~Chapter 8~

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Sanity level.
100% sane.

Bridgett has been visiting housh daily now. Keeping his eyes sparkling and his sanity up. The guards have noticed a change in attitude from Hosuh these past few days and he's been seeing the nice sunshine more often now. He hasn't gotten many letters. He got one today, but it made no sense.

Dear Hosuh.
Thanks for that.
Thanks for that.
Thanks for everything Hosuh.
Thanks for letting go of the past.
And thanks for letting go.

He didn't like that letter very much.

Anyways, Hosuh got in his first shower today and it was heaven for him. He used the shampoo the girl gave him that one day and it smelt yummy. His hair was very gross the day before and now it's fluffy and clean. He also has his first edible food today. He had some chicken and corn. Not much, but enough to keep him well fed. He also has been getting better sleeps at night since the thing that happened a few days ago. He's been getting migraines lately. At least once a day, he's been taking medication to help but it hasn't been working. Anyways, he's gotten a few visits by Stephen these past couple of days and those always put him in a good mood. But the guards are still confused about why he's so nice all of a sudden.

Hosuh is currently laying on his bed half awake, when Bridgett walks up to the bars and asks the guards if they can talk. They agree and hosuh is soon at the talking place with Bridgett.

"What did you do Bridgett?"
"What do you mean hosuh?"
"You... you made the man go away.."
"Oh yeah. That..."

She pauses a bit and perks her lips. She leans in close to him and smiles.

"How are yo enjoying the freedom?"
"It's great! It's definitely great. But what did you do?"
"I did... something... say, he didn't happen to give you any pills of any type did he hosuh?"

Hosuh thinks for a bit, it's hard to recall sanity dropped memories. But he rememberers the small bottle of pills in the corner of his room.

"Well yes he did actually. A small jar. They're in the corner of my room."
"Shit.... he works fast.... Anyways, don't take them no matter what the temptations are."
"What do they do?"
"They.... well.. call him..."
"They call him? What the hell does that mean?"

She shakes her head and pulls out a small tube of liquid attached to a chain, like a necklace. She hands it to him secretly.

"What's this?"
"Nothing of your concern right now. But I'm trying to protect you from him! You have to listen to me. And not ask any questions. Don't take the pills, keep this with you at all time, and don't read anymore letters until I tell you they're safe. I don't think I have enough materials to extract him from you again."
"I don't get what you mean! Please exp-"
"No questions hosuh. I told you all that concerns you right now. So shut your mouth."

She stands up and signals the guard that they're all done. They drag hosuh away from her and back into his cell. They feed him lunch he eats slowly, pondering all that Bridgett took him about the man. He glances at the pills in the corder of the room and avoids the temptation to take one. He can't. Not after what Bridgett said. He has self control now. He wants to use it. He remembers the last time he was in control, he saw the strange man as a different person. He wasn't apart of him. So maybe if he can find him once more he can find a way to possibly kill him and save himself and everyone else. He looks down at the necklace.

"Okay. I need to see him once more... but that would mean disobeying Bridgett and possibly putting me and others in more danger..."

He glances around the room before his eyes land on the pills. They call him. That's what Bridgett said to him.

"Maybe if I take one but leave the necklace on he won't hurt me.."

He walks over to the jar and pops the lid open, he shakes one into his hand and closes the jar. His whole body trembles at the sight of the small drug in his hand. Something about it is unsettling, even if it's just a small two coloured pill. Maybe that's why it's unsettling, or maybe it's because of what Bridgett said. Either way, he wanted to get it away from him as soon as possible. He gathers lots of spit in his mouth and pops the pill in, he hesitates a lot, then grabs the necklace with his left hand and covers his mouth with the right. He closes his eyes tightly and forces the pull down. An uneasy feeling develops in his stomach, suddenly he coughs, up comes thick black inky stuff. Then he closes his eyes. Through them he sees a distorted version of the world, blood stained up the walls, bodies on the ground, and hanging form the roof. Some in more then one piece. Either the head or both arms are cut off. It's disgusting. And disturbing. It makes Hosuh want to throw up and cry.

He opens his eyes in a panic and sees the unconscious body of the man laying in front of him. He gasps but covers his mouth. The stands up and looks at the man from above. He shakes his head before grabbing the pocket knife from under his bed. He points it at the mans head. He shudders at the thought of killing him, but he clearly knows this "man" is not even human, and starts to question if he should even call him the man or something else. He closes his eyes and plunges the knife into the mans head. But instead of coming in contact with his head. Just collides with the ground. He opens his eyes, and the following words are written on the wall with red ink. Like the ink from the pens.

The parasite will never die. Unless the body being controlled is killed. It's you, or your friends.

He's left unsettled and shaken up by this message. Does this mean he has to kill himself? No. No it doesn't. Bridgett could extract the man from him. She can definitely kill it. But he can't tell her want he saw today. Or she'll know he disobeyed her. So for now this all reminds a secret.
It MUST remain a secret.

Sorry for being dead for so long guys.


That's all

Yeet yeet out fools!!


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