Day 4

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"5 6 7 go tap tap tap",Yuta was dancing with my niece, a kindergartener.

And I was dancing too. I was babysitting her and my mom called over Yuta 'cause she thought I'm not good for doing anything on my own.

"HEYYYY! YOU ARE STOMPING ME!!", he screamed as I stomped his foot by accident while dancing.

"Sorry sorry", I apologized. I wonder why this guy always screams though. Jeez.

I sat on the couch and pulled out the candies Yuta bought just for my little cutie pie, Ari.

"So who want candies?", I look at them but they didn't seem to hear me out. "Well, I do", I said looking at the candy and popped one into my mouth.

"HEYYY! THOSE ARE MINEEEEE!", Yuta screamed adorably.

"NOOOOO! IZZZ MINEEE!", Ari screamed then. I passed the pack of candies to Ari.

"Where's my share, dumbass?", he glared at me.

"Here", I said and popped the candy on my mouth to my lips.

He glared. Glared. Deadly one. I never knew he can glare like that.

I then shouted to my niece who went to the other room with pack of candies,"Ari!! Don't eat more! You'll get Stomach ache!!"

Yuta seemed concerned 'cause she already ate more than ten. He went to her and whispered,"So how about we play a game now?"

"YAY!", Ari jumped up leaving the pack there, forgetting it. He's good with kids huh.

Yuta looked around to find a family Twister sheet and put that over ground.

Yuta asked Ari to instruct to keep her busy and that was how we ended up twisting upon each other.

His face was opposite to my shoulders.

My right cheek was brushed by his warm breath.

His elbow rubbed my thigh.

I couldn't handle anymore. AHHH

I fell right on top of him. My head stuck on the crook of his neck. His on mine. We were like that for a minute.

The door creeked open,"MOM IS HEEEREEEE!", Ari shrieked to make me and Yuta stand up right.

I didn't want the situation to get more awkward.

He smelled nice though.


Dear Diary,

Today was awkward. What was that? All those tingling sensations today. What is that?

And he told nothing about that incident. Nothing. Why? Am I not his bestfriend? Isn't he supposed to share his feelings with me? Isn't he? I wish he talks to me about his feelings.

I received a call. From Yuta. I picked up, "wassup man? You don't usually call at night. Actually you don't call me at all. Is something wrong?"

"Well, not actually but you see maybe", he speaks with hesitation. "We can hang out tomorrow? If you are free ofcourse", he said.

"Sure! I got all the time in the world", I smiled.

"Sure",  he hung up.

I'll be looking forward to it.

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