~Chapter 6~

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Sanity level
77% Sane
Also I forgot to say before hand. Some of this will be Hosuhs pov. But as his sanity lowers I'm gonna go into 3ed person pov just to give you all a good feel on what he's going through.

Hosuh shoots upfrom his bed. Like this was just all some sick and twisted dream. He glances around the room and sees the pack of pens on the ground. He goes to grab them but in impact his head starts hurting really bad. He shakes his head back and forth trying to sooth the pain in the process. Eventually it all goes away suddenly and he opens his eyes. Hosuh doesn't seem to question the weird bursts of pain or the weird things that have been doing on recently. He's just learned to except that they're there. He tears them open and the pens shoot all over the room, crashing into the walls and the floors. He picks them all up one by one and puts them away neatly in the case of pens. The jail has been oddly quiet for the few minutes he's been up. It's not normal. Normally there's so many people yelling and stuff. He squeezes his eyes together tightly as he tries to forget the past events with the cat and the strange man. His words echo in his head.

Who's really in control.

Who's really in control...


Hosuh gasps for air as his vision is disrupted. Glitches. Glitches everywhere. He hews double of things as he chokes and leans over resting on his arms. It's true, Hosuh DOSENT know who is really in control. He can't tell if it's truly him making the decisions he's been making. For a split second there's blood dripping down the walls and people's screams echoing in his ears, the beg for mercy and safety but to no avail. None are safe. But he shapes back. He grasped reality tightly trying not to let it slip away once more. Trying to make sure he's truly the one in control of himself. But really, would that make a difference? He's already loosing it. What would a reality shift do? No- that's not him thinking. Hosuh would keep fighting until the end, he can't let these voices get the best of him. He already ate a cat. He doesn't want to go any further then that.

His voice trembles and his legs and arms shake as he tries to get back to reality and get away from these voices. A soft voice is heard and without thinking, Hosuh lunges at the bars and grabs the shirt if whoever is there. He couldn't see who. Right now at least.
He slams the person up against the bars, begging for them to help him. No matter how crazy Hosuh sounds, he's still speaking the truth. He does really need help. The person flails around in his grasp a little bit before the sound of a gun cocking is heard. Hosuh puts the person down in fear and backs to the end of the cell. The guy with what he assumes is the gun shouts orders at him but he can't hear them. The voices in his head are already too loud to hear over.

The man continues to shout before stopping suddenly. Hosuh grabs his head in pain as the voices get almost louder. He feels something running out of his mouth. The people's footsteps leave the area rapidly as housh touches the thick liquid combing out of his mouth it somehow is cold but warm all it the same time and he calls out in fear. But he can't. It's like his voice is swallowed up.

"But you're not there yet."

Suddenly a force throws Hosuh to the ground and when he opens his eyes kits like nothing happened. But there is a bottle of pills in front of him with no instructions on them. The pills are read and yellow pills that are around the size of a potato bug. He takes the jar and gives them a shake but gets a weird vibe from them and ends up hiding them in the corner and swears to himself never to take one unless absolutely necessary. But he doesn't even know what they're for so I don't think that'll be any time soon. Footsteps approach around the corner and Bridgett comes into view. It's been a while since they've seen her so housh is shocked at her sudden appearance and change of style. She's dressed in black and her white doctor coat is gone. Her hair is pulled into a tight ponytail as well.

"Hello Hosuh."
"W-what do you-"

Hosuh is intruded by Bridgett slamming her hands against the cell door.

"I know what you've been doing. What you're becoming."
"I'm not becoming anything I'm perfectly fine."

Hosuh lies. His fear of the Man is growing the more and more he gets to know him. The creeping sensation he has is that the man maybe isn't even real at all and just a hallucination he's been having. But he shakes it off. His expression changes when Bridgett bends down to his level, form a serious one to a more pissed off look. For some reason her presence is disturbing and annoying. It makes him want to cry out and hurt someone. She digs in her pocket and pulls out the pocket knife from before. His expression changes once more, but not to a recognizable emotion, one more complex and weird. Like a mix of fear and anger, yet sadness and guilt. A large feeling of guilt builds up in his gut as the knife is in his presence for longer, he wants to slap it out of her hand and run out of there. But he stays calm. He's fine.

Bridgett sighs and throws the knife in at him before giving a devious grin.

"You really don't remember me?"

He shakes his head slowly. His pupils dilate as the knife slides towards him and he looks up at Bridgett. A look of fear flashing in her eyes for a split second but it runs off a second after and she continues to grin. Hosuh picks up the knife and stands up before opining it. At this point Bridgett looks absolutely horrified as she steps back. Hosuh senses a disturbance in the air all around him but can't exactly pinpoint what it is, like a feeling of dread, yet the feeling... the feeling of murder. Take the relief of getting away with a murder of someone you hated, but the dread of getting caught even though you KNOW you already got away with it. That feeling. The pleasure but pain both at the same time. Bridgett hits the wall behind her and takes off running back down the hall. And once again Hosuh hears the voice in his head.

"Who's really in control?"

He looks at his hands as they tremble and shake at the thought of the man. He starts to feel a little lightheaded so instead of passing out, which he seems to have none making a habit out of, he decides to lie down in bed and actually go to sleep. Guilty, yet satisfied.

So how did you guys like that chapter? Cool isn't it?
Have y'all started to grasp who this man is better now? What he's doing.
I'm exited to hear your thoughts!!
Yeet yeet out fools!!

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