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TRIGGER WARNING: physical and emotional/verbal abuse ! from a parental figure 

     Everyday there were more bruises. Connor always asked Evan where they came from but Evan would always avoid answering somehow. The worst days were when Evan came to school with dried tears plastered on his face and his shoes untied from not having time when he ran out the door to get away.

     His dad beat him. For not being normal, he supposed. Too much anxiety, stop freaking out, get rid of your boyfriend, and so on. Evan's mother had left the family months ago to get away from him, trying to take Evan with her but not having the legal rights. There were days where he considered just ending it all, but he didn't want to leave Connor. Connor was the only thing that kept him grounded and alive, and he loved him. 

      One of the worst mornings is when Evan was minutes late for school, and as he stumbled down the stairs he tried to avoid his father. To his disappointment, he was standing in front of the door and proceeded to grab him by his shirt collar and punch him across the face. Evan whimpered as his dad kicked him out the door and he ran to school. As he ran into his first period class, Connor raised an eyebrow as the boy sat in the seat next to him. He saw the developing bruise on his face and his expression fell, knowing he needed to figure out what was going on with the boy. Taking out a pen, he scribbled out a note reading "meet me after class" and threw it to Evan, flashing him a look full of concern.

     The day ended and Connor caught up with Evan immediately, not letting him speed off.


      "Y-Yeah? I gotta go so-"

     "No. We need to talk... Let's walk to the orchard?" Evan nodded reluctantly, holding his boyfriends hand in his own as they walked down the path.

     "Please... tell me who did this to you." Connor referred to his bruise, kissing it softly so it wouldn't hurt.

     "I did it! To myself... Yeah. Punched myself. Right here..." 

     "No... Evan..." Connor's voice broke, wrapping his arm around the other. He felt something was off in his voice, something that made it so he didn't believe Evan.

     "But... There's no way you could bruise yourself there..." He looked at Evan's neck, seeing bruises line the top and continue down his back. When he would take Evan's shirt off, he always saw bruises on his stomach as well.

     "It's fine. Let's just stop talking about it okay?"

     "Not okay. You're hurting, you're in pain. I can't let whatever is happening continue..."

      "You can't tell anyone. And don't do anything about it either. It's my dad, he beats me. That's all."


     "No, Connor. Don't start. He'll just beat me more..."

     "Stop! I'm going to help you, you're going to get help. You can't go on like this... I'm scared he's going to kill you. It's not healthy and I'm getting you out of it. I'll beat the fuck out of him if I need to..." Evan's eyes welled up with tears, collapsing on the quiet side walk into Connor's grasp. He started sobbing into the other's chest, Connor holding him tight.

     "You're gonna be okay... You're gonna be okay..." Connor repeated over and over to the boy, rubbing his back as he continued crying.

     "I fucking love y-you... Don't get yourself hurt for me, please. And I'm going to do anything you do with you." Evan managed to choke out as he gripped Connor's shirt in his smaller fists.

     "I'm... gonna walk you home. I'm gonna talk to your dad, and if he does anything I'm calling the police. Understand?" The shorter boy nodded, not wanting to argue anymore. His body ached from the morning and he wanted to cuddle away the pain with Connor. The couple walked to Evan's house, approaching the door with a nervous tension in the air. They kissed quickly, then going to knock on the door. A gruff looking man, Evan's dad, answered looking pissed.

     "Hi, you must be Mr. Hansen. I'm Connor, Evan's... friend." Connor tried to smile at the man, holding out a hand to shake. He hated having to act nice since he knew how much he had made Evan hurt.

     "You're the other queer?"

     "I prefer the term gay. And yes, that would be me. I just wanted to ask if you were aware of the bruises covering your sons body?"

     "None of your business, stoner. Go away and let me and my son talk."

      "If talk you mean beat him, I'm afraid I can't leave sir. I can call the police right now." Evan's dad stared at his son with hatred, lashing out and taking a punch at his shoulder with one fist and with the other his face. 

     "You told someone, you little fucker... I'm gonna kill you!" Evan cowered behind Connor, and Connor taking a defensive stance over him. He looked at Evan's dad with an amount of loathing that seemed impossible. 

     "Fuck off, would you? He hasn't done anything wrong! You're scaring your own kid. You must feel pretty shitty about that, huh?"

    "He's not my kid. He's my wife's kid."

     "Then he shouldn't live with you. I'm taking him away from you, and I won't hesitate to call the police." Connor had his fists raised, Evan behind him gripping his sweatshirt tightly.

     "L-Let's just go... Let's just run away..." Evan whispered, his voice cracking a little.

     "We're not done, Evan. Get out of my house, Connor. This is family stuff."

     "Abuse is not family. You're not his family, you just said he wasn't your son. We'll be on our way, have a shitty day." Connor went to turn with Evan in his grip, then feeling the older man's hand on his shoulder. He made the mistake of looking around to be punched in the face, hard. Blood pooled around his jawline, and seeing the sinister look on the man's face made Connor grab his boyfriend and start running. Both in some tears, they ran until they made it to the nearby orchard and managed to collapse shakily at the stump of an oak tree.

      "H-He won't chase us..."

     "You're staying at my place now. For as long as you need to. Fuck..." Connor pressed his hoodie sleeve to the wound, trying to clot the blood. Evan was resting against Connor's chest, kissing the bruise on his face and leaving a trail of kisses down to his lips. They connected their lips, kissing as tears flowed down both of their faces.

     "How often did that happen..." 

     "Everyday, I guess. I-It's fine. Thank you... For doing that. I-I never had the courage to stand up to him..."

     "You did really good today... I'm proud of you. I wish I could've done more earlier. I love you so fucking much, Ev."

     "I love you too... I wanna be with you forever... W-We could get promise rings! Since we're too young for marriage shit... U-Unless my issues are too annoying then you can just-" Connor brought his lips to Evan's again, simply kissing him for awhile.

     "Let's get promise rings. Then one day, we can get married and live happily ever after. Like those shitty movies about the heterosexual royalty." 

     "T-Thanks for saving my life..." Evan almost laughed, feeling Connor's arms around him tight.

     "He's not going to lay a hand on you again. We're gonna go to the police and tell them everything... And then we can go and cuddle on my bed for forever." Connor offered a soft smile, his eyes filled with a new sense of hope. The other sniffed, trying to withstand from crying again, out of joy this time. They kissed once more, disconnecting before getting up hand in hand to go somewhere to be safe, even though both of them felt safest in each other's arms alone.


a.n: im updating this instead of my other fic hhaha,, i really need requests i'm in a bad place atm and that causes writers block for me? idk ily all haha 

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