Prince pt. 1

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     tw: telling someone to commit suicide, physical abuse

     Evan sat uncomfortably in his throne beside his mother and father. He had to attend a normal meeting and was hating the amount of eyes staring at them. It seemed all the citizens of their kingdom, Magnolia. His fingers tapped worriedly on the side of his golden throne, waiting until the court was dismissed and he could leave. Soon enough the royalty was released and Evan scurried off back to his room in the palace, slamming into another person as he tried to get to his door.

    "I-I'm so s-sorry!" Evan cried as he leant against his door, looking down on the taller boy who had fallen to the floor. He noticed his attire and realized he was a maid, and he blushed furiously for embarrassing himself.  

     "No, I should be the sorry one my prince." 

     "N-No it's okay... P-Please d-don't call me that either. J-Just Evan is fine." Evan hurried into his room, slamming the door behind him scared. He hadn't caught the name of the boy, but from the way he was still blushing he knew he was interested. The way his messy long hair fell on his shoulders made him smile for hours on end, and Evan had never seen eyes as pretty as his. 

     "Your highness, the Queen requests you have breakfast in the dining hall." A familiar voice sounded outside of Evan's door. It was the new maid boy from yesterday causing him to get up quickly and looking at the boy as if expecting something.

     "P-Please, don't call me your highness or anything... Evan. M-My name is Evan." Evan said flustered, looking at the other nervously.

     "I don't think your parents would like that."

     "W-What's your name, maid boy?" Evan tried to be polite to the other, smiling awkwardly.

     "I suppose it's fine to tell you... I am Connor. And you should probably put on some clothing." 

     "What- O-Oh." Evan noticed his bare chest, running back to his room and throwing on a shirt. He walked past Connor, nodding a thank you to the other as he rushed to eat breakfast. Connor Murphy smiled, not noticing the very evident blush on his cheeks as he watched Evan dash down the hall.

      Evan finished his food, bowing a goodbye to his parents as he noted he had scheduled himself to go for a walk through the kingdoms forests. His parents insisted at least a maid go with him, and Evan requested Connor. His father raised an eyebrow almost disapprovingly, but called for the other to be sent to his son. Connor couldn't be more confused when he saw Evan standing awkwardly, waving him over a little. He shook it off and put on a smile as he approached the other, blushing a little as he stood closer to him.

     "I've been told to accompany and protect you through your walk, sir."

      "Y-Yeah... Thank you. A-And it's Evan." Evan corrected for what felt like the hundredth time. He almost felt alone as Connor quietly followed behind him. Evan marveled at all the trees, stopping frequently to touch and collect leaves from a few. Connor looked at the other thoughtfully, imagining how great a life he must lead. He worked for the castle as a his family was a longtime service to the royalty, and it was basically legacy for him and his sister to continue. He would rather do anything else but clean the floors or get told off by the lead maid again, but at least he got to see Prince Evan.

     "I-I love these willow trees... They're so calming to me..." Evan sighed as he looked to Connor, sitting on the rocks near a small waterfall. They were close to the neighboring kingdoms territory, but Evan could care less as long at that point.

     "They are quite beautiful. Isn't this close to the border, Prince?"

     "Yeah... B-But I come here all the time." Evan would sneak from the castle on horse back when he could, and this place was his escape. Whenever days were to tolling on his mind, he took the night to come to the area and just relax. 

      "Am I allowed to speak?"

     "O-Of course! Please don't ask permission... You're a h-human too. We're equals." Connor looked almost stunned, only have been called scum and waste by royalty before. He smiled gently, sitting next to Evan on the rocks.

     "What's it like? Being a Prince and all..."

     "H-Horrible. I don't like it at all... I-I hate that everyones always looking at me! I d-don't want the attention. I wish everyone could just forget about me." He said exasperated, covering his mouth after his outburst.

     "Sorry. I-I didn't mean to sound rude or-" He started but Connor cut him off quickly.

     "No, it's my fault. Anyways, I'm really sorry. That sounds like a fucking pain... I-I thought it would be nice, honestly. I love serving you, I really do, but I don't want to do it-"

      "For forever? I understand... I just want to run away a lot of the time. S-So I usually come here when I can..." The boys' eyes connected, both of them offering empathy for the other. Evan loved the way Connor's eyes gleamed in the sun, they full of care and tolerance. Their hands were so close to each other that their finger tips brushed, both blushing a shade of pink but neither of them moving.

     "M-Maybe if I told them I liked boys and girls they would disown me and I-I could leave." Evan said with a nervous laugh, awaiting Connor's reaction. 

     "Not a bad idea. I like boys exclusively so maybe we... Get disowned and go live our own life." Connor joked, nudging Evan a bit with his arm. As soon as their arms touched, neither of them moved. It seemed that both of them enjoyed the physical contact, it was obvious they hadn't gotten much before.

     "That'd be nice." 

     "Y-You're not mad that I'm acting so casual around you?" Connor asked after a little bit of silence, seeing Evan frown a little.

     "N-No... I like it. It feels like I have a friend..."

     "Well then, Evan, starting today we are friends." Evan smiled brightly as he leant his head on Connor's shoulder and Connor's arm reached behind Evan's back. They smiled as they let the sun come streaming in on them, going on for ages learning about each other.

     "Is that Prince Evan Hansen? Who's that with him?" A voice exclaimed, coming out of the bushes nearby. Evan looked horrified to see a group of people around his age staring at the both of them.

     "Y-Yes, I am Evan Hansen, what do you seek?" He said as he remembered what his father told him to do so many years ago if he ever encountered people such as these. The group laughed, approaching Evan as he got down from the rock. Connor followed soon after, only to stop a few feet behind Evan.

     "Kid, you've made this kingdom a fucking mess! Your stupid rules are horrible! Kill yourself. Or we'll do it for you." There was an obvious sound of a wooden club hitting someones skin, threatening Evan. 

     "I-It's not m-me! And... A-And I'll try to f-fix it. I'm s-sorry." 

     "Sorry doesn't cut it, royal shit!" The seemingly leader yelled as he tackled Evan to the ground. It was easy, since Evan wasn't the strongest. He started punching the other, breaking the crown on his head as he beat his face. Connor looked enraged, throwing the man off of Evan and helping the boy up. Soon enough, both boys were on the ground being beaten for what seemed to be ages. It wasn't until a passing by group of royal guards stopped to break up the gang and arrest them that the boys were liberated from pain.

     "And you, maid boy, were sent to protect his majesty! And you nearly got him killed! That's not going to go down well with the king." The guard yelled to Connor, hoisting both bloody boys up onto horses to escort them home. The King and Queen looked mortified to see their son beaten up with long scars all over his body and a weak smile upon his bloody lips. 

     "Connor Murphy is to be punished for this!" Evan's father screamed, both of the boys quivering and holding on to one another.

     "D-Dad no! It wasn't his fault! There were too m-many of them..."

     "Stop stuttering, boy. He let you get hurt so he must be rewarded for such behavior. Please escort this maid boy underground. We'll figure out what he should be treated with in a moment." Evan cried out as Connor was ripped away from him. Connor went willingly, throwing dirty looks to the King and the guards carrying him.

      "Harold, it really does seem like a mistake."

      "Quiet with you. I have to go deal with the offender." The King marched down the stone stairs, slamming the gate behind him. Evan tried to go after him but was held back. He ran from the group, eventually finding a spot where he could look into the dungeons from upstairs.

     "I want him whipped for an hour at least. Not to death, but enough to make a very serious impact. That sound good to you, scum? Not that it matters." Harold sat down across from Connor, smiling grimly. The guard nodded, forcefully tying Connor to some sort of wooden structure. Connor's expression was blank as his shirt was torn off of him, exposing the tender skin underneath. Evan gaped at the long scars running down his chest, tears forming in his eyes. He choked on his breathe as the first lash was put on the boy, hearing him cry out loudly.

     "Can we have him gagged? That's going to get annoying." The guard had no emotion as he tied a piece of cloth firmly around Connor's head. The next few minutes were agonizing as the man whipped Connor over and over, and every time Connor's breath would hitch. Evan whimpered when he heard the harsh leather connect with Connor's soft skin. He could see through the crevices of the stones that Connor had begun to cry after what seemed like a hundred lashes. He couldn't help himself when Connor screamed through the gag, and let out a yell of pain for the other. The man whipping Connor stopped, looking up to the ceiling to make eye contact with a peaking Evan. 

     "Your majesty?"

     "That would be my son, the Prince. I'm sure he would love to see this! I'll have him escorted down." Harold said motioning another guard. Evan was quickly taken down the stairs and sat next to his father on some sort of plush chair, tears in his eyes. Heidi watched in pain as her son was taken down, feeling helpless against Harold.

     "You may continue." Connor and Evan looked to each other in agony. Evan couldn't recall when he last saw so much suffering in someones eyes. He winced and looked away when the familiar sound of cracking leather sounded, but was soon tapped on the shoulder by his father smiling sickly for him. There were only a few grains of sand left in the hourglass the King had started and he called for the whipping to stop and got up. Evan knew better than not to walk by his fathers side, and reluctantly got up to stand beside him. 

     "I'm going to administer the last of it's punishment." He stated simply as he grabbed a spiked whip, walking up to a shaking Connor and lashing at him a total of ten times. The last was the strongest, and the King laughed as Connor screamed again.

     "S-Stop! It wasn't his fault! I-I was the one who was too close to the rogues. H-He tried to pr-protect me and I told him to st-step away. I ordered him not t-to protect me." Evan cried out, his father dropping the whip. Connor was let down quickly, a bloody mess but still breathing. Evan ran to the other, hugging him and offering him his shirt back.

     "I'm disappointed in you. I command you are to be escorted to your room and locked there. I want a guard outside at all times, and minimal food to be delivered. Have his hands tied, I don't want him getting anymore frivolous ideas."

     "But Sir-"

      "Would you like me to have you whipped as well?" Harold bellowed, seeing Evan's tears and almost smiling.

     "No, your majesty." And with that Evan's hands were held firmly behind his back and he was thrown into his room. Evan cried for hours on end, screaming at some points in attempt for help. Connor was in his room as he heard echoes of Evan's voice, shaking as his sister applied treatment to his wounds.

     "H-He lied to help me, Zoe! The Prince lied... To help me! A maid!"

     "He likes you. I think he's lonely... You're probably his best friend or something."

     "I like him too... I need to help him! He's tied up in his room. Is that even allowed?"

      "Probably not, but the King gets what he wants. The poor Queen... She has no control over him."

     "I'm going to save him." Connor said blankly, Zoe looking at him as if he were insane.

      "One, he doesn't need saving, he's a bitchy over appreciated Prince. And two, you'll actually get killed. It's bad enough that you were whipped! But your kinky ass probably loved that."

     "Shut the fuck up! It hurt, did you not hear my screams? I can't bear to listen to his... I'll figure something out." Connor was trembling. For the next few days, he built up a plan to save the other. He had been confined to the undergrounds for a few days, but the second he was out he was on a quest to free the other. He ran up the stairs with a bucket and mop in hand, his body adorned in his sisters maid clothing. A skirt was evident, and his hair could easily be perceived as a woman's. 

     "I've been sent to clean up his highnesses room."

     "Are you Zoe Murphy?"

     "Yes." Connor's voice was raised, wincing as the guard looked up over. He smiled a little, allowing the boy into the room and feeling a slap on his ass as he entered. What he walked into horrified him more than anything he had seen before. Evan, having lost a significant amount of weight, overly pale and tied to his bedpost. 


a.n: whOOP this is an au requested by @MiaTheRaptor ,, i just made it angsty and there will be a part two ! haha i have a huge headache so bye for now my sweet enchiladas. 

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