December 12, 1944

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December 12th, 1944

Dear Bea,

I hope Jack made it home alright and that the trip Stateside wasn't too bad. I'm sure he'll be settled in before you know it. Be sure to let him know I'm waiting to hear from him too. He said he'd write as soon as he got home to let me know how the trip went.

I'm sure you're doing just fine, Bea. Just be your normal, cheerful, bossy, stubborn self. And get him out of the house. I'm not sure how long it'll be before he's up for dancing again, but I'm sure there's lots else you can do. Take him to the pictures, maybe? Or even into the city? I heard one of the infantry guys saying they'd heard from back home that they weren't going to be actually lighting the Tree at Rockefeller Center this year because of blackout rules or something, but it should still be a sight to see. And maybe you could even go skating. Is it snowing there yet? It is here. Sort of. It's a little miserable, actually. It's either raining or snowing or both.

But we're managing. It's making fighting a little tricky at times, but we're still going strong. We may not have managed the Christmas goal, but the end is definitely coming. We're beating them all, Bea. Next year for sure. And definitely before Christmas. We may even be home in time to go to Coney Island this summer. Wouldn't that be something? I'm curious to see how Steve does on the rides now that he's not his scrawny old self. Don't tell him I said that. I'm not sure he's forgiven me yet for the last time we went.

Say hi to everyone for me and pass on my love. I hope you all like your gifts. Tracking them down was a little tricky this year but I managed it. And be sure to tell Jack I'm glad he's home. That it's a load off my mind to know that at least one of us is there for you and Mom. Especially in time for Christmas. He probably won't want to hear it, but I can't help but think it's important that he does. I miss you all, and I'll try to get home as soon as I can.

Love you, Bumblebee. Merry Christmas.


A/N: Thanks for reading!

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