Fixing Severed Ties

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"I really thought you've gone mad and disowned us for the Ministry."

Percy chuckled. Even though he had his facial expressions amused, he's hurt. Did his family really think that low of him? How did they not suspect a bigger motive?

"Ron, Percy's the only one who noticed something was wrong with the diary-" Ginny appeared out of nowhere. "I know you wouldn't go rogue on your own. Ron, why don't you play with the twins?"

"No-" Ron shook his head. "I'd like to stay. You're not his only sibling, Ginny."

Percy sighed and nodded.

"Just don't interrupt, alright?" Percy begged. "You don't know me as well as Ginny does. Hell, you didn't like me."

"Well, if you were never a pompous git and hurt Mum's heart-"

"Ron, enough," Ginny cuts. "You want to stay, be nice or shut up. Percy, I smelled something fishy about your departure. I know the fact that you wouldn't just abandon us for work. I suspected there's an ulterior motive."

"Then why didn't you chase me back?" Percy asked. "If you smelled something fishy."

"I don't know," Ginny answered. "Don't get me wrong, I knew something was not quite right, but I figured if Mum couldn't get you home, why should I think I can?" Ginny looked up to see her older brother right in the eye.

"Look, I know it's wrong for me to abandon you-" Percy took a deep breath in. "But umm, I thought there's no other choice. I was so afraid of letting you know of Molly's existence because I thought you'd yell at me and hate me."

"It really breaks my heart that you'd think of us that low, Perce-" Ginny played with her fingers.

"You couldn't deny the fact that I barely know most of you and vice versa-" Percy sighed. "In my mind, maybe you wouldn't hate Bill or Charlie or the twins if they were in my position but I'm the black sheep of the family."

"You didn't even give us a chance," Ron told him.

"I did," Percy denied. "The disastrous Christmas before I tried to kill myself. I went not just for work, but also to see if you can really be trusted to acquaint yourself with Molly. I had doubts but I really thought my doubts were unjustified."


"What's past is past, ok?" Percy stood up. "You know about Molly now, I got you back. Let's not entwine ourselves with the past, alright?" Ginny and Ron nodded. Percy walked into the house, his heart warms up as Molly and Arthur played with their granddaughter. Oliver was right, he shouldn't be worried about them not accepting his daughter.

Because they're family.

Percy felt stupid, so stupid that he thought his family will hate him for conceiving her. He supposed it was the fear, but it was for nothing. He wondered if things were different, so different.

If he'd just tell them from the beginning, he wouldn't have spent so many nights crying as he questioned every move he made. He wouldn't have asked the siblingless Oliver for help. He's not sure he would even be dating Oliver like he's doing right now. He would still be the immature pompous git, just with a daughter. Hell, he's not even sure he'll be given his daughter.

He wouldn't be where he is right now.

"Ready to go home, love?" Oliver held his hands close to his lips. "It's nearly ten."

Percy agreed, little Molly's going to be really cranky in the morning.

"Mum-" Percy walked up to his mother. "I need to go back to my flat and tuck her in."

"But I wanna play with Granma and Granpa!" Little Molly's legs stomped. Molly laughed.

"Your daddy's right, you need your beauty sleep, princess-" Arthur kissed his granddaughter's forehead. "Tomorrow you can play with us again."

"Of course, if your father's schedule accommodates," Molly added. "Doesn't it?"

"It does." Percy nodded.

"Bye Granma, bye Granpa-" Little Molly let out a small wave. Percy carried his daughter.

"Bye, Mother and Father-" Percy kissed both his parents' cheeks. "I missed you."

"We missed you-" Molly kissed her son's cheeks.

"Goodbye, Mr and Mrs Weasley," Oliver said.

"Take good care of my son and my granddaughter for me." Arthur winked at the trio. "Nice choice."

"Oh, I know."

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