Tomi's "Stay In Bed Week"

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*WARNING⚠️ just so you know, be warned as you read further ahead!

Also I'm sorry if I offended anyone saying Canada has a president instead of calling them the Prime Minister. I wanted to keep this story detached from the real world as much as possible so I don't offended anyone in real life. Again I'm sorry if it offended anyone ^^' Thanks for understanding, now onto the story.

~+Few week's after the Peace Party+~

A few weeks after the Peace Party had actually been calming in the Red Army Base.

The Lawson Siblings were getting along just fine. Seth always being around them to make sure they're okay and run to the leaders if there was anything wrong.

Tika had gotten use to her new lifestyle there. The soldiers got use to her pretty quick in return as she made her way into their heart. She's always actively around her brothers when they weren't busy with their own classes to learn how to lead the army in the future. So when they're busy she would either spend time with her one of her parents or help the soldiers out with simple tasks she could do with Seth by her side.

Torm has in fact made room in his protective circle to add Tika inside beside Tomi. So any injury he sees on her or any trouble she's involved with will result in him throwing a fit like he usually does with Tomi when ever he's in trouble.

Tomi spent time with Tika the most when their older brother wasn't around because of his classes. It is known to everyone after all Torm will take his permanent place as Red Leader when their father steps down, so that's why he has more classes than Tomi or Tika have. Usually the younger sibling pair would spend time in Tika's room drawing or talking about random things, both tasks helping them bond as siblings.

Torm and Tomi, when they are together, can't really be separated even when Tika's with them. They would always hold each other's hand and cuddle basically anywhere when they felt like it.

To not make Tika feel excluded from the group when she's with them, they let he join in and give her affectionate licks along the nape of her neck or nips where the shoulder and neck meet like they do to each other. Tika doesn't mind them doing those most of the time because her dad explained they were just basic monster instincts.

A good thing for Tom and Tord to see since their kids were getting along swimmingly as days continue to pass.

It's morning now, the weather is great and everyone is in a good mood...

Well except for one person.

Tomi groans as shifts under the covers of his bed. 'Everything feels so hot...' He thinks to himself.

The monster teen weakly grabs onto the bar at the side of his bed and peeks down to Torm's black framed canopy bed. A whine escaping his lips seeing his brother is already gone for who knows how long.

He slumps back on his mattress and continues to toss and turn on his bed.

'Why is it hot?'

Meanwhile, Tom is just outside the door holding Tomi's breakfast on a tray since the boy for some reason didn't show up for their family meal in the morning. He knocks on the door a few times, "Tomi? It's me Tom. I brought you your breakfast."

All he got in reply is a distressed whine. Instincts kicking in, he lets himself into the room and sets Tomi's breakfast on a nearby table.

The room smells a lot like blueberries and mint when the scent reaches his nose. 'It can't be...' Tom didn't want to believe it, but he had to make sure.

He heads over to the ladder drilled to the wall and climbs up to Tomi's loft bed. Getting up there he sees his son on top of his covers hugging a bunched up section of the duvet.


The scent of blueberries and mint is stronger, making Tom go to instant care mode.

"Honey..." Tom says gently, soothing his son.

Another whine escapes from Tomi. "It's hot, My feels tingly too."

"I know," Tom gets on the bed to check his son further. His hands feel the heat emanating from Tomi's skin making it warm. Breath coming out in short pants from his young son. "Alright honey, you need to say in your locked in your room for this week. I'll come by to make sure your eating and staying hydrated so you don't make yourself sick."

"But mom... why..." The young monster asks, he didn't want to stay stuck in his room for a week. His brother and sister would be worried.

Tom furrows his brows, "Tell me Tomi, what word is running through your head right now?"

Tomi takes a few breaths, a word unintentionally escaping his lips.


~+Tord's Office+~

"Tomi's going through what?!" Tord said standing up from his seat in concern. The expression displayed on his face is anything but happy.

Tom holds his head trying to keep calm, "Our son is going through his first heat."

"Wait, hold on, but you told me you already gone through a couple in the past. So how could Tomi be only getting his now?" The Leader in Red questions as he takes his seat again, trying his best to stay unnerved about their current situation.

"It probably has to do with him originally being a child, because when I got my heats, Tomi would always be asleep at the time and then wake up not knowing anything later. Meaning our little boy hit puberty now since you gave him the growth serum along with Torm so they can grow up to adults."

Tord then looks like he realized something, "Shit! We have to keep Torm away from Tomi no matter what!" Their eldest has alpha genes, not a good thing when you have an young omega. He picks up his radio and messes with the channels to inform his soldiers about keeping Torm busy until they can handle Tomi's heat problem.

Tom crosses his arms, "I still have no clue why you decided to give them alpha and omega genes."

The horned leader shrugs his shoulders. "It comes with having monster genetics, they have their natural animalistic instincts to deal with for the price of having their powers."

"Yet you never considered what would happened if they were stuck possessing someone for a long time." His lover huffs while Tord glances up at him from guys seat with a smirk.

"No gonna deny I love it coming from you." Tom stuck his tongue out at Tord while he chuckles as he gets his radio on.

"Sir?" A soldier on the other end answers. Tom recognized the voice to be Amy.

"Hey Amy, Torm's there in the lab having class with a few of your scientists, right?"

"Yes Red Leader. His studies are progressing along swimmingly." She sounds happy for the devil child learning a lot from them.

Tord nods, "That's good, but I'd like you scientist to keep him distracted as long as possible."

"If I may ask sir, why?"

Tom takes he radio from his boyfriend to tell her before Tord could try and make up some story. "Tomi's going through his first heat Amy. I'd like to keep the alpha away from him for sometime until I can get his situation under control."

"Ohh... Wow the boys are really growing up, next thing you know Torm will reach his rut." Amy leans back in her seat to glance behind the curtains where Torm and the scientists were going over his worksheets. She smiles, "Well you got nothing to worry about at the moment Blue Leader. We've got Torm covered until you give us the go signal."

"Thank you Amy." Tom's grateful the pink haired scientist is able to help them.

"One more thing though Blue Leader." Amy adds before they cut of their call. "Are you planning on explaining Tomi's heat to Tika and Torm later on?"

"It's important that I have to. I can't really keep this a secret from them or else they would wonder why their brother is hold up in his room for a week, possibly every few months." Tom thought about it throughly, thinking it would be best to upgrade the locks on the door so Torm couldn't enter the room during Tomi's heats.

"Alright then," Amy says as she hangs up like Tom does when the conversation comes to a close.

He looks to Tord who's looking at him with a unamused look. Tom chuckles and leans down to kiss his boyfriend's lips.

Tord didn't mind the action and kissed him back before the both pull apart. "So when yours next?"

"Fuck off Tord."

Tom flipped him off as he walked out of the office to continue caring for their son.

Tord rolls his eyes with a chuckle and continues doing his part for the army work.

"Classic Stupid Tom."

~Small Time skips~

Tom spent most of the time taking care of upgrading the locks on the door and getting Tomi to eat. Then cleaning him up in the bathroom so he's freshly clean up.

Tomi could only hold onto his mother in comfort, sniffing him a couple times to memorize his mint scent and embedding it in his brain that this is his parent.

Sometime in his weak state, he smelt burning wood. A metallic hand ran through his hair and he would purr with dazed eyes with how good it felt. He would hear the person call him with foreign words. The familiar smell went to associate with his other parent.

Tomi sniff the air in the room when he's finally left alone. There's two other scents, one stronger than the other, but the owners were not here.

The one he likes the most is the one what smells of strawberries and cinnamon.

"Alpha..." He feels drunk on the scent when his eyelids can barely stay open.

In the lobby Tord and Tom are trying to explain Tomi's predicament to their other son and daughter.

"Because Tomi's going through his first heat, I can't go near him?" Tika asks kinda disappointed after her her parents explained he situation. Her brother would be hold up in his room until his heat is over for a couple of months until it starts up again.

"You can go in to see him Tika, it's just Torm who can't since he has Alpha genes." Tord tells her with a sigh. "Unlike Torm and your mother, you and I don't posses any of these specifics genes to cause us to act out like they do. Tom can go into the room too because he has the same type of genes as Tomi which won't effect him like he would to an alpha."

Tord did his research with Tika the first time she came to base with them. He quietly took a saliva sample from her and ran tests on it to check her states. Thankfully enough she hadn't receive omega genes from Tom that Tomi passed on to him.

"You can help your mother take care of Tomi if he allows it."

Tika looks to her mom who nods in agreement. "You can help me feed Tomi dinner later Tika. It's hard task to do when you have to keep the weak omega to stay seated up right." When she nods, Tom looks to Torm who's been quiet for awhile now. "Torm?"

He puts a hand on his son's shoulder to have him flinch upon contact. Torm looks back at his mom with a flushed red face. "M-Mother?" He stutters like he's trying to hold back. "It smells really sweet like blueberries and mint."

"Oh dear," Tom says with his hand coming up to hover over his mouth. He didn't think Tomi's scent would be this strong to his older brother.

Tord looks to their daughter, "Tika do you mind if Torm rooms with you until Tomi's heat is over?"

"I think that's for the best dad." Tika takes her brother's hand so she can pull him to her room.

Tom and Tord watch the pair of siblings leave down their hall with worried looks. The Red Leader held up his hand and counted a few seconds until he reached five.

"Dad! Mom!" They heard Tika call for them.

The lovers look at each other, Tord giving Tom a well known look that he knew their son couldn't handle walking pass his shared room with Tomi.

They run into the blue hallway to see the supposed to be lock door had been forced open. The two of them rush to the opened door and look inside.

Tika is trying her best to keep Torm from reaching Tomi up on the loft bed. The younger brother purring as the scent from his older brother which is stronger now that he's actually in the same room.


Tomi slowly sat up on his bed and looks down at his brother who is calling for his attention. His eyes half lidded as a please purr continues to sound from him.

Tord went pass Tom and tackled Torm to the ground before he could even go for the stairs.

Tika and her mother watch them fight it out on the floor. Torm growls threateningly at his father while Tord tries to keep his head down.

"Alright young man, new plan. You'll be staying with me and your mother for the week until Tomi's heat is over."

Tom sighs and puts his hand on Tika's shoulder. "Tika, can you go up and check on Tomi? Your father and I are gonna move your brother to our room and see if we can get him to stable himself."

Tika nods and moves to the ladder to go up to Tomi's bed. Torm could see her movement from the corner of his eyes. Feeling a flare of protectiveness, he brings out his wings and uses his strength to push his dad off, tossing him to the wall.

"Tika watch out!" Tom exclaims when he sees Torm fly in her direction.

Tika grip tights on the bars of the stairs waiting for an impact, but doesn't feel a thing. She looks up to see her older brother had flown up to sit on the edge of Tomi's bed.

"Tomi~" The devil coos his brother's name again.

Tom goes over to Tord after seeing Tika was fine.

"Ugh..." Tord groans as Tom helps him sit up.

"Anything broken?" Tom asks.

Tord opens his good eye, looking at Tom, "No, but my head hurts a bit."

Tom carefully touches the area where his head got hit by the wall.

While that happens, Tika climbs up the rest of the ladder to peek at what's going on with her brothers.

Torm's sitting at the head of the bed with their brother on his lap, flushed red and while panting out hot breaths. Her devil brother's wings spread open for a moment and then make a little cover around them.

Tika looks on the bed to find a few of Torm's shirts littered on the sheets to make a shift nest. Looking back to her brothers, Torm has one of his arms hugging the front of Tomi's waist, tail wrapped around the waist too, while the other hand is holding the brunet's chin gently. See could see Torm whispering something quietly into their brother's ear that has Tomi sighing and closing his eyes.


The girl looks down at her mother who looks concerned, "Is everything alright up there?"

"It seems fine... Torm has Tomi on his lap and hugging him. He's also whispering to Tomi, but I can't hear what he's saying." She tells him a little unsure.

Torm nuzzles his head against Tomi's to give him the affection he so desperately wants.

"It's okay Tomi, I'm here." Tomi whines when he tries to move to turn around on Torm's lap. "No Tomi, stay this way." He pecks as kiss on the side of his brother's neck earning him another whine.

"Wanna... Wanna see you..." The demon teen whisper back softly. "Wanna see you Tormy..."

Torm licks the nape of his brother's neck as he settles himself in the scent of strong blueberries and mint. "Later, I promise."

"Now, please..." Giving our a stressing whine that Torm couldn't ignore.

The devil teen shifts his brother around on his lap so they're face to face. Tomi wraps his legs tightly around his brother's waist just like his arms are around Torm's neck. Half lidded eyes stare back at each other.

Tomi sniffs a couple of times, getting drunk by his brother's scent of strawberries and cinnamon. He leans his head close to his sibling's neck, nibbling lightly on the skin close to the neck after giving it a few licks.

"No biting Tomi."

He only receives a soft hum in response.

Tika came down from the ladder so Tom could go up to check on his two sons. Mentally thankful his sons weren't doing anything indecent to each other. By the looks of it, Torm's just being protective of the only omega he's closes to in his little pack.

He wants to safely assume they won't do anything overnight so he might as well tell Tord they need to take turns watching over the brothers until they know nothing will happen between them.

Tom slides down the ladder and puts his hands on his hips. "Tika I need you to take your dad to the medical ward to get his head checked. He hit his head pretty hard when Torm pushed him off with his wings."

"I got it mom." His daughter help his lover stand up, supporting him while one hand held his head. "After he's better what should I do?" She asks.

"Just tell him to meet me back here. When your done I suggest you take Seth out front, he hasn't had time to run around outside yet."

"Okay." She confirms with a nod of her head.

Tom watches them leave before going over to Torm's bed to sit down and take the first shift of keeping an eye on his sons. He can hear their whispers, catching some words but not able to understand their quiet conversation.

"Just for a few days, if they don't do anything we can just leave them alone until Tomi's first heat blows over."

~Skip a few days~

Four days in total have passed until Tom and Tord decided their sons were going to fine on their own. Torm only showed sighs of care and protectiveness for his brother.

Heck, Tom and Tika didn't even need to feed Tomi because his older brother would take care of everything for him. From breakfast feeding to cleaning the young demon up in the bathroom until the boy felt satisfied. Torm really spoiled his brother to the bone with anything he wants to a certain degree.

It's another busy day so Tom trust Torm to take care of Tomi in their shared bedroom while Tika, Tord and himself continue to their normal schedule. Torm laid on his right while Tomi laid on his left so that they are facing each other.

"Tormy?" Tomi says tiredly to his brother.

"What is it Tomi?" Torm's tail comes to wrap itself around his brother's purple tail. "Do you need something?"

"I'm hot."

"I know you're hot. You're still in the middle of your heat." The devil teen kisses his brother's cheek feeling said warmth.

Tomi whines as he can feel himself getting dirty again. That's always the embarrassing part when his brother has to take him to the bathroom again to get cleaned up. "How much longer?"

"It's been four days..." Torm brings his hand up to show his brother 4 fingers. "You have three more day left, bare with it."

Tomi lets out a frustrated groan as he rolls on top of his brother. "I want it to stop!" He whines as he turns on his stomach to face him.

Torm, flat on his back, holds his brother's hips in place while they both look each other in the eyes for a few moments. The older brother's brows furrowing when he feels something familiar wet his pants.

"Tomi, you wetting my jeans with your slick again."

"Ahh!" Tomi rolls off his brother and squeezes his leges together as he tries to cover the front of his shorts.

Torm sighs as he sits up on the bed. "Give me a moment to change my jeans and then I'll take you to the bathroom to get cleaned again." He lets his wings spread open and glides down to the ground when he slides off the bed.

Tomi takes one of his blue covered pillows and hides his face against the soft thing. Never the less screaming his embarrassment into the feathers of the pillow which Torm practically ignores as he changes into a pair of fresh black jeans.

His brother flaps his wings again and hovers near the side of the loft bed waiting for him to get himself together again. "Are you done Tomi?"

Tomi uncovers one eye out from the pillow to look at his brother. His flushed expression making Torm chuckle as he holds his hands behind his back. It's not like he can't be embarrassed for letting like something from him drip out like that, on his brother no less.

He stuffs his face into the pillow again and screams louder.

Torm sits on the edge of the loft bed waiting for his brother to calm down. He tries his best to help by running his fingers through his little brother's soft locks of light brown hair.

When his brother finally calms down, he picks Tomi up and glides down to the ground again. Torm kisses the demon's cheek which earns another flustered expression.

"You're just too cute Tomi."

Tomi playfully sticks his tongue out at him. "Meanie."

Torm totally changes his brother's perspective by licking the side of his brother's neck, earning a satisfied purr from the boy in his arms.

"I doubt you mean that."


Tika managed to finish her class early today and the twins from the clothing department as her teachers for today, Oliver and Olivia, gave her the clear sign to go.

She went back to the leader section of the base to check on her brothers. Her mother asked her to check on them when she was done with her class and she had been lucky enough to get out early.

Making it to the lobby of their living quarters she goes into the blue hallway. The female sibling went into her brothers's room first to find no one there.

"Maybe Torm took Tomi to the bathroom again."

She leaves the room and heads to the bathroom down the hall past her bedroom door at the end of the hall. She presses her ear against the cold wooden door to hear two voice talking to each other.

"I can clean myself Tormy."

"You're still pretty weak Tomi, just let me take care of you until you have the strength to actually move again."

"Hmp, I'm a big boy now. I can clean myself!"

"Oh really?"

Tika heard some water splashing around before setting down.

"I'm gonna leave this bar of soap and sponge right here. If you can pick them up and wash yourself then I won't help you anymore."

Tika hears Tomi hum before grunting. A series of whines and panting can be heard from her blue wearing brother.


"Yes Tomi?" He said sounding smug.

"Help me..."

"I thought so."

Their sister, listening to them through the door sighs. Seems that her brothers are doing just fine. Nothing to worry about on her part.

She retreats to her room to take a nap after long day of classes. Seth joins her on the bed once his mistress enters the room.

Tika cuddles up with her overgrown guard dog with a smile on her face. Eventually falling asleep beside her favorite dog.

Unknown to her, right after she had fallen asleep, Torm and Tomi had finished taking a bath.

Tomi could catch her fresh scent that trailed to her room. He pokes his brother's cheek to get his attention since Torm is the one carrying him.

"Can we go to Tika's room?"

"Might I remind you you are still in the middle of your heat." Torm reminds his brother.

"I know but neither of us have been with her for the pass four days. Please Tormy, I don't want her to feel lonely." Tomi tells him with a sad look. He even kisses his brother's cheek to coax him into giving in to his want.

Torm sighs, "Fine, but you have to tell me when you feel really hot. I have to take you back to your room to your little nest. Deal?"

Tomi smiles and hugs his brother tighter, "Deal."

His older brother carries him to Tika's room, both thankful she hadn't locked her door. The two of them find her sleeping on the bed with even breathing, Seth laying next to her awake because he looks at them when he hears the door open.

Torm takes them over to the bed and sets Tomi down next to Tika, making another dip on the bed. Then Torm joins in as well to lay next to his brother.

Feeling sleepy Tomi yawns and snuggles comfortably between his brother and sister. Seth lays his head back down on his paws seeing the Lawson brothers came to join them to sleep like Tika is doing.

Torm watches them, a small curve at the corner of his lips displays how comfortable this scene is. He gives them both a kiss before he settles down himself to sleep along them to dream.

"Sweet dreams..."

Tord and Tom later come to check on the kids to find all of them in Tika's room on her canopy bed asleep.

Torm sleeping on the left side of the bed, Tomi snuggles up to him while one of his arms managed to hook with Tika's arm. The girl smiling in her sleep with Seth curled up by her back.

"Isn't this sweet?" Tom chuckles as he comes closer to the bed.

"Don't wake them up now, this might be our only chance to get a rest from everything." Tord says coming beside his lover to hug his his waist and kissing him on the cheek.

Tom doesn't mind the action and continues to look at the kids. "If only they could stay safe. Tomi and Torm have already been in a few hostage situations. I'm afraid for what's in stored for our daughter."

"I will do everything in my power to make sure she stays safe, here with us." His embrace tightens a little, his silver eye looking at the sleeping children. "She's our dear daughter after all. One I haven't seen or have in a very long while."

The leader in blue turns around in his boyfriend's hold to look at him. Both of his hands coming up to hold either side of his face. "I'm sorry I never told you by the way. I wanted her to be safe."

Tord leans his forehead against Tom's. A loving gaze telling the other it's okay. "You had your reasons Tom. I forgive you."

The share a soft kiss with each other.

"Jeg elsker deg."

"Jeg elsker deg også, min kjære."


Well I hoped you all enjoyed this chapter! We all know this was gonna happen at some point of the story so yeah

Tomi went through a late puberty! So he'll have heats once every few months... Sorry Tomi ^^'

Torm's an alpha who is over protective to the omega *cough*Tomi*coughs* he's close to other than Tom. He spoils the omega rotten to the core with whatever he wants to a certain degree.

Tika's the middle ground when it comes to her brothers. Neither of them want her to be left out from the group so they always round to her when they know they are becoming distant to fix it back close.

Anyways this has been fun to write! I hope you guys enjoyed this little break chapter.

Another note, someone's doing a fanfic follows this fanfic called "Bloody Paws" by @Reilu_FKNW It follows this story line but it is in no way canon with my storyline here with 'Dear Daughter'. Go ahead and check it it if you like.

Next chapter we'll check in with how the Rebellion's doing ^^


Now to this chapter's fabulous art gallery!

By T0rdB0i Fanart of Torm being sorry! Thank you!

By @SilverGrace448 Torm being Sorry to Tomi and Tika, thank you!

Sorry I can't read the user of the person who made this through me. It would help if you can comment here to identify who you are! Thanks so much for this fanart of Tomi by the way!

Thanks to cpgn_piggy on instagram for this scene where Torm takes off his jacket to bring out his wings.

This is the scene where Tika hug her brother before she leaves to go back to the Rebellion Base! Thanks so much to Ipscatnip05 on instagram!

Anonymous artist who sent this to me though email, they didn't give me their user so I assume they want to stay secret ^^ Thank you for drawing the Lawson Siblings!

By snickergalaxy on instagram! Thanks again for another piece of Fanart from them! Torm's a natural ladies man lol ^^

They said this is just based on a joke as Tom and Tord cat remember how they used to be in the past with each other, like how Asher and Torm are acting currently. Lol Thanks so much to lopal_toaster for the Fanart!

Thanks so much to theflutterboy on instagram for drawing out the whole family! They're absolutely stunning might I say! ^^

Thanks again everyone for your hard work! You are all beautiful!

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