24th June 1836

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Dear Frank,

Do you know when you might come visit again? Those Persian sweets you bought last time were such a delight—I can still taste them from time to time, you know. I understand you're busy; what with those Natives putting up a fight when you're just trying to help them, but I do think you'll be able to drop by soon.

I was hoping that you might be able to meet Sarah this time. She's only arrived down from Yorkshire last week, along with a few new kitchen maids, too! She's been such a sweetheart, helping me about the house and delivering all my letters for me, it can be such a pain, having to walk all the way down to the post office in town.

She also makes the most wondrous roast turkey—you simply have to try it! Her raspberry tarts are an absolute treat, too, and I know you and your sweet tooth, you'd simply be dying to have some, I'm sure.

I'll have to be off for tea now; I'll be expecting your reply in a few weeks. Oh, and don't forget to send my love to Mary.

Always, with undying love, yours,


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