September 22, 1944

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September 22th, 1944

Dear Bumblebee,

Okay, now I'm concerned. Gordy? Jack's friend Gordy Ferris? You're just trying to torment me, right? Is this the payback you threatened me with all those months ago for calling you Bumblebee? And did you really just dare me to track him down? Oh, Bumblebee. Surely you know me better than that. Haha!

But I suppose if it makes you happy, I could be persuaded to be okay with it. Unless he hurts you. Then all bets are off. And then he'll have me, Jack and Captain America to answer to. You might want to warn him about that. And that includes getting himself killed, you know. Better tell him that too. I'll let Jack know to pass the message on too. Just to be safe, you know.

But the nursing thing I'm not sure about, Bea. I don't doubt that you'd be more than good at it. You were always better at patching Steve up than I was, even when you were a kid. But coming over here? Even as a nurse? It's a big decision. And a dangerous one. Especially if you make it out here. Honestly, Bea, it scares me just thinking that you might get anywhere near this fight. It's bad enough that Jack's over here, now. And after Danny?

I've been thinking about it a lot since I got your letter, Bea. A lot. I'm still not sure about it but— Just be absolutely sure, okay? There are always things to do to help that don't involve coming over here and putting yourself in the line of fire. Even writing us is no small thing. It gives us a little bit of home to hold onto, you know. And that makes it easer to keep fighting. It really does.

But I get it. I really do. You're too much like me and Danny. Jack too. Not one of us can seem to sit back from the fight when it's the right thing to do, it seems. And I can get where Abigail's coming from too, with the idea of helping the War helping against the grief. I don't doubt that same feeling is what pushed Jack. I bet it's probably pushing you too, even if you don't think it is. So, as much as I want to put my foot down and say you shouldn't do it, even try and pull rank as the oldest and forbid it, if you think you have to do it, then I won't stop you, Bumblebee. Mostly because I know I wouldn't be able to stop you anyway. I wasn't able to stop Jack, after all. And you're far more stubborn than he is. I think you might even be as stubborn as Mom, and we've got nothing on her. Just, maybe hold off? Wait a couple months. Think it over. Be sure.

Who knows. The War might be over by then and it won't be necessary. Then we'll all be home and I can give Gordy the proper big brother speech. I'm sure he did a decent job of it, but I still don't trust that Jack hit all the points, what with Gordy being his friend and all.

Don't do anything rash, Bea. That's all I ask.

Give Mom my love.

Your favorite big brother,


A/N: Thanks for Reading!

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