chapter 1 - old diary

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(This chapter is placed 4 years after hiccup and astrid's wedding)

Astrid POV

I looked outside as the night was silent, well at least for a mother with 2 childs. Fishlegs and heather are taking care of  zephyr and nuffnick for the week, they said i need some rest. Although, i felt fine, i loved my kids a lot and i dont mind getting tired of doing things for them. But... im really tired acctually, being a mother is harder then i thought.

I sat down on the sofa, hiccup wasnt home yet so i decited to wait for him to come home to tell him heather and fishlegs took care of our kids for the week, i dont want him to be freaked out once he got home and the children wasnt here. I looked around the walls of our house, then i spotted something on the shelf. I reconized it, it was a small dusty wodden box i like to put under my bed, every time my house got destroyed my dragons back in the days, i knew that box wouldn't catch on fire becouse of the fireproof coat i put on the wood.

I took that box from the shelf and blow the dust off of it. I then rubbed it's rough surface, its surface used to be very clean and soft but now.. its been a lot of years since i last put a thing inside this box. I opened the lock with a key, i remembered a small pocket i attached to the box where i put the key to this box. As it opened, i saw a leather book, it wasnt so small but also not so big. I remembered it was my old diary!

I used to love writing in this diary! Every night i would stay awake and write what happened in the day. I took the leather book out of the box and discovered more things i had inside the box. Theres a small replica of a wodden dragon sculpture i made. i remember my mom making me a bigger wodden statue of a dragon as a practice for trhowing axes. I looked at the weird looking small replica i made and smiled at it, remembering the days when i was a small, dumb child with a big imagination.

I also found a big needle inside the box, i remember stealing it from my mother's knitting set when she knitted my nadder plush. But the plush is gone now, brunt down by a dragon's fire. The last thing i found in the box was a bracelet, a blue and purple friendship bracelet made out of dyed wool and braided into a bracelet. I saw the note near the bracelet, i picked up the note as it says "best friends ~ astid and keina" i remember keina, she was a short dark haired girl with emerald green eyes, we used to love pretending to be warriors and heroes and defeating the night fury and other weird dragons we made, together. 

Well... keina is... now... gone, i mean she didn't pass away, she.. just dissapheaed, some said she got eaten my a dragon, other said she got lost in the forest and die of starve. But i said something diffrent, i can feel shes still alive, somewhere in the world, surviving alone. I knew her since we were a baby and our parents were really close so... we knew everything about each other.

I then picked up the friendship braclet, the clolors already started to fade away, turned a bit.. darker and older, it bacame very fragile so i put it down back inside the box with all the other things exept the diary.

I opened the diary and saw an old crayon drawing of me and keina as a warrior and a great dragon hunter. I giggled a bit, looking at my weird stick-girl drawing, i never been so crafty or arty but.. well... kids seem to think diffrently. Before i continued to the first page, something knocked in the door. Pherhaps its hiccup, i dont know, so i opened the door and saw hiccup standing there, in front of the door.

I stood in front of him  just smiling at him. "Still awake?" He asked me, "well, i couldnt just sleep when i need to tell you something" i replied. "What is it?" He asked as he stepped inside the house, and i backed up a bit. "Heather and fishlegs are taking care of the kids for the week" i answered.

"Well thats great then! Its about time you got some rest" he replied to me as he sat on the sofa. "Its about time YOU got some rest too" i said as i was locking the door "whats this book?" He asked me as he spotted the book next to the wodden box. I aproached him and sat on the sofa next to him. "Oh its nothing but an old diary i used to write in!" I said, making it sounded like a useless thing.

"May i read it?" He asked, "sure, i was about to read it anyways" i replied.

We opened the book, hiccup looked at the drawing on the first page "who's that?" He asked me, looking at it weirdly. "Thats me and my childhood friend" i told him, not sure what to say since he'll be asking TONS of QUESTIONS if i explain everything to him.

Then he flipped to the first page, it said...


Dear diary...

Today is the first day i write in this bok! Mommy gave it to me and i know i wil love this bok!
Right now mommy is fighting with dragons otside, shes a great fighter and i wanna be just like her! Yesterday she got back home after killing a deadly nadder, thats my favorite dragon to kill! I hope i can kill a nadder someday! And i will win dragon training! Now its getting late, i need to sleep, good nite myself


I giggled a bit as my spellling was really... really bad. Hiccup also giggled, he looked at the page again "favorite dragon to kill? Really?" He asked me in a fun tone. "Hah, well i was really young and stupid, not understanding the truth about dragons" i replied.

Hiccup smiled, he then turned to the second page...

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