Chapter 3: Never again

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Nanon was awakened by the constant ringing of his phone. He had tried turning it off several times but the damn phone won't stop ringing. He still wanted to sleep. He didn't know what time they had gotten home, but he remembered his neighbor's rooster already crying when he got to his house.

He wanted to rest more as the alcohol in his system seemed not to leave his body yet. He was so damn tired. His head was aching, his stomach felt like somersaulting. He planned to stay on the bed for the whole day since it's his day off from work. Well, technically, he made it off from work.

Yet this phone... he should've turned it off when he arrived home. Now, he was suffering.

But, wait! Did he set his alarm on?

He had a long day yesterday, and aside from being physically exhausted, he's also mentally and spiritually drained. It's impossible for him to set the alarm in that state, and he's not fond of setting it up automatically, too...

He tried to listen to the ringtone. Thinking about it, was it the ringtone of his alarm?

No. It's different. No matter how drunk he was, he would never set his favorite song as an alarm. Meaning, someone was calling...

Ah no, it's not just someone but Chimon since it's the ringtone he specifically chose for him so that he would know he's the caller and could answer it immediately!

He smiled like an idiot, hugging the pillow. After what happened last night, it's good to know that Chimon was still calling him...


Chimon was calling him!!

His eyes abruptly opened, despite the heavy lids, with the realization. He couldn't remember how many times he had hung up the call, but the idea that he hung up Chimon's call make him dumbfounded. How damn stupid he was!

Dragging himself, he reached to the bedside table where his phone was. His sudden actions made him dizzy, he felt like his room was spinning, but he tried his best to ignore it.

"Hello," he greeted.


He thought he had pressed the wrong icon again, but the call was answered.

Then finally, the person on the other line spoke. "What's wrong with your voice? Are you okay?"

Nanon frowned and cleared his throat. He's not aware that his voice was a bit husky and dry because he just woke up, and his previous night's shenanigans.

"I just woke up," he said, closing his eyes as the sneaking sunlight hurt his eyes.

"Oh, sorry. Didn't know you're still sleeping. Usually, you're already awake by this time."

"What time is it?"

"It's 1pm."

He silently groaned. He was really wasted.

After New and Tay bickered a lot, they decided to drink more alcohol. New was upset because of Tay's secret. Then Tay tried to divert the attention from him to Nanon who was originally the heartbroken one. They drank as they planned for his next confession and how they would intervene Pluem. They just stopped drinking when they finished all the alcohol stock in the resto. Luckily, Tay had a strong alcohol tolerance, he was able to drive them back to their house. But, before that, Nanon had a bit of memories of how he and New made Tay frustrated by acting like drunk idiots who sang and shouted on the streets. Luckily, they were not arrested by the police for the disturbance they did.

"Sorry, but could I just call you later. I'm not really in a good shape to talk to you right now," Nanon said, feeling like his skull was ripping after remembering the scenarios yesterday.

"You're sick," Chimon concluded. "Have you taken medicine? I'll be coming to your house now."

"No need. I'm fine. I just need to sleep so I'll hang up, okay?" Though he didn't want to immediately end the call as he liked hearing his best friend's voice, it's just that his head was really killing him.

He heard Chimon sigh. "Fine. Take a sleep. Call me when you wake up."

Since Nanon felt so exhausted, he fell asleep right away the moment the call ended.

Nanon didn't know how long he had been sleeping. When he woke up, his room was darker than usual. Perhaps, it's already night. Also, his headaches already subsided. He just felt lazy to get up from bed for sleeping too much, thinking that he could get up the next day. However, his bladder urged him to use the comfort room, and at the same time, his stomach was complaining about being empty for the whole day. Thus, without much of a choice, he got up from his bed to tend on his personal needs.

Afterwards, he took a glimpse of himself in the mirror. Though, sleeping for too long, he still looked so haggard. His hair was so messy, bags under his eyes, and tiny stubbles were starting to show.

Yesterday, he was the most handsome man, but today he's so hideous, even an ogre could look more handsome if it would be put beside him.

Was it the effect of being heartbroken?

Heartbroken without even starting, tsk!

Brushing the idea, Nanon walked out of his bathroom and headed to the kitchen to cook a simple meal for his grumbling stomach.

He didn't usually cook as he used to eat at his restaurant. He didn't even know if there were still ingredients in the fridge, but he wished it would be enough for him to have a decent meal. If none, then, he would just need to order online though he's not fond of calling delivery.

He yawned as he walked to the kitchen, scratching his bare belly. The marble floor was cold on his bare feet, but again, he felt lazy to get his indoor slippers in the bedroom. Anyway, he was used to walking barefoot so he didn't really care.

He opened the fridge, and as expected, it's empty except for some beer and expired milk. Some of his face masks and skin regimens that had to be chilled were also inside. Most of it were gifts. But, could he eat those? Could it make his stomach full? At times like this he wondered why he had more skin products in his fridge than food. Perhaps, he could think of his priority. So, leaving no choice, he had to call delivery to eat.

He went back to his room to get his phone. He was about to call the food delivery when he received a message.

Chimon: So, are you just going to ignore me?

Lines were formed on Nanon's forehead. He didn't get what he meant.

Nanon's reply: what do you mean?

*New message

Chimon: you're crazy. Are you sleepwalking and texting?

N: what?

C: you basically passed by me walking to the kitchen then back to your room.

N: passed by you? I'm at my house.

C: I know. I can see you.


Abruptly, Nanon turned around to the door, and there was Chimon, sluggishly leaning on the frame as he stared at him with a raised eyebrow.

"What the heck is wrong with you? If I were a murderer, you are already dead," Chimon said.

Well, he felt dead inside because he just dumped him yesterday!

But anyway, how come Chimon was at his house? Was he real or just part of his dream?

"Why are you here? How did you get inside?" Nanon asked.


"Why do I feel offended with your questions?" Chimon stoped leaning on the frame and walked toward Nanon. "First of all, I know your passcode. You told it to me back then so I could get in your house anytime I want. Been doing that since you moved here just to remind you. And..." he stoped in front of him, which for Nanon seemed to be too close so he moved a step back. Nanon felt kind of intimidated, though he's inches taller than him. "I stopped by here because I thought you were sick, and needed someone to take care of you. I even cooked a soft meal in case you feel hungry the moment you wake up. But, you ignore it as well. I'm really starting to get annoyed at you."

Nanon stared at him...

...Then poked his best friend's straight nose to make sure that he's not hallucinating.

He couldn't help smiling after knowing that Chimon was real, and that he's not just dreaming.

Meanwhile Chimon looked at him like he's crazy.

"Fuck! Are you on drugs?!" Chimon blurted.

"What? I am not!" he quickly denied. "You know I won't be using it!"

"Are you sure? Because you look like you're still high." Chimon squinted at him. Well, he couldn't blame him because his actions were quite bizarre. "Even though we're best friends I won't hesitate to call the police. Just what the heck did you do last night?"

"I am not using drugs, okay? I was with P'New and P'Tay. You may ask them if you want to. We were just drinking last night and got wasted so I look like this." Then he gestured to himself who had messy hair, stubbles, and was only wearing boxer shorts.

Nanon was used to sleeping with only his boxers on as it's more comfortable. Hence, when he got home from their drinking session, it's only natural for him to remove all his clothes except for the boxers. His clothes were still even on the floor of his bedroom, scattered. He's used to doing it and basically, Chimon was used to seeing him half-naked as well since he's occasionally staying at his home.

Nanon shouldn't be thinking too much about it, right? Yet why the hell he felt so conscious all of a sudden? he just wanted the earth to open up and swallowed him whole.

He crossed his arms over his bare chest as a coverage like a virgin caught naked. (Well, technically, he's a virgin.)

"I--I'll just wash up to sober up," he stammered, then quickly went to the bathroom to escape. "and I'm not using drugs!" he added in his defense, though he knew that Chimon might just be messing up with him.

Slamming the bathroom door, Nanon screamed... silently. He also pulled his hair out of frustration and promised to never get drunk again.

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