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~+Time Skip: Four Month's+~

"Oh my gosh! Thomas can you believe it?!" Tord picks his lover up by the waist and spins him around before bring him back down. Holding him lovingly in his embrace. "My army won over Russia!"

Tom chuckles and wraps his arms around his lover's neck. "I heard from the children. They were so happy about your win."

Tord places kisses all over Tom's face, feeling so happy for his big win. Now the only place left was the United States and then he'll completely have control of the whole world!

"Mmmh~ Tord..." Tom wanted to talk, but his boyfriend wouldn't stop their little make out session that had formed from the loving kisses over his face. "Come on," Another kiss, "Tord~"

It was the taller leader's turn to chuckle at his love. "We should celebrate min kjære." He cups the side of Tom's face and the brunet leans into his touch.

"I'll ask Sadie and Peter if their teams are up for such a big task today since this is kinda last minute planning." Tom says as he puts a hand over the one cupping his cheek lovingly. "I'm sure all the soldiers would love to celebrate tonight."

Tord presses his lips against Tom's softly this time. Pulling back to have the both of them smiling and looking at each other with their foreheads resting against each other. "Then it's settled, we'll have a feast in order to celebrate the big win."

Tom pulls away from his lover after giving him one last kiss. "I'll see you later, preparations are in order for tonight."

"Sure you don't want to stay a bit and have some fun with me?" Tord sweetly coos invitingly.

Tom's eyes change pink for a moment before rolling his eyes. "Maybe later Commie." The door closes behind the brunet once he steps out of the office.

Tord walks over to his desk to pull the drawer open to pick out a small white box. He opens it to look at some lovely look accessory he's been meaning to give to the love of his life for quite some time now.

He just needed the perfect moment.

"Min kjære... Jeg elsker deg."


Tom worked with Reggie and Zack to get everything prepared for tonight's party. They informed Sadie and Peter's team to get the food ready later while Tom sent his two soldiers to spread the news.

"I can't believe Red's letting everyone enjoy the night off! This is going to be so awesome!" Reggie says exited for tonight, he hugs his partner tightly in a hug. "Can you believe it Zack!?"

The raven haired soldier chuckles and pets his partner's messy blond hair. "Yeah Reggie, I get it."

Tom looks back at the with a smirk, "Seriously you two, the longer you dance around each other, I'm gonna lock you two in a room together." The brunet has noticed for sometime his two trusted soldiers had feelings for each other, yet they're both too shy to make a move.

Reggie and Zach blush, the blond soldier rubbing at the back of his neck nervously while Zack feels embarrassed.

"Blue!" The two complain when the awkwardness and embarrassment became too much.

Tom laughs and turns around to face the two of them, putting his hands on their shoulder. "Sorry, I couldn't help it."

Zack sighs, "Anyways, how are you and Red?" The reason The soldier asked this was because he's been noticing his leader kinda off during the pass few months.

"Hm? Tord and I?" Tom says casually as the three of them continue to walk down the hall together. "We're doing fine."

In honesty, Tom wasn't too sure... during the pass three months up to this month have been really mind boggling. It had to do with a certain someone who kept getting Tord's attention more than him.

Said person being Jessica Harper.

Not only does she succeed in her training, but her job as part of intel in the red stealth team has Tord calling for her more often. So Tom would see Jessica in Tord's office a lot, giving learned information from missions she went on with the team. May someone remind Tord that this is usually done by the Department head of the Stealth Department.

Shaking his head, Tom pushes it aside. He wonders sometimes if he's actually one of those people who gets jealous by overthinking everything.

Tom looks at his soldiers and smiles. "Come on you two, let's just do rounds and meet up in the kitchen to help the kitchen department set up the dining hall."

"Yes Blue."

+With the Children+

"Tika, Mom and Dad are going to have a party for the big win!" Tomi exclaims in excitement as he shakes his sister back and forth by the shoulders.

"I know Tomi, I was there with you when we overheard dad practically shouted about it to mom in excitement." Tika giggles as her brother finally slowly stops shaking her.

After finding out about the party, the three siblings went to Tika's room to hangout in for the mean time. The brothers sat on Tika's canopy bed by the pillows, Tomi sitting on Torm's lap, while Tika stayed at the end of the bed petting Seth. Tomi started rambling on to her about what they should do during the party while his two siblings listened to him.

"Oh! We should ask Nevy and Opi to make us costumes!" Tomi suggests.

Torm raises a brow as he rests his head on his brother's shoulder, "Do you want the clothing department to start fight about what we should dress as in costumes?" The clothing department was known for their fights over certain clothes the kids should were, especially special types of clothes for certain occasions. "Why the need for costumes anyways?"

Tomi hums, "Mostly because it's October and Mom told me it's the month of wearing costumes to look scary and get treats."

"Can't believe Halloween season came so quickly." Tika laughs as she remembers her first conscious memory of trick or treating around the Rebellion Base.

Seth barks when he hears the word Halloween, it was also his favorite time since he gets a lot of treats from his mistress after she gets sweets. "I'll give you some dog treats later Seth."

She looks at Tomi, "I'm up for asking for costumes for the party if you're willing Tomi."

"Yes!" Tomi brings his hand to pat his brother's head on his shoulder. "Tormy?"

"If you really want it, I'll join." Torm answers hugging his brother and nuzzling the side of his neck. Tomi cheers and turns around on his brother lap to hug him tightly while giggling.

Tika takes out her lavender phone that Amy made her for safety and contact use only.

"I'll give Opal and Neva a call to see what they can do before the party."

+With Tord+

"Further more Red Leader, it seems the Maroon and Orange Army will be working together from now on. They've seen the friendship going on between their heirs so they've decided to cooperate with one another." Jessica tells Tord with a dignified tone for work.

Tord hums as he types away on the keyboard of his computer to input the new information. The two of them are in his office doing work about the recent stealth mission the red stealth team finished that she went on.

"Any other information I need to know about Jessica?" He asks waiting for more info to type into the file.

Jessica bows her head a bit and closes her eyes. "No sir. That's all the information we got from this mission."

Tord saves the file into his computer, making duplicates for his flash drive and make drive in his laptop. He'll have to ask Tom later to make note having the both of them reorganize all his important files again when they have another free session together.

"Uh Red Leader," The raven hair spy says to start a conversation with him.

"What is it?"

She fiddles with her bracelets, "I've been meaning to ask you about the kids in your care."

Tord stops what he's doing on his computer and looks at Jessica. "The children? What about them?"

"Before I came here, I heard you had two sons. Which is Torm and Tomi correct?" She got a nod from the man in response to her question. "Torm looks like you but I got confused because one of them looks like your second in command. Not to mention the girl, Tika, she's part of the Rebellion Base isn't she?"

Because Jessica was always out on missions, she doesn't really see the affectionate actions Tom and Tord have that the other soldiers see often. Nor does she witness the kids calling Tom their mom too, so she's really out of the loop while trying to get close to her target.

So many questions and all Tord could do is give her an answer simply. "I guess you've been out on missions a lot to get to know them personally. You see, Torm and Tomi are experiments made from my dna and Thomas' dna."

In Jessica's mind she thought Tord meant the two monster teens were made separately. Torm being solely made from Tord's dna while Tomi was made only with Tom's dna.

"As for Tika, she's here because her mother wanted her back to live with us. If you haven't notice the resemblance yet, Tika's actually by biological child." Tord would at least assume Jessica already knew who his lover was by now since his and Tom's soldiers are pretty tight knit with one another.

What the leader in red didn't know is that Jessica gives an intimidating presence around others. For one she doesn't really speak to those around her unless she's bored or if they're important to her mission. So she hasn't been part of the quick news line of updates she should be knowing, like Tom and Tord's relationship.

"You're daughter?!" She said with genuine surprise. Jessica recalled what Tika looks like the girl does indeed have a very similar appearance the him. This is some important information: Daughter of the fearsome Red Leader can actually make some game changers in the war if word gets out. She could already imagine the possibilities.

Example: Marriage proposals

"So you and your wife..." Jessica says uncertain.

"Ah, her mother and I aren't married yet, but we're still very much in a loving relationship." Tord assures her quickly. He rubs at his neck as he sits back in his seat to relax.

'So I still have a chance to change his mind.' Jessica thought, smirking behind her false mask. All she has to do is play him into her hands. "Where is your lover then?"

"Work as usual around the base, a busy body that one as you already know."

"Of course Red Leader." Jessica didn't understand, but all she needs to know was Tord's lover works a lot to be busy. Giving her possibly enough time for her to charm Red Leader when she can around him.

Knock knock

"Come in." Tord said looking away for Jessica to the door.

The door opens up to reveal Tom right on schedule for his usual announcement for upcoming events. "Red Leader."

"Ah Thomas, right on time. I was starting to wonder how the progressions are going for the party later tonight." Tord said as he gets up from his seat.

Tom walks over to stand in front of Tord's desk. He glances at Jessica for a moment before putting his attention on his boyfriend again. "The progress for the party is coming along swimmingly. Reggie and Zack are helping the kitchen department add the finishing touches for everything."

"Splendid! This party needs to go all out since we got Russia under our thumb!"

Jessica giggles at his enthusiasm while Tom rolls his eyes with a small smile. "You'll also be receiving a surprise later from the children."

"Oh? A surprise you say?" Tord said sounding curious to know what their kids are up to for him. The kids don't always surprise him, besides that one time with Tomi and Torm on his birthday a few years ago with Tom.

"I heard from a couple of my soldiers they've got something planned. Be surprised will you, Tomi seems to be the one most excited about it. Can you do that Commie?" Tom said taking his holopad out.

Tord chuckles, "Will do Witness."

"Good." Tom types a few things in before pressing a button on his device. "I sent you today's info to your computer since I can't tell you all of them at this time. I have to check on a few more departments before tonight."

Jessica watched between the two high ranked people in this base, who seem to have completely forgotten she is in the room with them too. 'If I remember from Tom's file, he's a former Rebellion Leader. Now he works as second in command and secretary for Red Leader after being captured by him. Not much info besides he's well respect in both the Rebellion and Red Army.'

Once Tom left the room, Tord came to remember his soldier still in the room with him.

"Sorry about that Jessica, it's been a long day since we saw each other for a conversation."

The raven shakes her head, "It's alright Red Leader, you are a busy man after all." She heads for the door and turns around. "I should be heading back to my Department to help my group figure out next week's mission."

"Of course, see you around."

She nods with a giggle and leaves the room. The door closes shut behind her with a click.


~+Small Time Skip: With the Kids and Tom+~

Tom covers his mouth as he looks at his kids with bright green eyes. He expected to find them in the uniform department, but not in their costumes.

"Holy lonely pony eating macaroni!" The light haired brunet expresses with pure happiness. "You three look so adorable!"

Tika is dressed in a lavender and red witch costume. A big witch hat resting on top of her head with a dangling charm with a clover at the tip of her pointy hat. The top part of the dress is a small cloak above her black shirt, her bottom is a same lavender colored short skirt while she wears black spandex shorts underneath. Her shoes are flats much to her favor because she doesn't like wearing heels. Around her neck is a black choker with a silver metal charm of a triangle in the middle.

Torm's costume is one would describe as a insane yet fancy underground doctor working in the black market. He sported a red dress shirt with a black tie warped around under his collar. Over his dress shirt is a black lab coat with same color slacks adoring his legs like his shoes are to his feet. Adding to Torm's charming appeal to make him devilishly scary is his tail and horns, keeping his wings in because he didn't really need them.

Finally Tomi, known to being Torm's little assistant in their medical helping ways, is dressed as a nurse outfit. Not the typical nurse uniform but the ones people find revealing around the legs area. Tomi wore a short baby blue nurse dress with an assortment of empty syringes in his little bag hanging on his belt around his thigh. On his head he also has a nurse hat with the first aid sign sewn on it in red.

Tom had to wonder why Neva and Opal always like dressing his youngest son in girl clothes sometimes. He wasn't complaining, Tomi can whatever he wants as long as he's comfortable, but he wonders sometimes if the department heads prefer his son wearing those types of clothing.

He pulls his holopad out with a smile, "Get together you three, I'll take a group picture."

Torm stood behind his two younger siblings with his arms held behind his back. Tomi hugs his sister's arm with giggles escaping his lips while Tika looks shy in her costume.

"In three, two, one." The Leader in Blue took a picture of the three of them and then some individually after a couple of group pictures with the Department as well.

"Here Blue, I can take some with you and the kids." Neva offers and Tom hands her the device carefully which she accepts.

"Thank Neva." Tom said as he goes over to his kids. He stand to the left side of his eldest son. "One more picture and we're done, promise."

Torm sighs, smiling his best for the camera now that their mom is in the picture with them. The least he can do is smile when their mother is involved. Tomi smiles big for the camera with his childish innocence showing proudly. Tika holds her mom's hand and smiles for the camera naturally feeling happy to be a part of her amazing family after being with them for months now.

"Say cheese!"

"Cheese!" An audible snap has the group relaxing once the picture is taken.

Tom got his holopad back from Neva and pressed on the photo to make it bigger. He turns it around to show it to the kids. "How does it look?"

"Haha, it's nice... but I wish Dad was in the picture too." Tomi said pouting at the empty spot beside Torm's right. "Then the photo would be picture perfect!"

Tom pats Tomi on the head who laughs at the familiar feeling of his mom's hand in his hair. "Maybe later we can take a picture again with your father with us. You three want to surprise him with your costumes don't you?"

They look at their smiling mother and nod in agreement. "I'd like to scare Father for once."

"It would be nice for a change. We don't really seem his get scared often." Tika says calling her hands together. She's never really seen her dad scared before.

Tom gave another thanks to the uniform department and then took the kids down to the dining hall carefully. He didn't want the surprise for his boyfriend to be ruined after all.

When they got to the hall, he took them to the kitchen and gave them some food well provided by Sadie.

"Okay guys and gal, today's small menu before the party is clam chowder soup with crackers. Drinks are water or sweet tea." Sadie says placing the trays down infront of Torm, Tika, and Tomi. "What drinks would you like?"

"Ice tea please."

"Water please, Sadie.

"Water please."

Sadie nods and goes to the fridge to grab their drinks. "Want anything before the party too, Blue?"

"I'm good, I'll just eat during the party. I heard from Peter that you two have a lot planned." Tom said as he takes a seat next to Torm on the side table they set up in the kitchen. The side table was mainly used for the cooks, but walk ins from the blue soldiers were always welcomed in the blue department.

She laughs as she tucks a long stand of her red hair behind her ear. Then pulling the fridge door open, "You bet, got the whole feast planned out to make this one heck of a party!" Sadie continues to ramble on much to her leader's amusement.

Tom chuckles, it's always refreshing to him to see his soldiers in a good mood. His fourth family to be more specific of how much he loves them. The first would be his real family, his mother was always such a loving one while his father was the protective figure in his life. Then his second family would be with Edd and Matt. They always treated him fairly and he always felt included with them around.

To be honest, his soldiers are suppose to be his third in close relation, but Tord and the children bumped them down. Although there are times when has doubts.

'Are we truly a family?'

The question would once in awhile pop up in his head, more times after Jessica started showing up more around Tord.


Pulled out of his thoughts when he feels a hand on his shoulder, Tom looks to his right. Torm's looking at him with concern assuming it's because he's been mind wondering again.

"Yes Torm?"

"Are you okay? You looked out of it?" Torm questions removing his hand from Tom's shoulder.

Tom pulls off a smile for his son, "Don't worry Torm, I'm fine. I've just been thinking too much lately." Being playful he bumps his goggles against his son's goggles.

"Mother." Torm says while happily laughing.

"Aww who's my cute little devil?" Tom changes his smile into a real one when the sense of worry leaves him.

Tomi and Tika glance at the Mother and son with smiles as they join in on the conversation.

"Tormy's the best!"

"He's awesome!"

Torm turns his head to look at his siblings with a blush covering his cheeks. "Tomi! Tika!" He says embarrassed while his younger siblings giggle. The devil teen wasn't use to a lot of compliments so he gets easily flustered when his family does says these kinds of things.

Tom rests his elbow on the table and rests his cheeks on his hand. The scene of his kids refreshing his mind as he watches them getting along just fine.

'They're all I could ever ask for... and I'm proud to be their mother.'

~+Party Time: With Tord+~

The party came about when the sun settled down for the day. The night sky taking over its position with the full moon glowing it white light.

Tord had finished everything for the day and is walking to the dining hall to join everyone for the party.

He pushes the door open to be welcomed with quite a surprise. Torm, Tomi, and Tika jumping on their dad when he walks into the room.

"Boo!" Tika said, smiling happily afterwards dressed in her cute witch outfit with her wand pointing at Tord.

"Scared?" Tomi asked excitedly.

Tord breaks out into a haughty laugh as he enveloped his kids in a hug. "Nice try kids, but it's gonna take a lot more than cute costumes to scare me!" He knew he should have followed along like Tom said, but he couldn't help himself. They kids weren't scary at all, just too cute for their own good.

"Ugh, Father, you're crushing us!" Torm complains as he's crushed in a tight hug with his siblings.

When Tord finally let go of them, the three of them heaved a sigh of relief. They will never understand how can be so strong and no waver as he continues to get older. Then again he's not that old yet, counted his looks are still young.

"So where's your mother?" Tord asks in a chipper tone.

"Mom? He's Zack and Reggie, they're talking about next week's schedule." Tika tells her dad honestly. She could see he had something planned for Tom but didn't say anything about it. The girl glances at her brothers who seem to notice the same thing.

"Alright, wish me luck kids!" He put on a proud grin as he enters the mass crowd of soldiers in the dining hall.

Tomi looks at Tika, "Do you think Dad can find Mom in such a crowded room?"

She shrugs her shoulders, "I'm not sure Tomi."

Torm crosses his arms over his best and sighs once more. "It took us an hour to get to the entrance to get ready for when Father came in... Let's not forget that most of these soldiers are drunk off their butts."

Tomi and Tika hum in their through process.

Torm closes his eyes and shakes his head. "Come on you two, Mother said we can eat in the kitchen. I for one agree because I don't want any drunk soldiers ruining our meal." He says leading Tomi and Tika to the kitchen by the hand. More importantly he didn't need any loopy soldiers getting any stupid ideas while his siblings are around. The last thing he needed was for some drunk soldier running around waving a open bottle and spilling the liquor content on them.

If that happens, Torm wouldn't mind punishing them for awhile.

Tom, on the other hand, specifically didn't want alcohol to be part of the party, but a whole bunch of the soldiers literally begged the Blue Leader with tears in their eyes. Tom being Tom... well he just told them no with a straight face.

The soldiers who wanted alcohol had to use drastic measures to get what they wanted from the mothering Leader. They even shared it with the Red soldiers on how to get something from Tom.

All they had to do is literally act like a kid.

Pout, be stubborn, basically anything they could act out realistically to get Tom to break in. Which lead to now, soldiers of both groups drinking up like no tomorrow.

Back to Tord, he did get lost within the crowed room filled with soldiers either drunk off their ass or sobered up to some degree. Heck, even the kitchen department is full on drunk, maybe one or two of them tipsy.

"Where the hell is Tom?" Tord mumbles to himself as he pushes pass a few drunks.

It took him almost an hour to find Zack and Reggie. The two blue soldiers laughing, Reggie being the loudest while Zack look well enough to not be considered deeply intoxicated.

"Zack, Reggie." He said walking over to the them. Tord got their attention because the two of them look in his direction as he comes over.

Reggie throws his arms up and throws an arm around Tord's shoulder with a drunken laugh. "Red! Haha! Isn't this party great!"

"Yeah, Peter and Sadie really did a good job." He had seen the table assorted with various meals for everyone to take. From fruits to hearty meal for dinner, yeah they made a feast for a king. "Anyways, have you seen Thomas, Zack?"

Zack being asked by Tord is because the raven looked more sober than Reggie. "He went to check on the kids in the kitchen. Tom wanted to make sure the three of them are alright after seeing how drunk everyone is."

The leader in red had to groan, "I should have just stayed the kids." Now he had to make his way to the kitchen just to go get Tom and bring him out so he can ask his question.

He was about to leave the two blue soldiers when one of his own soldiers pulls him over to a table and sits him down.

"Have a seat Red Leader!" The man, Charles Power, the new soldier who joined a few months ago exclaims in a drunken slur. "Join us for a drink!"

Tord raises his hand as he gets up from his seat. "Sorry, but I have to see Tom."

Amy giggles in her drunken state, "Aww~ Come one Red Leader! Have some fun with us!" She says as two of her scientists sit their Leader back in his seat.

"I really can't-"

"Can't?" Adam, the soldier who talked smack about Tomi years ago, said in mockery. "Don't tell us you're gonna a pussy and back out! I want to challenge you to a drinking battle."

A sense of pride and dominance filtered through Tord's blood when he got called out. His eyes and brows narrow as a smirk takes his lips.

"You want to challenge me? I'll tell you now that the moment you challenge me, you've already lost!"

Adam grins and sets a large bottle between them on the table.

"Prove it."

~+With Tom and The Children+~

Tom smirks at the kids while their faces are pressed against the cold table surface groaning.

"I told you."

Torm turns his head to side to look at his mother. "But how is that even possible?!"

Tom laughs and ruffles his devil son's hair. "When it comes to you uncles, your father, and I, anything is possible."

Tomi turns his head, now having his cheek pressed against the table. "I'm not sure if I should take that literally Mom."

"I agree." Tika picks her head up and sits straight. "No one should be able to drink so much alcohols and not be drunk."

The kids had watched their mother drown at least 5 large bottles of a drink called Smirnoff, from which they can tell is a liquor. Not once has Tom look the least bit tipsy or slur his words in front of them.

"I've been drinking Smirnoff for mostly all my life. So you could say my tolerance for this kind of stuff is high." Tom explains to them why he can drown five bottles and not get drunk. Not to mention he ate quite a lot of food before drinking, it's bad to drink on an empty stomach after all.

They soon hear loud cheering coming through the open view of the dining hall from the kitchen. Most of the soldier circling around the center.

"I wonder what they're going on about." Tika said kinda curious about the cheering.

"Don't mind them Tika, it's probably another drinking contest going on." Torm tells her as he finally sits straight again.

Tomi nods as he does the same, "It's rare for the soldiers to be drinking alcohol so they're getting the most out of tonight."

"I'll give it to them tonight, but tomorrow's revenge for me is their hangovers." Tom says as his kids shudder from the icy smile.

Tika laughs a little nervously.

"Let's hope they survive tomorrow."

~+With Jessica+~

The spy went into Tord's office with her flash drive to download the current information stored inside. She quickly goes over to his desk and opens his laptop with his symbol stocked onto he top lid.

"Override the password." Jessica plugs her flash drive into the USB port of the computer and waits for a moment to get the through security.

The screen fills with a few windows filled with encrypted codes and files that are locked in color red. Fast numbers are rapidly changing by the drive's will to find the right access to unlocking the computer due to the override virus.

An audible click sounds and the raven mentally cheers at the success. Now she can download the access codes and plans Red Leader has stored on his laptop.

"Min Kjære, I'm here!"

Jessica jumps a bit at the sudden entrance of the Red Leader. "Red Leader?!" Shoot, she's been caught trying to steal info.

Tord, who is too drunk to think right at the moment, walks over to her and wrap his arms loosely around Jessica's waist. The amount of drinks he had challenging his soldiers left him to be unable to tell who is who.

He places kisses lightly on her cheek while he slurs his whispers to her.

"Min kjære... Min elskede... Min elsker..." Tord leans down and kisses her on the lips. The action so soft, yet filled with his love for Tom.

But he doesn't know he's not kissing Tom.

He takes his lips off of Jessica's with a half lidded eye looking at her blush tinted cheeks. The silver of his eye gleaming with adoration and lust.

"Min kone."

Jessica stares at the man before her who is probably mumbling in his tongue about love by the way he kissed her. She can't help but smile and put her hands on the man's shoulders. The feeling of jealously welling in her that this man did not belong to her but some other who had won his heart.

"Red Leader, love me?" She says forgetting her current mission with the USB. One of her hands closes the laptop and hides the drive in her coat pocket.

A pleased hum sounds from the leader in red as he takes her hand and kisses the back of it.

"This way," He says in a deep seductive tone that send shivers up Jessica's spine.

"Let's go to our room."

~Time Skip: Morning~

Last night, Tom brought the kids to their rooms, but they all wanted a sleepover together. Added that Torm and Tomi wanted their mom to sleep with them too like old times.

Tom thought Tord could sleep without him tonight with a simple thought everything is okay. His mind not aware of what was going on in the darkness of the other hall.

Now here he is, awake and a little hungover. Tom slowly sat himself up on the canopy bed he shared with Tika. Looking around he looks at his daughter first, breathing evenly in her sleep with a small smile as she maybe dreaming of something nice. His sons on the floor all cuddled up to each other with either a simple cruse of the lip of pleased expression as they're wrapped in each other's arms. He places a kiss on her cheek and does the same to the boys who have taken their sleep on the floor on a nest of messy blankets and pillows.

He uses his stealth to sneak away from his children to go get some advil in the bathroom. Taking a cup he fills it up with water, rolling two pills in his hand after he got the med case out.

When that was finished, Tom decided to go
check on his boyfriend.

He shakes his head. "I hope he didn't drink himself silly." Tom says to himself as he turns to the red hallway once passing through the lobby.

The light haired brunet goes to his shared room with Tord with a smile on his face as the meds kick in to fix his aching head. Putting his hand on the door knob, turns he lock, then pushing the door open.

It's too dark to see anything inside. 'Did he forget to leave part of the blind open again?'

He blindly feels for the light switch on the wall and flicks the light on when he finds it. Tom looks to the bed and finds two lumps on the bed.

A sense of fear starting to hover over him.


A groan comes from the bed as his boyfriend sits up and rubs his good eye. Clear in view, the caramel haired man is bare chest without a shirt, doubt himself if Tord even had pajama pants underneath the blanket.

Tord opens his eyes to see Tom staring in the doorway of their room. "Tom?" He shakes his head to shake away his heavy hangover, 'Wait, but wasn't Tom the one I took to bed last night?' The Leader questions himself.

The two men could only stare at each other for a moment until another groan, more feminine sounding, breaks their trance.

"Red Leader?"

That voice... Tom knew that voice.

The raven haired woman sat up, eyes still closed until she blinks sleepily at Tom . She looks annoyed at Tord's second in command is there in front of them by the doorway. Her arms wrap around Tord's neck as she snuggles herself closer to him, pressing her naked cleavage against the man's bare body.

Tom green eyes widen.

The two of them naked, enough nudity from Jessica, and love marks on their skin to know his lover had sex with someone else.

Tord had cheated on him.


Hey guys gonna make this note short ^^'

So yes, this happened. How's Tord going to fix this and how will Tom handle this situation? So many questions.

On note, I got my first job now so I'll be pretty busy. Sorry guys, my mom doesn't really want me to stay in the house for the summer. *rolling my eyes*

Now onwards to Adorable Fanart!!!

*bare with me guys, the long period where I didn't update stacked up some Fanart for me to post. If don't see yours here now, don't worry it will appear next chapter ^^






on instagram beebumbees_witness


Bleunpie on instagram


Kittyboy._.draws insta

By mamaduckling27


Thanks so much to all you amazing artist for the Fanart! Sorry about not commentating on your pictures, but with the little time I have now, I hope you can understand ^^' once again, Thank you so so much! I appreciate every piece I get from the fans of the book!

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