em."

She puts her hand on top of mine and smirks knowingly. "Yeah, Adrian was your friend even when you had a crush on him."

"Can you stop embarrassing me for one second?" I say, shoving her away from my side, and she laughs.

She comes back to my side and wraps her arms around my shoulders. "In that case, we need to find you someone to date."

I bite my bottom lip and chuckle at her words. Only if she knew - I already have a date next week with Adrian, and just the thought of it makes a shiver run down my spine.

"Make sure that someone doesn't meet Adri in this lifetime."

She clicks her tongue. "Now, I know why you're still single."

I burst out laughing and grab her hand, looping our arms once again. We have a three-block walk ahead, and I'm already feeling the dread of nostalgia creeping into my heart.


Author's Note: I guess I had to stop this chapter right here. I promise, there's a huge twist coming up in the next couple of chapters.

Let me know if you've already guessed it by the end of this chapter.

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