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+Morning: Red Army Base+

Tika woke up to a lick from her favorite dog. She blinks her eyes open and lets out a yawn. Sitting up on her canopy bed, she looks around to find it different waking up in what is not her rebellion base room. Light filters in through her windows, filling the room with light for her to see.

"Good morning Seth."

Said dog barks in greeting his mistress a good morning. Tika pats his head before the both of them get off the bed. The two of them head straight out of the room and to the lobby of the section they're sleeping in.

Upon arriving to the end of the blue hall, they find Tord and Tom already awake. The two of them greeting each other with loving kisses as they whisper words close to each other when they're apart.

Tika smiles as the sight because she could see every cover of love around them.

Tom notices her when his eyes glance her way. He smiles, "Good Morning Tika."

Tord takes a step back from his lover to look at their daughter with happy expression. "Good morning min datter."

The teen comes over, with Seth, to greet them both with a quick hug. "Good morning!"

Tord ruffles her hair while she acceptes it with a grin. Tom notices her clothing and shakes his head. "I forgot you don't have your change of clothes yet." He gives a small sigh, "You should see Neva and Opal later. They're gonna need to know your size and what type of clothes you prefer."

Tika looks at her clothes and gives a sheepish smile. "Will do."

Tord looks back at the hall their daughter came from and still has yet to see Torm and Tomi. "Usually your brother's should be out by now."

The brunet taps his chin, "Tika can you go check on your brothers please. If they're still asleep can you wake them up."

She nods and goes do what her mother asks. Tika went back to get her brothers while Seth stayed with her parents.

Tord took a good look at Seth now that Tika was gone. "Isn't this the dog I was suppose to give to Tomi and Torm?" His eyes squinting at the obedient dog sitting by Tom's feet.

"You got that right. I can't believe it took you this long to find out." Tom says as he pats the dog on the head. Seth giving him a happy bark.

"He was just a puppy then, now he's a full grown, oversized dog." Tord tried to pet Seth, but the canine growls in warning when his hands gets close. He frowns and looks at Tom who stifles an incoming laugh.

"Your fault for making a first bad impression yesterday." Tom leans close to his boyfriend again and places a kiss on his cheek.

Tord sighs and accepts his defeat. He wraps his arms around Tom's waist and gives him a kiss on his lips.

Secretly giving Seth the middle finger behind Tom's back.


Tika knocks on her brothers's bedroom door. "Hello?"

No one answers her after a few more knocks against the door. "Tomi, Torm, I'm coming in." She quietly says, turning the knob of the door to find it unlock.

Being careful, she opens the door and takes a step into the room. In awe she looks around the sun filled room. Paper cranes hanging from the ceiling with so many drawings taped or pinned to the walls.

Like her room, she sees the two beds, the loft and canopy bed.

She takes her slow steps towards the foot of the black framed canopy bed with red covers. The light blue drapes flowing to the breeze coming through the open window. Tika pushes some of them back to reveal her older brother's sleeping face as his body is covered in the heavy red blanket.

Tika took a moment to observe her sleeping older brother. Unlike when he's awake, he looks more calm like this. She moves to the side of his bed and pushes the drapes back again quietly to get a closer look at him.

"Torm..." She whispers his name to herself, looking at the device attached to his face. A feeling of guilt knotting in her stomach. "I'm so sorry." Leaning down she softly places a light kiss on his cheek, careful not to wake him up.

Tika pulls herself away and goes back to her task. 'If Torm's on this bed, then Tomi should be on the loft bed.' She thinks to herself. The youngest of the three siblings didn't want to wake up the older brother until she had some back up from her other brother.

Quietly she goes over to the loft bed, having to climb the stairs drilled to the wall to get up there. However, to her surprise, when she looks on the bed, Tomi is not sleeping. He isn't there at all actually.

She gets down from the ladder and goes over to the door. As she noted to herself in the beginning she had to take slow steps with her older brother Torm. If she's gonna wake him up, then she's going to need support from either her parents or Tomi first.

Tika taps her chin with a finger in thought. 'Did Tomi wake up early then?' She slips out of the room. She has a hunch, but she might as well check just in case.

The female teen goes back to her room to check on her loft bed. Opening the lavender door, she comes into the room, heading over to her ladder leading up into the violet loft bed. She peeks at her loft bed to find said brother actually there to her surprise.

She takes a deep breath and lets it all out. "TOMI!"

The monster teen sits up quick from his sleep, "Wha-!" Tomi accidentally hits his head on the ceiling. Both his hands come up to his forehead as he groans.

"Whoops... Didn't think that would happen..." Tika winces at what happened to her brother.

Tomi rubs his forehead with one hand and drops the other one so he could look at his sister. "It's okay Tikky..," He yawns a bit before finally let his other hand pull away. "Good Morning by the way."

"Good morning to you too sleepy head." Tika says back as she rests her arms on the edge of the loft bed. "Mind if I ask why you're sleeping in my room instead of yours?"

"Let me think," Tomi makes a thoughtful expression and looks back at her, "yes." Tika blows a raspberry at him which he laughs to. "Alright, I get it."


Tomi looks down at his lap, "I'm mad at Torm."

"You're mad at him?" Tika furrows her eyebrows as she doesn't understand why. Just the other day Tomi and Torm were getting along fine. Tomi really showed a lot of concern when Torm got hurt, while their older brother was being over protective with Tomi when she made herself known in the medical bay. "Why?"

"I don't really wanna talk about it." Tomi bit at his bottom lip. He didn't want to tell his sister the reason because she was part of it. He didn't want her having a guilty conscious about her brothers fighting.

Tika didn't say anything for a moment, instead she climbs onto the loft bed to sit next to him. They're quiet for awhile, until Tomi leans his head on her shoulder. She doesn't make a move to look at him as she soon feels something dampening through her red top.


"Yeah Tomi?"

She hears a sad sniff come from him as more tears slid down from his eyes. "Don't tell Mom or Dad... please?"

Tika turns around and finally looks at her brother. Tears spilling from his black voids as he bites at his bottom lip to keep himself from crying out loud. In her eyes, her brother looks like a crying mess. She pulls her brother close and embraces him tightly while patting him on the back.

He shakily cries in the crook of her neck.

"I won't tell them unless you want me too."

+Tom and Tord+

Seeing as their daughter is taking awhile to wake her brother's up. The pair decide to go see what's holding her up. They left Seth to stay in lobby while they got their kids.

Tord goes to the the boys's room to see if they're there. He only finds Torm still sleeping in his bed. "Torm, it's time to get up."

The devil teen groans as he rolls onto his back. Red digital eyes open up to stare at the ceiling. "It's too early Father."

"We go through this once every few days son. I always wake you up at a good time for you to not say it's too early." Tord comes to his bedside and pulls off the blanket, earning a groan from the teen. "Up you go, and please change into something nice. You and your siblings have a special class today for an upcoming event."

"How is this event so important that we need to have a class for it?" Torm questions as he sits up on his bed. His digital eyes looking at his father while the man messes with his hair.

"Well we, as a family, will be attending our first formal peace party hosted by your Uncles. There will be some ballroom dancing involved so you'll need to learn some dance movements from you teachers today and for the next few weeks." The Leader in Red explains as he picks his son up and sets him on his feet to stand up.

"Father! I'm not a little kid anymore!" He complains in embarrassment by how his father moves him.

Tord laughs and pats Torm on the back. "You're still little in our eyes, Torm."

Red digital eyes rolls as a soft blush rests on his cheeks. He crosses his arms with a pouting look.

"Yup, you're still a kid alright."

Meanwhile, Tom went to Tika's room to see if she's there trying to find something she forgot to pick up. He knock on her bedroom door first, "Tika? Honey are you there?"

"Yes Mom! Give me a second." He hears his daughter say.

Tika pulls back from hugging her brother. "Let's go Tomi. You don't want mom being suspicious now, do you?"

He shakes his head and wipes the rest of his tears away. Tika pats his cheeks with a giggle escaping her lips. Tomi giggles too at the happy feeling his sister gives him.

The two of them come down from the loft bed quickly. Tika goes to the door and opens it to let their mother in. "There you are," He catches sight of Tomi too when he steps up behind Tika, "Tomi?"

"Hi Mom." He greets sheepishly, the rim of his eye red from crying.

Tika steps away to let their mom check on him when he shows concern written on his face. "Tomi were you crying? Did you have another nightmare again?"

"Yeah... I woke up in the middle of the night crying. I didn't want to wake Torm up, so I went to Tika's room to sleep on her loft bed. It's really comfy." Tomi explains, the lie flowing through his lips like water. It was still normal of Tomi to get nightmares so it was easy to make his mother think otherwise and not suspect a thing.

"I was gonna wake Tomi up first when I went to their room, but he wasn't there. So I checked my room just in case and found him here." Tika tells their mom which is the truth.

Tom let's out a breath and brushes his son's hair back. "Okay, but if you're going to sleep in Tika's room when you have another nightmare, wake her up so she knows you're there." He looks at Tika, "You don't mind do you?

"Not at all. Tomi's welcomed here any time." Tika would happily spend time with her brother any time he liked. Seth would be happy to have more company besides the two of them.

"You got that Tomi?"

Tomi nods, "Yes Mom."

Tom gives his son and daughter a kiss on the cheek. "Come on now. We still need to get breakfast to start the day. Then get you two cleaned up and dressed for your class for the day." He tells them as he leads them out of the room.

"Class?" Tomi and Tika question.

"You have dancing class today with your brother today. All of us will be going to an important peace event in a few weeks that requires ballroom dancing." Tom explains while they walk to the lobby. "Your Uncles planned the event so your farther and I couldn't really refuse the invitation."

The three of them enter the lobby to find Tord, Torm, and Seth waiting for them. Seth immediately comes to them, licking Tika's hand until she pets him lovingly across his back.

"Now that we're all here, let's go get breakfast."

~+Outside:Training Grounds+~

The Lawson siblings stood next to each other while their teachers for the day stood across from them. Seth, as their guard dog, sat by the bench watching their lesson play about.

"Welcome to your first day of ballroom dancing. A formal type of dance for anyone interested in some nice classical music." The man wearing their mom's group uniform tells them. "I'm one of your teachers, name's Noah."

"I'm your second teacher, Emma. Let's all get along." She giggles while crossing her arms. She's dressed in a Red Army uniform to indicate she's part of their dad's group. "The first dance will be learning today is the Waltz. Noah and I will demonstrate."

"First, the lead will offer their hand for their partner." Noah offers his hand to Emma with a straight posture, the palm of his hand facing up to the sky.

"The partner, being me, will place my hand lightly over his." Emma places her hand on his like she told them. They stand next to each other, Noah taking the first step to walk.

"Take note now that the partner's companion will take the first the first step. They will be leading them onto the dance floor like this." Pretending they'd in the ballroom, Noah takes her to the grassless floor. He them turns her around so they face each other.

Noah bows to Emma first, then she does a little curtsy to him. "Bowing to each other is the formal part. As if to say 'If you will' and 'Thank you' after the dance." The two of them go back to standing up straight again. "Leads will always control the way of how their partner will dance with them with their hands."

Emma smiles, "The partner will follow their silent commands." A chuckle raises from Noah as they get in position to dance together. "Partners will put their right hand on their shoulder like so." She shows the example for them to see. "Then their left hand will come to hold their lead's right hand."

"For the lead, you have your left hand resting between your partner's shoulder blades and our right hand holding their hand."

The two soldiers separate from each other and look back at the teenagers in their care. "Let's see you three give it a try."

Emma points to Tika, "Since Tika is the only girl we have, she'll have to take turns dancing with Tomi and Torm."

"But we don't want her to overwork herself, so Tomi will be taking the partner roll sometimes with Torm. Sound okay with you Tomi?" Noah and Emma talked about this before they started class with them.

Tika wanted to interrupt and say she would be fine, but her brother already covered for her. "It's okay with me Noah." Tomi replies without hesitation, giving a false smile.

Emma claps her hands together, "Great! Then let's get this lesson started."

Tika partnered with Torm first by their teachers's orders. It was pretty awkward between the both of them especially with the reminder of Tika's mistake evident on his face.

"Stop being stiff, I can tell from shoulder blades." Torm says when he rests his hand on his sister's back. He just wanted to get this over with and get to dancing with his brother.

"Sorry," she apologizes, trying to relax herself into the stance. Tika loves dancing, she used to do it all the time back at the Rebellion Base. Sometimes her uncles would dance with her for fun when they had the time or dance on her own in an open space. She couldn't dance now because of how intimidating her older brother is.

No other words were exchanged after that. They copied Noah and Emma for the steps, learning waltz for awhile, then the foxtrot, and finally the swing. Tika could read her older brother's lead easily to make her move the way he wants her to. There were rarely ever errors in their steps besides a few stepped on toes from her part.

Finally when they're done, Tika is brought over to Tomi. He does the same thing like Torm in the beginning from what they've learned. Again, he's easy to follow as he lead her in the dance. Waltz, foxtrot, swing, and a small cha cha added on his part, making her think her brothers already knew how to dance.

When she's reached her limit of dancing, Emma pulls her aside to sit on the bench and drinks water they have out for them. Seth lays down by her feet as they watch from the side bench while Noah continues teaching them.

"Alright Tomi, Torm, when your ready."

Emma nudges te he girl to get her attention. "You're in for a treat Tika. Your brothers are known to create a mean dance together."

Tika tilts her head when she looks back at the brunet soldier. "Wait, if they already know how to dance, how come you went through the first basics of ballroom dancing?"

"Noah and I thought we should show you the proper entrance to ballroom dancing  first. For your brother's it was a recap to remind them of what they had to do for you." Emma points back to the pair on the field as the music from the speakers come on.

Some of the soldiers training on the field stop their tain to watch for a bit of the display. It's a common sight to see when the pair have their dance class outside.

However, Tika had not been expecting the fast pace of the song to come on first.

Tomi followed their older brother's fast pace with fluidity. Each step done to perfection, no errors whatsoever. Torm brought him half away from the group before spinning him out and swinging him back into his arms.

The soldiers on the sidelines clapped for them at the amazing display.

Tika didn't know if anyone else noticed it, but her brother's seem to be talking during their entire dance. Not that she could hear what they were saying, she could see Tomi looking close to breaking down. "Tomi?"

In the middle of the dance, Tomi rips himself away from his brother.


"I hate you! I hate you! I hate you!" Tomi shouts at his brother angrily while crying fresh tears.

The music was put to a halting pause and Emma left her seat to go to Noah to handle the outburst situation now at hand. Tika is left alone with Seth unsure of what to do.

"Tomi, stop!" Torm firmly tells him as he stomps over to him. He grabs his little brother's wrist tightly in his grasp. "You need to stop being childish!"

"No! I don't want to hear it!" Shouts back at him in anger as tears continue to stream down his face. "Let me go!"

"Tomi." Torm warns using a threatening growl that doesn't help the situation at all.

Fear coursed through Tomi's veins hearing his brother's growl towards him. This wasn't his brother, he would never growl at him. His older brother would never be so mad towards him. He didn't like this, not at all. "Leave me alone!"

Tika had enough of watching her brothers's verbal fight. She gets up from her seat and runs pass Noah and Emma who had been busy radioing their leaders for some help on the two teens. Seth barks, head looking in different directions unsure of what to do to help his mistress. She goes straight over to them and tries to make Torm let go of Tomi's wrist.

"Let go of him Torm! Can't you see you're hurting him!"

Torm sets a red eyed glare on her, "This doesn't involve you!"

"You lair! Of course she's part of the reason why I hate you right now!" Tomi screams at his brother as he tries so hard to get his brother to let go of him. He wanted to get away from him so badly. Tomi didn't like the burning touch his brother is giving him around his wrist. He couldn't handle the negative emotions bubbling within him. "If you could just accept her, we wouldn't be fighting!"

"She caused this Tomi! Do you really think it's that easy to forgive someone who has done something like this to you!" Torm remarks as his grip gets tighter around his brother's wrist. Although, he wasn't telling Tomi the full truth of his anger besides the eye incident with Tika.

"Torm, let go of him!" Tika, practically begs, shouting at him now while trying to tug the two apart by their wrists. She got help from a few soldier who took a hold of Tomi around the waist and pulled, as soldiers taking to holding Torm pulled in the opposite direction.

"She didn't mean to do it! You know it was an accident!" Tomi protests looking straight back at his brother's newfound eyes. He didn't care about the pain he felt, he only cared about what he was trying to fight for. "You scared her!" His horns and tail grew out from the overload of emotions he feels looking a his brother through teary eyes.

'You're scaring me.' He thinks to himself.

"Scaring her is nothing compared to being made blind Tomi!" Torm's monster features started growing out like Tomi's does as their verbal battle continues.

"She was born as our sister!"

"I wish she was never born then!"

Everyone freezes on the spot when he said those words leave his mouth. The soldiers trying to pull the monster teens apart let them go out of shock.

Tika felt herself out of place when eyes turn to her for her reaction. She lets her hands slowly pull back from her brothers's arm. Her feet taking herself a couple of steps back from them.

"Tikky, wait-"

Tears build up in the corners of her eyes and slid down her cheeks when they overfill. "I-I... I should... go..." Tika turns tail and runs back into the base. Seth follows after her with worried barks.

"Tikky!" Tomi calls for her as she already fades from view. He snaps his head in Torm's direction and for the first time growls at his brother. "You-! I can't believe you!"

"Tomi stop it!" Torm exclaims when his little brother is practically trying to claw him to shreds. Soldiers, back at it, try to stop the monstrous pair from hurting each other.

Much to the soldier's relief they see their leaders coming their way a few minutes after Tomi starts trying to fight Torm psychically.

"What in hell's name?!" Tord exclaims when he and his lover see their boys trying to fight each other with their claws. "Torm! Tomi!"

The two teens don't stop their fighting as they continue to hurt one another.

"Thomas and Storm T. Lawson, you better stop fighting right now."

Both monster teens freeze on the spot when they hear their mother's dangerous tone. Not a tone to be messed with when he goes into Mother mode, mind that their father is way worse when he's livid about certain things.

Tomi is standing his ground while panting raggedly. His baby blue sweater ripped in a couple of places and dirtied from the soil. The rips even made it pass his black tank top underneath to show some scratches on his skin bleeding. Much to his parents concern is a growing bruise around his left wrist.

As for Torm, his clothes were also ripped, some blood and dirt here and there on his pants and shirt. He's breathing is also pretty ragged as he tried to keep his stance. His parents frowning at the crack in his goggles too.

Tord looks to Tom who isn't looking the least bit happy. "Care to explain why the both of you are fighting?" The Leader in red asks sternly.

"And where's your sister? She's suppose to learn how to dance with the both of you." Tom adds looking for her with crossed arms.

Torm and Tomi stood next to each other with space in between them.

"Torm is being mean to her." Tomi rats his brother out to their parents.

"Storm is that true?" Tom asks firmly. If their Mother uses his full name its best to comply with his demands and questions.



Torm looks up at their mom with an irritated expression, "Fine! I may have scared her off."

Tomi used his tail to wack his brother from behind making his brother stumble forward. "Ugh! I hate you Torm!" He had enough of his brother. If he wasn't going to tell their mom the truth then he doesn't want to be around him. The demon teen stomps off towards the base to go inside.

Tord watches his youngest son leave them and sighs. He looks back to Torm with a sigh, "Torm, go to my office. I will continue this conversation with you over there."

The devil teen rolls his eyes as he gets back up from the ground before spreading his wings out. He flaps them a few time to get himself up in the air to fly to his dad's office.

"Get back to your training everyone." Tom says still sounding pretty stern. The soldiers don't question him and go back to what they were previously doing. "Noah, Emma, you can have the rest of the day off. Thanks for handling kids."

"It's not problem Blue," Noah says.

Emma nods her head in agreement, "Any time Blue Leader." The two of them take their leave to probably get some rest from all the dancing they did with the kids.

Tord pulls Tom to his side, the brunet hooking his arm with boyfriend. "Tom, calm down."

"I'm trying Tord." He shakes his head and gives a tiring sigh. Tom had no clue what was going on between their kids. No doubt Tomi and Torm has something big going on that they're not seeing. "I thought bringing Tika with us would be nice... Now I'm having second thoughts."

The Red Leader hums in agreement. In the past, he saw Torm look disappointed he couldn't get his birthday wish of a little sister. So he thought their oldest child would love the idea of bringing their sister home after all this time.

The two of them return inside the base and make their way to Tord's office. "I think Torm just needs some time to adjust. All this was sudden, not to mention Tika injured him when they first met."

"I suppose..." Tom says sadly. He hopes that they can get along before they end up doing something they regret with one another. "I should go check in her too. The only place I'd know where she could have gone is her room."

"You do that Witness. I'll see what I can get out of Torm." Tord presses a kiss on his Blue Leader's temple.

The two of them part ways when they come into the lobby of the leader section.

'Dear Mother,
You mentioned many times before my older brother gets angry a lot because of my other brother's actions. I wonder, does he get angry too? You always write that he's happy all the time when all of you are together.'

Early update since I'll be busy this coming week. Senior finals and all, I'm so scared •_•

Side news, I noticed in the comments that some people are mistaking Tika throwing acid at her brother with misinterpretation why. You see Tika was in the private lab doing an assignment for her science teachers in the Rebellion Base. The Lawson brother happened to appear at the wrong time since the only defense Tika had on her were the acids she was studying for her homework. So yeah, that's basically why Tika used that on Torm.

Anyways I hopped you enjoyed this fanfic, More is to revealed next chapter on why Torm doesn't like Tika other than canceling out his sight.

Seriously, I'm warning you the next chapter is sad, be prepared.

Hall of Fanart!

Fanart by @JAYDESURELIKESEW Lawson Siblings!

By @T0rdB0i Of Torm saying he hates his little sister from previous chapters. Thank you!!!

The Lawson siblings's discord, credits to Instagram user above the photos! Thank you so much again^^

Lawson Siblings by @Etherial_28 Thank so much! They look amazing ^^ I like how you did Torm's goggles.

*Little_Kimell's version of what kind of clothes the uniform department might make for Tika. This is not canon for my story :)

By @Little_Kimell you're so right when the clothing department won't let the opportunity pass them to change her clothing style ^^ Thanks so much for the Fanart!

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