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Dear diary,

I felt like writing and so I had to come back to this. Has it really been four years since I last used this? Man, I was such a dramatic child in high school. It's hilarious actually.

Anyway, the first week of my sophomore year of college turned out alright. Here's what my schedule looks for this semester:

I've managed to make some acquaintances in a few of my classes, thank goodness. I guess I'm finally getting out of my shell. The person I met in my psychology class, Junmyeon, is very nice. We've been talking about various things and he's pretty cool. Don't know if I'll be inviting him to eat lunch with me sometime, but who knows! Maybe sometime in the future we can! He seems like a very intellectual person, I definitely should ask him to do some study days sometime.

Besides that, I haven't made much progress in making new friends. Maybe I can just deal with the ones I already have. I have Jongin, and my best friend, Kyungsoo, both who I've known before college. That should be fine, right?

Classes seem doable. The distance from building to building isn't far. And I have a long enough break each day for lunch. This seems like it will be a chill semester. Let's hope it actually stays like that.

P.S. Crap! I almost forgot to write, I've been seeing this one guy lately around campus. I'm not trying to be a creep or anything, but he had Harry Potter, Star Wars, and anime pins and key chains on his backpack! Really cool if you ask me.

Maybe if I scrounge up the courage, I can tell him I like his stuff.

I doubt I would though.

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