Dear Maria;

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Dear Maria;
I've seen the letters you sent me. I have seen your heart desires and have heard your prayers. What you pray and hope for will be granted. Never give up hope. Keep persevering, keep on believing and keep on praying. I am always with you and never forget miracles happen. Your heart is pure and so what you wish for shall be given unto you.
Your holy father,

Maria's pov

It's been a few days since I received that letter. It was surprising, to say the least, but, I was very happy and excited. After a few days, the doctor said mummy was responding to treatment. Daddy was so happy. I was happy. Today is my birthday but, I want to give mummy a surprise. I want her to watch the sunset with me and daddy. We always did so when she was healthy.

"Come on," I said to both of them a bit enthusiastically as daddy helped support dad. We stood close to each other as mummy rested her head on daddy's shoulder.

I love the sunset. It's beautiful. According to mummy, it is one of the most beautiful things in our world. As dirty and corrupt as our world is, it gives life. It brings a smile to people's face because of its colour. It stands out. I never understood why she always said that and I still don't but looking at my little family, I don't care.

'Thank you, God. Thank you for my beautiful family.' I said a short prayer to God. After receiving that letter, I decided to write back. It may be funny because seriously no one would believe me if I told them, God, wrote back to me, a seven-year-old girl but, he did. And I intend to keep it a secret. My family's safe and I'm happy.
This is my story. I believed and held unto the little faith I had. And in the end, it was worth it.

The End
Okay, that's it. I'm getting really emotional rn. This is the first story I've completed in my lame- ass life. Don't forget to vote and comment. Sweeties I'm out *poof*

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