Attention Lawson Brothers

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~+Four Months: Medical Ward+~

The Lawson family has been in and out of the medical ward visiting Tomi in his coma state sleep. Tom came most often to check on his son for the sake he still looks healthy. Tord came with Amy and Grace regularly to make sure he's recovering  with the right fluids going through his IV. Tika came with Asher and Will most times to bring a couple of familiar stuff such as Tomee Bear or drawings.

Torm on the other hand could not bring himself to step foot into Tomi's medical room in the day time. He stayed locked up in his shared bedroom for the day. It made Asher have to move into Tika's room with Tord making Seth keep watch of the boy at all times.

However, in the dead of the night, Torm would leave his room with no sound to awaken the others. Like now he snuck into Tomi's private medical room, avoiding the night soldiers, and took a seat close to his little brother's bedside.

He gently slips his hand into Tomi's and holds it.

"Tomi... please wake up..."

It would be like this every other night.

The voices in his head telling him it's not enough, reminding him he's a failure of a brother.

Torm stood up from his seat and gently scoots his brother over a bit on the bed. He gets on the bed to lie down next to Tomi.

'How long has it been since we last did this?' The devil wonders watching his sleeping brother breath in even breaths. He kept holding his brother's hand, never letting it go even when he got on the bed.

"Hey Tomi? Remember that one time we painted Father with the paintball guns we found. It was so funny that Mother even started laughing so hard he fell on the ground with us." He rests his forehead against Tomi's and closes his eyes. It was one of their favorite memories together.

Torm chuckles softly, "What about that time we we hung out with Ace? We went to the forest line and built a little tree house. Mother was so happy to see our new little hideout and Father gave a thumbs up with our handy work." He could remember the day so clear in his mind. Tom and Tord are standing next to each other smiling happily, Ace as usual sucking on his lollipop by the ladder. Tomi sitting on in the doorway of the treehouse, letting his legs dangle out as he kicks them back and forth.

Red eyes open, looking at Tomi who has yet to respond to him.

"I'm sorry Tomi..." Behind his goggles, tears slowly collected in the corner of his blind eyes. "I'm so sorry..."

He wraps his free arm around his brother.

"Please wake up..."

He kisses Tomi's cheek.

"I miss you."

With those words, he slips to sleep next to his little brother.


Torm left the bed in the morning to go get some breakfast before going back to Tomi. He met with Sadie in the kitchen, she was glad to him out of his room now.

"Torm! You finally came out of you Little hell hole!"

The devil rolls his eyes at her but smiles none the less a little bit. "I do need to eat, I'm hungry."

"I got just the thing for you." Sadie turns back to the stove to while up something for the teen. Torm walks over to the table inside the kitchen and takes a seat on the chair next to it.

Later on, Sadie comes over with a plate of fettuccini Alfredo. A warm meal Torm likes to enjoy every once in awhile when situations around him feel cold. She places the plate on the table and sets down a cold glass of sweet tea for him.

"Thanks Sadie."

"No problem Torm, if you need anything else, feel free to ask any of us." She gestures to the cooking department who nods or voices their agreements with her room.

While Torm ate in the kitchen, Asher and Tika came into the dining hall and went up to the counter to get their food. Asher caught of Torm in the back and raise a brow at the eating teen.


Startled, Torm dropped his fork, the. Turned his attention to the counter. His sister and Asher looking at him with either confusion or relief. Tika brought Asher with her to the back entrance into the kitchen. They take a seat at the table with Torm who hadn't said a word since he saw them.

Tika looks at her brother with some concern. Torm could his sister's worry written all over her face, so he raises his hand to silently tell his sister to come closer to him. She scoots her chair closer to her brother little by little, until her brother grabs her chair to pull her straight over in one go, making a quick eep sound from the girl.

Torm looks at his sister to collect a few details about her. He hasn't seen her for a few days and she look as pale as a ghost. The devil hold her hand to find it cold, almost no warmth.

You're a failure Torm~

His haunting doppelgänger leans against him with crossed arms.

While you wallow in sadness for our little brother, you ignore our dear angel...

Torm brings his sister's hand up and kisses her knuckles. "I'm sorry Tika..." He apologizes. The Devil teen looks back at her and kisses her cheek.

His sister squeezes his hand while she tries to hold back from crying. Torm hugs her in silent comfort while patting her back.

Asher watches the two siblings with pitiful eyes. It's been stressful for the last to months. He had to watch Tika struggle as her older brother lock himself from the world in his room. Tika's second brother laying on a bed in coma sleep made her become silent.

"I missed you..."

"I know... I'm sorry I ignored you." Torm licks his sister's neck before resting his head on her shoulder. "I love you, don't forget that, okay?"

Tika hugs her brother back tightly. She misses her brothers, she misses their usual interactions and funny dances they would show her sometimes.

He lets go of her and takes a hold of her hand again, feeling warm again.


The devil looks to Asher who is calling for his attention. "Can we talk outside for a bit?"

Torm looks to his sister who smiles and pats him on the shoulder. "Go on Torm, I'll be here eating breakfast."

"Are you sure?"

"I'm sure. Go talk to Asher." Tika knew about Asher and her brother for awhile now since Torm locked himself in his room. Asher told her it wasn't official yet, all they did was make out.

Torm follows Asher outside of the kitchen where they move off to the side to give them some privacy. The devil could see his double corner resting just around the corner looking satisfied for the time being.

"What do you want Blackie?"

Asher turns around to look at him. "Torm, we should talk about what happened that day."

"Asher, I don't want to talk about this with you right now. My siblings need more attention right at the moment."

"So you're going to ignore we kissed..."

Torm walks closer to Asher and grabs the front of his grey button up shirt. Using his strong strength, he pushes the raven against the wall and gives him one hell of a kiss. Being mean he takes the younger teen's breath away when he adds his tongue to the kiss.

When Asher couldn't take it any more, he moves his hands to lightly touch at Torm's neck. Without a moment's notice, the devil lets him go, dropping him back on his feet.

"Ha... ha..." Asher tries to catch his breath as he lets the tingle of pleasure run through his veins.

"I'm not going to ignore that we did kiss Asher, it's just not important at the moment. I have siblings to look out for... I'm here, yet I'm failing them."

Asher expression softens as he starts feeling like a dick for forgetting how Torm's super protective over his siblings. He's been too caught up in obsessing over the kiss he forgot about the big detail.

"Sorry... But Torm, you should know you do everything for your siblings. You're committed and hard working to keep your siblings safe and happy." Asher comes up from behind Torm who had turned his back to him. He wraps his arms around the devil's waist as he rests his head on Torm's shoulder.

Torm brings his hand up and cups the side of Asher's cheek. "You're not a failure... You're more than qualified to have Tomi and Tika in your life as younger siblings."

The taller of the two turns around and cups both sides of Asher's face now. "Thank you Asher." They both share another kiss, a chaste one this time, before pulling apart. He holds Asher's hand as they go back to the kitchen.

Tika sees them come back hand in hand, a smile stretching her lips.

They only wish Tomi could be with them too.

~+Medical Ward+~

Grace and Lizzie make their way to Tomi's private room to record his vitals for today. As usual they would do this in case they found anything out of the ordinary. The scientist already did their tests on Tomi's inky colored tears to find nothing wrong even if the color threw them off.

When they open to the door of the room, they weren't suspecting the demon teen to be awake. Lizzie had her mouth open in awe as Tomi looks over at the guest who came into his room.

"Gracie? Lizzie?"

"Tomi!" Lizzie explains happily as she goes over to the teen to hug him while Grace is getting in contact with Blue. "You're awake!"

Tomi hugs the nurse tightly until he lets her go. She takes a step back to look at him. "What happened? Where's Mom, Dad, and Tikky?" He questions looking around.

Grace smiles as she comes up to the bedside next to Lizzie. "Your parents will be coming soon with you siblings." She looks at the teen curious, "What do you remember Tomi? We heard you passed out in Tika's room because you were acting out in you half shifted form. Torm and Asher even got injured in the process."

Tomi tilts his head to the side looking confused. "Asher, I remember him being there in the room, but..." He scratch's the back of his head.

"Who's Torm?"

Grace and Lizzie share a surprised expression hearing the young monster experiment question who his brother is.

"Tomi... Torm's your older brother, don't you remember?" Grace questions.

The demon shakes his head with a blank expression. "Last I remember Tika's my only blood related sibling. Are you guys pranking me? Because if you are that's a good one!" Tomi giggles his happily childish laugh.

Lizzie didn't know what to say, nor did Grace as Tomi's situation seemed to have gotten worse.

"Tomi!" The three look towards the source of the voice, their leader slash mom entering the room. His face took a relieved expression as Tom sees his son awake. "My baby boy-" The Doctor and nurse step aside to let their leader hug his son. "God I was so scared you were never gonna wake up."

Tomi snuggles his face against his mom's dress shirt, getting that familiar scent into his system, so warm and soothing. "I'm fine Mom." Tom smiles as he hugs his son more and kiss his temple.

"Blue... we need to talk to you outside." Grace said to inform their leader of the new problem.

Tom let's go his son and stands stright, he looks back at Grace. "What's wrong?"

Lizzie was left with Tomi while Tom went outside with Grace to talk. Tom closes the door behind them to give the conversation some privacy.

"Blue, it seems Tomi has a hole in his memory." Grace tells him in a whispered tone. "By hole, I mean he's missing memories of someone."

"Who?" Tom questions.

"Torm... He's not remembering his older brother. Tomi seems to remember everyone else in his life yet His memory of his own brother vanished."

Tom groans as he runs his hand down his face. "This might have to do with what Tika told us. Apparently, we recently learned Tomi has an Abandonment Issue, more circles around Torm." The brunet crosses his arms and leans back against the wall. He really does need to set Tomi up with help. "Whatever Torm did, I assume that's why Tomi forgot about the event. But it turned into forgetting Torm completely..."

Grace bit her bottom lip at the thought of the Devil teen finding out. There could be a lot of chaos.

The last big fight the soldiers remember between the two brother made the base cold.

Running footsteps made the turn turn to the source. The rest of the teens with Will heading toward's Tomi's door. They watch them enter the room.

"Is okay for them to go in?"

"They're going to have to know eventually Grace... It's better now then later. Let's follow along."

While Tom and Grace were walking back, inside the private medical room the group who came in immediately seek Tomi out.

Torm's the first to approach his brother's bedside and give him a hug so tight that it would have cracked something in a normal human's body.

"Tomi, oh thank god your okay!" The devil teen continues holding his brother close. "You're finally awake..."

Tika comes over with a bright smile, "Tomi you don't know how glad we are to finally have you awake again." She reaches out and holds her brother's hand feeling those familiar hands.

"Hi Tikky!" Tomi struggles a little bit to say since Torm is hugging so tight. His black eyes only focusing on his younger sister with the usual happiness swirling within. "Um.. Can you get this guy to let go of me?"

"Haha, really now Tomi, our brother's just being the usual with you." She giggles thinking the boy is joking around with them.

Tomi looks at his sister confused again like he did with the med staff and their mother. "Okay, it was funny the first time, but not the second. Seriously Tikky, did Mom get you to follow along too?"

Torm lets go of his brother and takes a step back. It felt unusual for his demon sibling to not be hugging him back. Tomi sat on his medical bed taking in the one-sided affection.

"Tomi, do you know who I am?"

"Am I suppose to?" Tomi questions back as he lets go of his sister's hand to fiddle with his fingers shyly.

"Tomi, it's me Torm... your older brother. You don't remember me?"

Once again the demon shakes his head. "I have no memory of you. I only remember my little sister Tika, Mom and Dad..." He leans over to look over at Asher and Will. "Will and Asher, not forgetting Gracie and Lizzie too." Black eyes return to the devil.

"But I don't remember you."

The red eyes on Torm's screen disappear, god he felt so empty. He felt cold...

Torm's doppelgänger chuckles as he leans over close to Tomi from the other side of the bed. His hand coming to cup Tomi's cheek to taunt Torm.

Pity isn't it?

It seems you weren't even worth remembering~

"Torm, was it?" Tomi notices the way Torm's digital eyes disappeared thinking he felt bad for not being surprise by the joke. He holds the older experiment's hand with care. "It's nice to meet you, I'm Tomi T. Lawson."

'I don't want any more tears...'

Oh Tormy~ There is only so much more to come

~+Leader Section Lobby+~

Tom had to hold his eldest son when he practically broke down after exiting the medical ward. He was even surprise Torm had the strength to not breakdown right then after he walked out of Tomi's room. It just shows how much Torm's trying to be strong and show weakness around his little brother.

"Tika, can you help your brother to his room. He needs to lie down and rest."

"Yes mom, can Asher help me?"

"Of course."

Asher and Tika took Torm away from Tom and lead him down the blue hall to his room.

Tom falls back on the couch and sighs. Tord, who got caught up with Tomi's current statue on his wake up call, sat by him. "Why can't we have one normal day?"

"Min Kjære, you know nothing's ever normal when it's either one of us, plus Matt and Edd." Tord kisses his husband's cheek before holding his hand. "Look, I already talked with my Head Doctor for my medical department, he'll talk to Tomi and handle his mental health."

Tom bit his bottom lip and let's it go. "Torm's the closest person to Tomi. I can't stop wondering about what happened that made our son forget about his big brother." He lays his head on Tord's shoulder and snuggles up to him. Tom closes his green eyes and tries to relax. Tord closes his eyes too as he tries to enjoy the close space they have together.

"We'll find out eventually Tom."

Meanwhile, Torm laid on his bed curled up on his side. His goggles haven't shown his eyes in awhile since Tomi told them he didn't remember him, ever since he's been unresponsive.

Tika looks at Asher sadly, "I never thought I'd see my brother like this..."

"I did so too, but life's just full of surprises." Asher runs his hand through Torm's hair, yet there's no response.

They stayed with Torm for a moment longer before giving him his space. The door clicks shut behind them, letting Torm's doppelgänger make an appearance.

He walks over to the side of the bed and takes a seat on the edge. Torm doesn't say anything to him.

Say something love~ You're making me feel lonely here

"There's nothing to say..."

Really now? I'd assume you would attack me with blame

Torm's look alike leans down close to the devil's face. A smirk tugs at the corner of his lips like he knows something.

Take off those goggles love, you don't need them right now


You don't want to see Right now, do you? Take them off...

Torm sits up slowly as the doppelgänger moves out of the way. He places his hands on the visors and gently slips them off after pulling the strap off.

Light hands hold the side of his face and he could feel someone staring at him.

Just beautiful... It's ashamed they're glossed over due to your blindness

Blank, glazed over eyes stare at the wall across from Torm's bed. He knows his doppelgänger is an illusion of his thoughts but he can't help but see him there like he's real.

Go to sleep Torm

Torm lies back down on his bed and curls up under his covers. His hand patting the covers for his precious doll to hold close to his chest.

Sweet dreams~

+Medical Ward: Tomi+

Tomi played with a rubix cube Will gave him to play with. The blond experiment sitting on the stool next to his bed while reading a book Grace gave him to keep himself occupied.

He finishes one side, all cubes colored red, the color reminded him of the older teen he met earlier.

"Hey Will?"

Will looks up from his little novel and to Tomi who shows his curiousness. "Yes Tomi?"

Tomi shows Will the red side of the cube, "Can you tell me about Torm? It's my first time meeting him and all... I want a make a good impression on him so we can be friends." To the demon, he saw Torm as a good friend he could get along with. The way he was hugged earlier made him feel so warm and comforting.

"Torm's an experiment like you Tomi, just a little bit older than you. His monster genetics associate with a devil as yours is a demon." Will lays his book on Tomi's nightstand gently. He places his hand on his lap after and meets eyes with the teen. "He's has a good nature being around you."

The young experiment giggles, "There you go again. Making it sound like Torm's my big brother or something."

Will closes his eyes and lets the boy believe what he wants. Tord and Torm's resemblance are uncanny, however, Tomi may be thinking the devil may be only made with Red Leader's dna only.

Tomi points to some paper and color pencils on the table across his room. "Can you get my art supplies? I wanna make Torm a gift as a sign of our friendship."

Without another word, Will did as he was told, getting Tomi's supplies without complaint. He even moves the rolling table over to hover over a Tomi's lap.

"You know Will, you can be your own person. It's not all the time you have to be by my side."

"I'm just here to make sure your condition doesn't worsen Tomi. Once your all better then you can tell me that again if you feel the same way about it." Will places the paper and pencils just to Tomi's left. He takes a seat again and picks up his book as Tomi sets his rubix cube down. "It's only a matter of time until you feel better again."

Tomi grins, leaning over to pat Will's cheek.

"Thanks for looking after me Will."

The blond experiment did say a word because he didn't deserve the thanks he got from the boy.

He wasn't the one who snuck out at night to lay beside the brunet.

He wasn't the one who continuously talked to the coma sleeping experiment.

He definitely was the one to hold the boy close give him the warmth he needed so desperately.

Will watches Tomi start sketching the outline of the bodies for his picture. He brings the book up to look at the words on the page he kept to read a certain line.

"One day your heart will stop hurting, your memories will fade, his doings will be forgotten... and you will no longer be afraid."

Tomi stops his pencil to looks at Will questionably.

Will just smiles, "Just reading to myself Tomi."

~Time Skip~

Tomi was discharged from his medical room a week after gave the okay. Will was stationed to look after him by Tord and Tom's request to make sure their son doesn't have some type of backlash from his coma.

Torm stayed by his sister and Asher whenever Tomi was around. His expressions had been more blank then ever since knowing his little brother's state of mind.

"Ah! Torm!" Tomi catches sight of the devil walking pass, this time without Asher or Tika by his side. It was rare to see him alone... for him at least.

The older experiment stops in his tracks and looks to Tomi. The young experiment comes up to him holding a folded piece of paper with a happy smile.

"I've been meaning to talk to you alone." The demon says as he circles around Torm. The devil hugs his doll close to his chest, his black cat doll had been a security blanket for awhile now. "Plus I wanted to give you this."

Torm watches as Tomi pulls out a folded piece of paper from his short pocket. He unfolded it and offers it to the devil. "It's a present for our friendship!"

He accepts the paper into his hand and inspects the drawing. It's just him and Tomi holding hands, both smiling and laughing close to each other.

"Thank you..." Torm thanks his little brother. He refolds the drawing and places it in his back pocket for later. "You should run along now Tomi. Will or Tika might be looking for you."

Tomi puffs his cheeks childishly, "But I want to spend time with you." Black eyes meet a black screen which Torm has yet to make his red eyes reappear. "You're always spending time with Tika and Asher... sometimes even with Will..."

He's not stupid, he can tell Torm's been avoiding him. The devil won't look at him properly either, his head would slightly turn to the side whenever he would talks to him.

Torm on the other hand only talked to will to make sure Tomi is okay. He just wanted to make sure if their was anything to repay back to his parents about his little brother's condition.

The brunet grabs his hand and holds it tightly. "Let's do something together, please?"

Torm's quiet for a moment until he sighs as he caved in. "Alright Tomi... What do you want to do?"

Tomi felt happiness rush through his veins at the first good answer that Torm gives him. "Well I've asked Neva and Opal for a second outfit to wear when I don't want to put on my sweater and shorts." It's not that Tomi doesn't like his clothes, he just feels the need to wear something else once in awhile, something to go back and forth with.

"What do you have in mind?"

Tomi bit his bottom lip with a pink blush raising on his cheeks. "Um... How about we go take a look, then I can show you." He felt embarrassed over his new outfit but he personally designed it. The demon tugs the older experiment's hand to lead him in the direction of the uniform department.

The two of them walk over to the Uniform Department to go see Tomi's new outfit. Tomi unknowingly leading his older brother to a possible mess he's about to create.

They meet with the two department heads who are eagerly waiting for Tomi to try on the new outfit. Neva is holding the new outfit behind her while Opal giggles behind her hand next to the other woman.

"Opal and I got your new clothes done Tomi. I hope you like the design since you gave us specific instructions on what you want." Neva then passes the clothes over to Opal, giving Torm a change to bring his dimly lit eyes up to see it's still the same color blue Tomi favored. He gives just enough power to his goggles to let him peek with his sight.

"Come along Tomi, let's get you dress and you can surprise Torm." Opal says turning around to walk Tomi to a dressing room.

"Okay!" Tomi lets go of Torm's hand, not leaving just yet. "You're not gonna leave while I'm changing, right?"

"I won't Tomi." Torm plainly states as he places his hands in his pockets.

Tomi raised his hand up to show Torm his pinky. "Promise?"

Torm lets out a sigh again and wraps his pinky around Tomi's. "Promise."

A smile from a Tomi makes Torm's heart hurt. He misses his brother's smiles so much...

Once the demon leaves, Neva takes a seat in her chair as she keeps her eyes on Torm. She knows the devil's hurting, everyone does. The Lawson brother's were no strangers to the soldiers of the base, they knew the people and things that made them happy. But now they felt like strangers around them, it's not a good feeling knowing the two brothers won't be the same for awhile.

"How are you doing Torm?"

Torm turns his eyes on to let his red eyes meet Neva's brown ones. "Do I look like the happiest ray of sunshine right now?" His red eyes turn blue without him noticing.

Olivia and Oliver, who happens to be passing by see the devil's blue sadness. They both come up to him and hug an arm.

"Torm, you have to say something."

"You can say nothing and avoid the problem forever."

Torm knew the twins were right, but he can't help it. Talking to Tomi is hard for him at the moment, anything he says to the demon it's only returned back like a joke for him.

His parents wanted to show proof earlier by doing a dna test to show their young son, but with second opinions the doctors and scientists didn't want a relapse for Tomi. All they knew was it was his fault for putting his little brother into a frenzy and then a coma, resulting in being forgotten.

"It hurts too much... I just start choking up."

The twins look at each other before giving the devil a pitying glance. Neva ushers them to return to work while she deals with Torm.

"Torm, I know you think this is your fault but you just have to let it go. You can't drag this on much longer, avoidance isn't the answer."

"I know."

"We're back!" The two look back at Opal who smiles at the two with a joyful expression. "Introducing our adorable little demon!"

She takes a step aside to reveal Tomi in his new outfit. Neva coos at the cuteness of the boy while Torm quickly dims his red eyes down that they look black. Yet he can't help but power them on a bit to look in awe at Tomi's clothes.

Unlike the blue sweater and grey shorts, Tomi's new clothes are styled in a girl's fashion sense. All his clothes consist of are black crop top, over it a sleeveless purple zip up hoodie, left hand fingerless glove, a short black skirt, and black combat boots.

"How do I look?" Tomi asks shyly as he turns around to give the audience a good look.

James and the twins look at Tomi's new outfit in awe. "Wow Tomi, did you really design this outfit?"

Tomi nods, "I still have my favorite colors on too, my jacket is a reversal type you can do inside out." He takes his jacket off and flip it to the blue side and puts it back on.

"I love the design Tomi, it's smart that you put your two favorite colors on like that."

Tomi giggles and rubs at the back of his neck, "Guys really, your making me blush." He looks over to Torm who finally shows those red digital eyes of his for the first time since he woke up. "What do you think Torm?"

"I... I think it shows a lot of skin..." Torm says, it's the truth, but he doesn't know what else to say.

His brother had always been a fan of both types of clothes from either gender. One day Tomi would be wearing his usual clothes until they went feminine. He doesn't mind really, but he never thought Tomi would design his second outfit to be like this.

"Oh..." Awkwardly Tomi rubs his left arm. He was hoping Torm would compliment him about his new clothes. "Sorry I guess."

Torm shakes his head, "No Tomi, your clothes are fine." He didn't want his brother to take his words the wrong way. His brother can wear whatever he likes, no judgement on his watch. "Look I'm just now feel well so I'm sorry if I don't seem lively right now."

The demon brother looks down safely feel disappointed he couldn't bring the other's spirits up. "It's fine, maybe you should go gets some rest."

"Yeah..." Torm holds his doll a little tighter feeling as if he made the situation worse. He turns around and looks over his shoulder slightly. "Sorry." He whispers only knowing Tomi could hear the very quiet whisper.

Once Torm is out of sight, Tomi sit on the floor and covers his face.

"Why can't I get Torm to like me!?"

"Oh honey, really now." Opal says as she tries to get Tomi to stand up from the floor. The demon being stubborn as he resist against her pull.

Beach shakes her head at the teen. "Tomi, Torm already likes you."

"You say that, but he's obviously showing me something different." Tomi only wants to get along with the older teen, however, it never seems to go along well. His head hurts,m so much... "He hates me."

Opal puts her hands on her hips in a motherly manner. "Tomi Lawson, get that thought out of your head right now." She seriously wonders how these two brothers get their ideas from without talking to one another. Fine, Tomi has a missing memory fragment of his brother, but still. "Torm loves you as a brother. He's just having a hard time adjusting since you forgot about him."

"But I'm fine! I have my memories of everyone!" Tomi retorts in oblivious denial as he goes back on his feet. He looks up at the tall woman with long white hair. "If Torm really was my brother, he would be giving me attention too like my sister or Asher!"

The demon shakes his head...

All he's asking for is attention from someone he doesn't even know, maybe too much.

Just give up

Tomi turns around to start walking for the door. "I'm going to see Dad."

Neva and Opal look at each other after Tomi leaves the Uniform department.

"Attention huh..."

Neva looks at Opal with some understanding. "Do you think it's possible Tomi forgot about Torm because of the lack of attention from his brother?"

"It's possible, we've mostly seen Torm with Asher since he came to the base." Opal thought back to the days after the rescue mission Torm lead. The raven teen came back with them with a casual banter from the devil and the teen. On the spot soldiers could see some similarities with their leaders by the two teens.

+Tord and Tom's office+

Tord day alone in his office while Tom went to do his rounds around the base. He was stuck in his office doing paperwork.

Knock knock

"Come in." Tord says firmly thinking its a soldier behind the door. The door creeks open until the person on the other side pokes their head into the room.


Tord looks up from his papers to see his son, he smiles until Tomi fully comes into the room in his new outfit. "Wow Tomi, upgraded on your outfit much?" He lets his son comes over to stand on the opposite side of his desk.

Tomi didn't feel in the mood to joke around. He moves around the desk so he's closer to his dad. "Um... Dad, do you know why Torm's not happy lately?"

"Torm?" Tord knew his eldest son being hurt to know his little brother forgot him, but it's taking more of a told on him if Tomi's coming to him to ask about the devil. "Can you explain in more detail?"

"Well Torm's been distant, not with everyone but just me. Whenever he talks to me he's always looking away slightly and his eyes are always off." Tomi didn't want to cry, but he can feel something wet collecting in the corner of his eyes. He didn't want to because he doesn't know why, there's no reason to, right?

Tord brings his hand up to craft his hand through his son's hair. "Oh Tomi... Torm's isn't use to you yet. You forgot about him you know, so it's bound to hurt him."

Every single time someone says Tomi forgot about Torm, it hurts Tomi's head. Somethings tugging on the chains in his mind and hurts so much. Tomi hugs his dad when he gets up from his seat.

"Look Tomi, how about you start taking baby steps with Torm."

Tears slip from the corner of the demon's eyes. "What do I have to do to get his attention?" He whines weakly as he's drowning in a familiar feeling of loneliness.

'Attention?' Tord things to himself until he remembers what his daughter said a few moths back. Tomi having a fear of abandonment issue centered mainly on Torm. 'I guess Torm's attention played a part to Tomi's memories.'

"Listen Tomi."

Black eyes meet with Tord's silver eye.

"Start with calling him Tormy."


Hey everyone! New chapter for this week ^^

I'll update another chapter for the contest I was talking about earlier to show you the winner. Everyone really did a great job that it was so hard choosing ^^'

Alright, any question ask here on this in line comment or on amino in the ask the author group chat.

Have a great day!

Now to the Hall of Amazing Fanart!









-Local Anonymous

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