Chapter 1: I love you

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Nanon went back in front of his full body mirror, and checked his appearance again. 

Undeniably, he was handsome. 

He was wearing a tucked-in striped tee paired with a dark blazer jacket, cropped trousers, and white sneakers. His hair was fixed to a stylish manner that complimented his boy-next-door look. He also didn’t forget to check his breath and pearly white teeth for any stain which some people tended to neglect just because they had a perfect outer look. You know, anything can happen on a date. Not that he's expecting it, but just in case there would be a close encounter, where their breaths needed to mingle, he had to be ready. Then, for the finishing touch, he sprayed his woody scent perfume.

Rechecking his appearance, he thought that it's already perfect. For the first time in his life, he became thankful with his parents' genes that made him handsome. He didn't have to worry that he would be rejected because of his looks. He just had to look out for other aspects.

Satisfied, Nanon got his phone and car key then headed to the parking lot. He already bought a present for his date, but he thought of buying flowers. He watched from dating tips that flowers could lighten up the mood of your date. It's one of the basic necessities to first date. Having this could lead to higher success rate outcome, hence he would like to try this.

The only problem was, this wasn't the first time that they would be going out. Nanon just liked to consider it as their first date because it's the time he finally got the courage to confess his feelings to his best friend, Chimon.

Yes, he had a romantic feeling for his best friend which he's been keeping for a long time, and thought that he wouldn't get a chance to really confess because of several factors: 

First, his parents were the typical 'homophobes' who wanted to protect their impeccable image. His mom was a former public servant with a clean record in the industry, while his dad was a director of one of the prestigious catholic schools in the country. All their life, they're maintaining their image as if a simple stain would cause them death. If they would find out that their only son liked a man, they might faint in anger. They already hated his best friend because he was raised by two dads, they would surely curse him once they knew their son liked him romantically.

Second, Chimon has a boyfriend. HAD a boyfriend. They broke up when the jerk chose to study abroad over his best friend. Chimon usually had a smile on his cute face no matter how difficult the situation was. He didn't even cry when they fought. He even punched him on the face to tell how mad he was at him. But for that jerk, his eyes became a faucet that never stopped leaking. He cried days and nights until there were no tears left in him. Nowadays, Chimon would say that he no longer had feelings for the jerk. But, every time there would be something that would remind him of his 'ex', his eyes would get teary. Well, Nanon understood him as that jerk was Chimon's first love. 

And third, as mentioned, Chimon had been his best friend since high school. Nanon was afraid of losing his best friend when he confessed his feelings. Aside from being a friend, he didn't know if Chimon can accept him in a romantic way. For the past years, he's trying to hint him of his hidden feelings, but failed to get any reaction. Well, Chimon was kind of dense. If you want to be understood by him, you had to be straightforward. Perhaps, because it's the same with his personality. He's too straightforward with what he wanted. Actually, when he realized that he liked the jerk, he told it right away despite the probable rejection. He believed that it's better to be honest than hopelessly thinking of what ifs.

Meaning to say, him not confessing anything to Nanon meant that he had no romantic feelings for him. He was just his best friend. But Nanon, for the first time in his life, wanted to take the gamble. He was trying so hard to stop this emotion, but the more he concealed it, the deeper it got until he can no longer bear to see Chimon with another person. 

And this time, he didn't care anymore. He didn't care what his parents might say or the other people. He didn't care if the jerk was still in Chimon’s heart. And he didn't care if he would be rejected. He wanted to be honest with what he felt. He just wanted to tell the world how much he loved his best friend that he's willing to do everything for him. 

These past years, he worked so hard so that he could be free from his parents’ shadows. He wanted to be independent and be responsible for his own life. He didn't want to be the same wimpy boy who only agreed to his parents’ wishes and was scared of the judgment of the society. This time, he made the call.

So how come he decided to confess today to Chimon?

Yesterday was Chimon’s birthday. Of course, he had to celebrate it with his family hence they couldn't celebrate it together. Although they insisted on joining them, he thought, he didn't want to impose on them. Perhaps, when he became Chimon’s boyfriend, he could finally consider himself as part of their family, and be with them whenever he wanted. 

That's why today after gathering all his courage, he thought this was the right time to tell him his unrequited love. He had been stalling for a long time, if he would stall it again, he believed he would lose his chance.

After buying a bouquet of flowers which he chose personally according to his best friend's likes, Nanon headed to the place he asked Chimon to meet. 

He didn't know what he's feeling. His hands were wet and shaking; his heart seemed to jump out of his chest. He's nervous, but at the same time, excited. He's also hoping that it will turn out right tonight, wishing that his best friend would give him a chance to prove his love. 

Suddenly, his phone rang which startled him especially after seeing the caller's I.D..

It's Chimon. His heart drumed harder in his chest. He tried to calm himself before he put on his earphones and answered it. 

"Hello…" He felt proud with how calm his voice sounded though there's havoc inside.

"Where are you? I'm already at your restaurant, and no one's dining. Are you sure we should meet here? I think it's close," Chimon said, his voice will always be like music to his ear.

But, did he hear it right? Chimon was already there? Checking the time, he realized that he's been spacing so much, he forgot to check the time and now he's running late. Damn!

He cleared his throat and answered, "P'New is there with the others. They will let you in."

"Really? The lights are off. Should I just come in?"

Then, Nanon remembered the set up they had made.

The plan was him and Chimon would be walking inside together where the lights would be on to show his surprise. If Chimon would be getting in first, of course, he would see it and might be confused that could ruin everything. Thus, he shouldn't see it!

"No!” he yelled. A car honked at him for his sudden brakes. He muttered his apologies, then turned back to the other line  “I mean, wait. Wait for me to arrive. I'm almost there."

"Hmm? Why? I feel suspicious. Is there a surprise for me?"

Nanon sweared under his breath and almost wanted to bang his head to the steering wheel. How can he forget that Chimon was too perceptive, he could find out almost all the surprises, except someone's feelings. Nanon should have been careful when speaking to him. Perhaps, if he didn't buy those flowers, he should have arrived first and wouldn't be in this situation. 

But anyway, since he's already there and nothing can be rewound, he should just keep his cool and act like it's nothing big. Chimon might have found out the surprise, but not really the confession, right?

"Just pretend you know nothing, okay. Just wait for me outside," Nanon uttered calmly like nothing big was going to happen.

"Fine. I'll wait for you here. Hurry up. I don't want to stand longer outside."

"Yes, yes. See you."


The moment Nanon hung up, he immediately calls P'New, his senior in high school who fortunately became his friend and one of the few people who knew his secret affection and now helping him to make the confession possible. 

When he picked up the call, he told him right away that Chimon was already waiting outside. Surprised, New started telling others what he said and ordered to hurry up the preparation. Nanon felt grateful that the older was there or else, it will turn out messy. In his head, he promised that he will return the favor to his Phi someday.

"Should we get Chimon?" New asked.

"No need to get Chimon, Phi. I'll get him myself. We'll be sticking to the plan. I'm closer anyway."

"Okay, Non. Give me a call when you're here. We'll be on standby."

"Thank you so much, P' New."

"No problem. We're happy to help our handsome boss."

Nanon smiled. P'New didn't work at his restaurant. He actually had his own food store which was bigger than his. But, since the day he started this business, P'New guided him all throughout the process. Without him, Nanon might have still wondered his way to this business. So, he's truly grateful to him. 

It's just that, P'New loved to tease him by calling him 'boss' as how his crew called him. He didn't tell them to call him that way. It just began when Chimon gave him that name after his first visit to the place. The crew then realized what his silly smile meant on that day that they started adapting and using it, too, as a way to tease him and remind him of how hopelessly in love he was. In short, his crew were aware of his feelings for his best friend.

Nanon was really in a good mood. Excited and nervous. It's the day he's been waiting since the day he realized his own feelings, and no one can stop him now…

It's just that, when he arrived, he saw that Chimon was not alone outside. The person he's with seemed not part of his crew and the aura he was emitting was definitely different from his crew members. The man looked like he didn't belong to their place for he seemed to be too sophisticated to be in their area, even though he's only seeing the man's back. 

But, he could see Chimon's face. And Chimon's faced was stunned as if a ghost had just appeared… 

...or was it really a ghost?

He quickly parked his car, and alighted. He even forgot to get the flowers on the passenger seat as the man suddenly grabbed Chimon's hand. 

Nanon sweared under his breath. He's not a gangster, but he felt the sudden boil of his blood and the desire to punch the man.

"Hey! Let go of him!" he shouted as he walked toward them.

Then, the man turned. 

Nanon was freezed on his place.


His eyes widened, unable to continue. Then he looked at Chimon who had the same expression as him. Now he knew why his best friend was stupefied…

It was Pluem...

Pluem was back.

Chimon's ex and first love was back.

"Nanon," Pluem said, not surprised at all with his presence. "I see. You're still friends." 

As usual, Pluem was calm as if nothing happened between him and Chimon and they were back to the old times. Except, the young boy was now a man just like them, and having this menacing aura he didn't have before. 

"I guess the two of you have a prior plan. But, sorry, Nanon. I would like to talk to Chimon alone," he added.

"Alone?" Nanon then recovered his senses from being shocked. "No! Why would I let you talk to him?"

"There are things I would like to tell him."

"You already left him, remember? Then you will just show up and tell you would like to talk to him?! No. You can no longer talk to Chimon!"

"I'm not asking for your permission. I'm just telling you because you're his best friend and apparently made a prior schedule. It's just, I don't think I could wait for you two to be done, so I apologize for being rude, I need to take Chimon with me. Now, if you would excuse us, we have to go."

Pluem turned away from him, and was about to drag the still stupefied Chimon. Though Chimon was constantly telling him that he had moved on, in reality, he still couldn't resist Pluem when he showed up. 

But, Nanon wouldn't let it happen. He was supposed to confess his long time feelings for his best friend tonight, yet, this jerk chose to appear out of nowhere. Then, what? Expect to get Chimon back? He wished!

Nanon grabbed Chimon's other hand as well, making them stop. Chimon looked at him, puzzled as if he's the one intruding them. Nanon only tightened his grip.

"Chimon. Don't come with him. He'd be just playing with you again," he muttered, hoping his best friend could see his pleading eyes.

However, this friend of his really was completely bewitched by the jerk. 

"We'll just talk. You don't have to worry," Chimon answered back.

"Then what? He'll ask you to come back to his life? And you would gladly do so. Afterwards, he would leave you again like a toy, and you would cry night and day again? Come on, Chimon. That person is a jerk. You don't have to follow everything he's saying."

"It's not what you're thinking. Pluem just comes back from America. He just wants to catch up like ---"

Chimon wasn't able to finish his words as Pluem suddenly interrupted him.

"What if your friend is right?" he asked Chimon. "What if I want you back to my life, will you take it?" They stared at each other like they used before, and, damn! Nanon now became the intruder just like before, too.

Like a movie, all the scenarios flashed back to his mind. He used to be the third wheel. The mediator whenever they fought. The helper to each other's surprises. The sideline in their beautiful love story. Would he let this happen again? Was he okay to play the role of just a best friend again?

"I love you, Chimon," Nanon suddenly confessed. Hearing that, Chimon could no longer stare at his ex, then slowly turned to look at him. "I love you so much I think my heart will explode," Nanon declared.

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