Unmasking the Truth

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+England: Rebellion Base+

Now all of the experience soldiers in Rebellion salute the two with respect. The soldiers by the entrance of the base stood there unsure of what to do, so they watch in silence until they're told to do something.

"At ease everyone." Matt says so all of them could drop their salutes. All soldiers following the quiet order.

The two head doctors, Madeline for the Green Group and Nick for the Purple Group, come up to them.

"Green, Torm and Tomi are in the medical bay. They're in private room 1G." Madeline inform him with a friendly smile at the same time serious.

Edd nods, "Do they know we were coming?"

"They haven't been informed because Torm was still asleep at the time. He recently awoke almost a moment ago before we got the chance." Nick tells him after shaking his head. He hands over his clipboard to Edd who scans over the pages.

"I see..." Flipping through the pages, he finds the damaged caused by the acid. He's hopeful Tord had a way to help Torm through this one.

Matt looks over his shoulders sadly and then to the head soldiers of the medical bay. "Please take us to the private room they're in."

"Of course." The green and purple doctors agree in sync.

Tom follows them into the base as they pass the crowd of soldiers leading to the doors. They had made a path for them to walk through to get inside while still being able to observe him and Tord.

Familiar colored hair caught his attention. A teenager in red and blue clothing. She and him caught eyes for a moment as they pass by each other.

It's as if time seems to slow down around them while he walks by.

Tika looks at the Red Leader's secretary in awe. All he does is raise his finger to his lips with a small curve at the corner of his lips, for a smile directed towards her. Taking a brief moment after to look at Seth who bows his head slightly as if showing respect to him.

He let's his hand fall back to his side and turns his head forward still walking alongside the man who started the war.


She looks behind her to find her other soldier friend, Jayden, a soldier from Matt's Group. "Yes?"

"I think you should follow along with them." He's got a feeling in his gut they have something to do with the guests.

Tika hums and follow his suggestion also getting the feeling they have to do with Torm and Tomi. She maneuvers her way pass the other soldiers in front of her to get back inside the building. Seth is hot on her heels to make sure to do his job in keeping an eye on her.

When they gets inside, Tika and Seth follow behind the group sneakily. Hiding around some pillars sometimes or just around the corner while they made their way to the med bay.

Finally getting to their destination Edd calls her out seeing she isn't really good with her stealth. The same can be said with her dog companion. "Tika, we can hear you following us." The sounds of her footsteps and dog paws were very evident during the walk.

The four leaders, plus the two doctors, turn around to see Tika peeking out from behind a close corner they had just passed. Half of her face is shown as she looks back at them apologetically while Seth is full out in view by her side.

"Sorry Uncle Edd..." She reveals herself to group and walks to them. Seth by her side as he keeps a cautious look around their surroundings using his heightened senses. "I followed because I thought this was about Torm and Tomi."

"It's alright, but be sure to ask us next time before you decide to try to follow us in secret." Edd says softly.

Matt leaves his side to offer a hand to the girl. Tika places her hand on his to let him bring her further into the group. "How about you introduce yourself to some friends of ours."

'Friends?' She thinks to herself. Tika looks up at the intimidating man and his partner. This is the feared Red Leader they're talking about and some man she didn't know too much about working for him.

Nevertheless, her mother always wrote to her about being polite to others first when it comes to introductions. She holds her hands in front of her and smiles politely at the two men. "Hello sirs, my name is Tika. I'm a resident here at the Rebellion Base."

Tord huffs as he crosses his arms. Looking at the girl up and down with a narrowed eye. "If I recall from the ride, Edd said a resident of his was the one to hurt Torm. Was that you?" Taking a few steps towards her.

Tika bows her head in fear of looking at him in the eye. "Y-Yes sir... I-"

The sound of a sharp slap echos through the room.

"Huh?" Tika slowly looks up to find a color of black and blue in front of her.

Matt gasp, Edd and the two doctors with them stared wide eyed at the scene before them. Tord immediately pulled back his hand when he realizes who he had slapped instead of his intended target.

Tom stood in front of Tika in a protective stance. He let himself get slap, ending result of it being a stinging red cheek and a split cut at the corner of his lips. His head moved back to face Tord with red, narrowed digital eyes.

"Thomas..." Tord said, obviously shocked. He wasn't expecting his lover to take the hit for her at all.

Seth, in a hostile stance, growls at Tord while baring his sharp teeth. No doubt Tika is in shock too of what Tom just did for her. Taking such a hurtful slap from a stronger looking man than him.

"Red Leader." Tom said in a low warning tone. "Go check on Torm and Tomi."

"Thomas I-" He couldn't comprehend why Tom was doing this.

"Save it." Tom interjects while blood from the cut slides down his chin. He wasn't going to hear anything from Tord right now because he made him mad. "Go."

Tord takes a step back from the two and turns his back to them. Edd looks to the soldiers to continue leading the rest of the way. He carries on with them to the private room holding the brothers while Matt stays with Tom and Tika.

Once they're out of sight, Tom relaxes a bit and rubs the cheek that had been slapped to a numbing degree. It was good thing he stepped in before his daughter could get hurt. Thankfully Tord hadn't used his robot arm, or else that leader would have had gotten a beating of a lifetime if dare raised that hand against her.

"Sir, are you okay?!" Hearing Tika's panicked voice made him turn around to see her in obvious worry for him.

Tom chuckles despite the pain he received. "Don't worry about me Tika. I'm fine." As long as his daughter is okay he will be too. "I'm just glad I could step in before he could slap you."

Seth makes whining noises after his growling settled down when Tord left his sights. He licks Tom's hand in comfort.

Tom pats Seth's head in thanks. "Nice dog by the way."

"Um, thank you sir." Tika says shyly yet still not over what had happened a few minutes ago.

Matt looks concerned at the small cut on the corner of Tom's mouth. "We should really get that cut cleaned and bandaged Tom."

"I'll be fine Matt, you know I've been through similar situations with Tord in the past." Tom pulls a white handkerchief from his back pocket to dab the blood clean. He looks back at Tika, "Since you introduced yourself, I should do the same."

Tom stood straight while holding his right hand over the left side of his chest gently. "My name is Thomas Thompson, but I rather be called Tom. I was the former third leader of the Rebellion with Edd and Matt. Now I work as Red Leader's secretary."

"Wait," Tika said as she gets the info processed through her mind. "You're the Third Leader?! I've heard so many stories about you from some of the soldiers!" Her worried and shy mood vanishing in an instant.

Tom looks to his ginger haired friend for an explanation. "Some of the soldiers like Gilbert have been spreading stories about you to Tika since she was a baby. She looks up to you a lot like an idol or role model." Matt explains with a chuckle.

It warms Tom's heart to hear his own daughter looks up to him. "So what have you heard about me?" Tom asks curious.

"Gilbert told me you started the once a year Color War! He said it's so much fun despite your group winning all the time. Jenny backed up the story saying it was a good break for stress every year." Tika tells him happily. She was kinda sad she wasn't able to participate now that Tom didn't stay at the base anymore.

Tom pats her heard, "Yeah that sounds about right." Matt rolls his eyes with a smile at the mention of Tom's team always winning the Color War. Yeah... Good memories.

"We should probably join the others now. Like Matt said, I should get my cut cleaned and bandaged."

Tika grabs the back of his vest stopping him. Tom looks back at her confused.

"Thank you." Tika will never forget this moment in her mind.

Tom shows her a soft smile.

'Dear Mother... I think Thomas Thompson, former Rebellion Leader, is the greatest person I will ever know.

P.S. Do you think I can meet him one day?'

+With Edd and Tord+

It was a silent walk to the private room. The two soldiers leading left immediately after they got to the door.


"What is it Edd?" Tord responds, keeping his eyes on the door of the private room.

Edd holds his hands behind his back. "Please, you cannot hurt her." Like Tom, he will do anything in his ability to protect Tika. He promised Tom he and Matt would keep her safe.

What happened earlier was just shameful. They didn't think Tord would go to slap his own daughter. Then again, the man in red doesn't know about their relation to each other yet.

"She hurt my son."

"She did it out of self defense." Edd counters holding his ground to reason with his ex-roommate. "Forgive her, it was a mistake. Tika didn't know."

Tord doesn't respond anymore. He merely knock on the door before opening it up.

Tomi looks to the door when it opens up. He smiles instantly when he sees his dad and Uncle Edd. "Dad! Uncle Eddie!" The teen gets out of his seat by Torm's bed side to give them a hug. "I thought you were in Italy with Mom?"

"We were but we got a call from the soldiers about the situation quickly." Edd answers for Tord. "Matt and I were there overseeing the meeting."

"Oh..." Tomi says as he understands the situation. He grabs their hands and pulls them near the bed. Letting go of their hands when they're close enough. "Tormy, Dad and Uncle Eddie are here."

"I heard them Tomi." Torm holds his hands out blindly. "Father?"

Tord moves to the other side of the bed and holds his eldest son's hand. "It's okay Torm, I'm here." He looks at the bandages covering Torm's eyes with some sadness. "We'll take you back to the base soon to see if we can get your eyes fixed."

The teen squeezes his father's hand. "And Mother? Where is he?"

"Your mother will be joining us shortly." Tord tells him in a soft tone only reserved for his kids and boyfriend. "He's just talking with someone for a moment..."

Tomi lightens up at the mention of Tom being here too. "Mom's here too?!"

"Yes Tomi, just be patient, okay?" The brunet nods happily as he takes a seat again.

Edd stood quiet at the foot of Torm's bed watching them talk to each other. One day Tika will be a part it all. The thought makes him smile knowing she will be fine after seeing such a caring scene.

Knock knock

The door opens again with Tom, Matt, and Tika entering the room.

"Mom!" Tomi happily says getting out of his seat to go hug him. Although he stops midway, surprised to see his mom hurt. Tom's left cheek red with a small bleeding cut at the corner of his mouth. "What happened to you?!" His tone very worried as he comes over to check on his mom's face.

"I stopped your Father from doing something very stupid." Tom answers in a blunt tone as he lets Tomi gently check his red cheek and cut.

Matt sighs seeing as there was going to be a little fighting now. So he puts his hand on his goddaughter's shoulder. "Tika, could you get me a wet towel and the medical kit."

"Yes Uncle Matt." Tika leaves the room to go fetch the necessary supplies to tend to Tom's injury. Seth is outside of the room sitting by the door waiting for her.

When the door closes shut, Tomi looks to his dad with an angry pout. "Why did you slap Mom?"

Tord avoids his youngest son's gaze. "I didn't mean to slap him. It was meant for that girl."

"That girl didn't mean to hurt Torm on purpose Tord." Tom eyes go red again. The mothering side of him flaring. His boyfriend was really pushing his limits on how he calls their daughter.

Tord rolls his eyes at him as he glares back. "Why are you siding with her? She hurt our son, accident or not this is serious."

"Enough to slap her to possibly do this," Tom points to his cheeks and cut, "or worse. I think not Tord!" His voice raising in volume.

"Tom. Calm down now, let's not fight here." Edd tries to settle the verbal fight between the two.

Matt looks back and forth at Tord and Tom. He settles his eyes on Tom with a consideration. "Tom, I think it's about time you told them."

Now all eyes, minus Torm, are on him. Two of them knowing what he's referring to and three confused.

"What do you mean Matt?" Tord questions now interested in hearing that his boyfriend is keeping something from them.

Tom clenched his hands into fists. "Now isn't the time Matt."

Edd swallows as he feels the need for his friend to also tell Tord and the brothers the truth. "I think it is the time Tom. You saw what Tord almost did to her."

"What's this have to do with Tika?" Tomi wondered what all of this had to do with her all of a sudden.

Tom looks at his two friends who look at him pleadingly to tell them the truth. Tell his love and family the truth about her. He knows they're right, after seeing what Tord did to her... Tom takes a deep breath and exhales it slowly. No matter what relations they have about her, I have to take it because it was my choice to hide her.

"16 years ago..." Tom starts to the group, mainly his family, "I found out I had received an unsuspecting gift given to me by Tord."

"I didn't-"

Tom looks at him to shut him up. When Tord is quiet he continues. "I carried this gift with me for twelve months." He looks at his boyfriend again with a knowing expression. "I'm sure you remember that time I left the base for five days without your permission."

Tord nods still not understanding where this story is going. Even the kids had no clue what their mother was going on about.

Edd and Matt gave him support by showing him smiles.

"Of course I do. I'd never forget." Memories of Tom's return in the past resurfacing in his mind. "When you walk over to me, you dropped to your knees crying while clutching my jacket. Let's not forget you passed out afterwards." That day Tom had been on bed rest for the whole day while the kids kept him company.

"Yet you don't know why." Tom mumbles quietly to himself. "Torm." The brunet undoes his vest and dress shirt buttons revealing a lined scar just under his abdomen.

He traces a finger the scar Tord and the kids has seen many times for the past sixteen years. Tom always told him it was a battle scar from a large knife.

"Yes Mother?" Torm answers after being quiet this whole time. He couldn't see the scar so he had no clue what was going on at the moment.

Tom prepared himself to reveal the long secret kept from his family. "What was your birthday wish to Tord when you turned nine?"

Tord eyes widened as he came to a slow realization of what Tom is talking about. The pieces were finally putter themselves together.

Unsuspecting gift

12 months

The scar

Torm's Birthday wish

Torm responds respectfully with the right answer. "I asked Father for a little sister."

Tom closed his dress shirt and vest again to cover his scar up. He brought his right hand to rub his opposite arm a little. His gaze looking away from Tord with a quiet nod.

Tomi covered his mouth with both his hands in his own realization too. "You mean she's..." He can't help but feel a happiness bubble in his emotions.

"Full name: Tika T. Lawson. Born and raised in England at the Rebellion base for the pass 16 years..." Edd nudges Matt towards the door to check on said topic of the conversation. The purple leader unnoticeable making his way out of the room. "Tika is biologically our daughter and to the two of you, your little sister." The brunet states.

Edd let the other two males in the room sink in the information. Tomi appears to already accept Tika whole heartily as Tom loves her unconditionally since the beginning. Although it was hard for Edd to read Tord and Torm's expression on the truth of the news about Tika.

"Torm?" Tom looks at his eldest son with hesitance. Unsure of how he receives the reveal of Tika's origins considering she was the one who hurt him.

Torm crosses his arms and looks away from his parental figure. It hurt Tom's heart to see the undeniable rejection in his body langage. "I don't believe it. I refuse to acknowledge her as my sister." The words his spoke hurting his mother more so.

"Tormy!" Tomi exclaims in angry way. "You can't just refuse to acknowledge her because she hurt you. She our sister!" It was obvious he's bothered by his brother's thinking.

"She threw acid at me Tomi!" He retorts with a following growl. Torm couldn't see it, but took his growl as a threat. The demon teen went over to his mother and stood behind him scared. The adults in the room taken aback by the scene.

Tom looks back at Tord who has narrowed glare set on him. "What were you thinking Tom?!" The Red Leader spoke in a firm and stern tone. "Why didn't you tell me?!"

Tom takes a step back holding his arm out, out of defense for Tomi behind him. "I told you my reason a long time ago. I wanted her to be safe. I didn't want her part of your army where she could possibly get hurt."

Nothing in the pass years has proven to Tom relatively safe in the slightest. Tord had been so busy he wouldn't have time to check on his daughter if she stayed. Tomi and Torm were more than enough of a handful now that other armies and presidential leaders know of them. Often times Torm or Tomi got caught as hostages, more so Tomi to the family's displeasure.

Work just kept building up and there seemed to be no time for the to make way for a little girl to come into their life.

Never less if Tika did stay she would be a caged bird with clipped wings. She wouldn't be able to do what she wanted if people sough out after her for deals against Tord and himself.

The door opens catching everyone's attention.

Tika enters the room with Matt following behind her. Both noticing the tense atmosphere in the room slowly let go of their smiles. Matt wonders what happened while he had gone to check on the girl.


Edd shakes his head when he look to Matt. "I'll tell you later Matt."

Tom walks over to Tika, changing his frown to a smile for her. "Tika, care to treat me outside."

"Um, sure Mister Tom." She didn't really get what was going on with the tension in the room. It really felt off. Tika turns around to lead him out of the room.

Tomi follows after his mother to go with the two. He didn't want to stay in a room with an angry dad and scary brother because he feels like he might cry if he does. The monster teen hugs onto his mother's arm, giving the occupants on last glance before they're out the door.

"This conversation isn't over Thomas." Tord's voice clearly stern to everyone's ears.

The door closes shut.

+With Tomi, Tika, and Tom+

"I'm sorry you had to see that Tika."

Tika shakes her head as she is still unaware of what happed in that room. "It's fine, I'm sure there was worry about Torm that caused the tension."

Tom only smiles with guilt, 'If only you knew...', he thought as she sets the first aid kit on the desk. He takes a seat on a swivel stools while his son took a seat nearby on a medical bed.

"So Tika," Tomi starts off, "We didn't really get to finish getting to know each other. Can we still talk while you help my mom?"

"Oh this is him?" Tika says in surprise at the new information about Blue Leader. She had heard it before when they came into the private room and Tomi greeted the Blue Leader.

Tomi nods happily, "Yeah! The similarities are really," He giggles, "outstanding."

Tom rolls his eyes with a chuckle as Tika giggles at him. "Right you are Tomi."

To Tom's comfort his youngest son and daughter were getting off on the right foot. Both of them chatting to each other like they were old friends or maybe kids meeting for the first time in school.

Tika opened the first aid kid and picked out the ointment to pour some on the cotton ball. "This might sting a bit." Holding the cotton ball in the tweezer, she lightly dabs it on Tom's cut.

"Well this isn't anything uncommon. It just means the ointment is working." He feels a few stings but is able to keep a calm expression.

"Tika, I know this is out of them blue," Tomi says as his mother gives him a glance from the corner of his screen. "But how do you feel if your mom was a guy?"

Tom wanted to fall out his chair as his son finished asking his question. It was obvious the boy wanted to see how she would answer. Almost as if he's testing her. He may have accepted Tika however there were doubts sometimes until cleared.

The teen hums as she tosses the cotton ball away to the the trash then to pull out a bandage from the kit. "I mean, it's less than likely that would happen. Males can't give birth to babies after all." She tears the pack open and takes out a purple bandage with a black X in the middle.

"I know, but still." Tomi urged to hear her answer.

Tika places the bandage over Tom's cut, "Well I think it would be really cool, especially if they're like Mister Tom here." She pulls out a cold pack from the kit, breaking the contents to activate the cold contents, thus giving it to Tom.

"Love is Love no matter who it is. The relation between the person and their special someone is undeniable because of the close bond they made from knowing each other for such a long time." The girl shrugs her shoulder as she starts cleaning up the things she used from the medical kit. "Titles are simply labels people put on each other to acknowledge their role throughout their life. So it wouldn't matter to me if my mom is male or female, same can be said with my dad. I mean look at my Uncles, they're really happy together that I see them as my second set of parents."

Her explanation warms Tom's heart. Thank god she has no problem with same gender relationships. "That's sweet of you to say Tika."

The girl blushes and rubs the back of her neck. "It's my opinion for everyone. I don't want to judge other for who they really are." Tika shrugs her shoulders again. She picks up the the first aid kit and puts away in its right full drawer.

Tomi grins and jumps off the bed in a now happier mood. He runs up Tika and hugs her from behind. "You're such a doll Tikky! I don't understand how my brother cannot like you." He snuggles his face between his sister's neck and shoulder.

"T-Tomi!" She stutters in surprise by the nickname and hug, hands fumbling around as her head tries to look back at the demon teen hugging her.

Tom chuckles at the delightful sight. Definitely a pair of sweet siblings between the second oldest and youngest. "Be carful now Tomi, don't hug her too tightly now. She's not like you and Torm."

Tika feels the arms loosen around her enough to turn around in them to face him. The brunet smiles at her with childlike innocence. Then Tomi is back at it with hugging her a little more closer to his body in a comforting way. "Tomi?"

The male teen murmurs something very quiet against the upper part of her collar bone. A hot breath hosting over her exposed skin. Only words he will ever know.

I promise to protect you

She looks to Tom, his hands gesture for her to hug Tomi back. Tika shyly brings her arms to hugs around her new friend. He felt so warm and comforting. She closes her eyes and hugs him back more making Tomi and Tom smile.

'Dear Mother, does a brother's hug feel inviting? Warm and Comforting?'

Hey Everyone! New chapter!

Okay I some of you may be wondering why there are lines from Tika say 'Dear Mother...' and so on. Those are actually small letters Tika made on strips of paper but never sent to Tom. You just have to keep reading to find out what she did with them ^^

If your also wondering why Tord didn't recognized the dog experiment, it's because Seth was a puppy when he was taken out, and now a big dog.

Hope you guys enjoyed, now for the fanart!

Fanart of Tika in watercolor via Instagram from the user above!

Thanks again to InsanePilots via LINE App 'Dear Daughter' Group Chat! Lawson brothers!

Thanks to @matlovescars23 via Wattpad, Fanart of Torm, Tomi, and Tika!

The Lawson siblings from the last chapter scene when they're all together. Thank you to beebumbees_witness on instagram for sending these to me!

More fanart from KittyBoy._.Draws from Instagram. Thank you again as always ^^

Thanks again to cheesyy_drawss via Instagram! Wonderful little strip of a scene from the last chapter ^^

Fanart from BadLittleMizzy0 ! Thanks so much!

Thanks to @kittypaw21 for this three part Fanart. It's like Tika is slowly making it into the family picture. The last missing piece of the puzzle you know ^^

Artwork of Tika by anonymous artist! Thanks so much, she looks adorable XD

Sorry to the people who don't see their art on this chapter! They'll be part of the next chapter due to the 20 picture limit! Thanks for understanding ^^

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