An Unexpected Arrival

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Following their decision to depart from the Material Art Club, Indecay considers the mandatory need to be a member of a group within the school environment, which leads them to pursue their goal of finding a new club or clique to join. Even though it is currently a Sunday, which is typically regarded to be a day of rest, Indecay still attends school in order to pursue this intended objective.

On this particular day in the present moment, the school has organized a gathering in which clubs will be convening and discussing their plans and goals to advance and enhance the group in question, as well as to attract more members to the association. Despite the fact that Indecay initially was not intending to partake in the event, they now are faced with the reality that they must join at least one social group to fulfill the mandatory requirement of being a member in a school club.

With a significant portion of their time and effort already having been invested in their search for a suitable club, Indecay begins to meander about the school hallways in a desperate attempt to secure a club that will fulfill their preferences and is suitable for their preferences. After having attempted to locate a "normal" club but finding nothing that suits their wishes, the individual proceeds to approach the bulletin board and inspect the various forms of announcements that are provided there.

While searching around for a potential club that would satisfy them, Indecay's eyes fall upon the announcement regarding the Writing Club's efforts to recruit new members, which manages to capture their attention. Upon ascertaining that the group in question appears to be interested in expanding their existing crew, Indecay decides to proceed to the Writing Club's designated room in an effort to examine the situation in greater detail and analyze whether or not it is a club they may wish to join.

After arriving at the exterior of the Writing Club's room and engaging in a gentle knocking of the door, the members inside the room are alerted to the presence of an individual outside requesting entrance. Yamy, the leader of the club, greets Indecay with a welcoming and enthusiastic expression before proceeding to inquire as to whether they would indeed like to join the Writing Club. Nene, the vice-leader, subsequently chimes in to ask Indecay a similar question to confirm the legitimacy of their interest in becoming a member.

'How do they know?' Indecay asks to themself. "Well, yes. I'm here to join this Club. It seem interesting to me." Indecay says. "So then, you're very welcome here. Enjoy your time at this wonderful Club." Yamy says.

After initially expressing a sense of uncertainty regarding the Writing Club members' understanding of their intentions, Indecay proceeds to confirm that they would like to join the Writing Club. Yamy welcomes them openly and expresses gratitude for their participation in the club, providing encouragement in order to promote an overall enjoyable experience within the Writing Club.

Indecay presents a query to Nene, inquiring as to the reason regarding the limited presence of members in the Writing Club. Upon realizing that the club's total size is currently four members, including themselves, Indecay poses the pertinent question as to whether it is a coincidence or there is an underlying cause behind this matter. The number of individuals in the vicinity of the club room, in addition to themselves, is noted to be Yamy, Nene, and Yuki.

In response to the reasoning provided by Yami, it is deduced that the low member count of the club is due to its unpopularity and limited appeal, which has prompted a majority of the students to refrain from participating in the Writing Club. Indecay moves toward a vacant chair located beside Yuki, who voices a rather faint "Hi" to the individual and exhibits signs of being a rather reserved and timid individual.

After Nene inquires about the primary writing topics of each of the members, Indecay replies that their main focus is generally centered around mystery or thriller writings, while also mentioning their tendency to create random works. As Nene further provides their own information, providing examples of their topics, which are love stories set in highschool environments for Yami and fan fiction for Yuki, it seems like each respective individual has specialized their writing and is dedicated towards one specified subject.

Yami provides a positive assessment of Indecay's creative output, offering praise for the quality of their writing skills. In response to this reaction, Indecay extends a brief gesture of gratitude by way of saying "Thanks". Yami goes on to elaborate that their Writing Club possesses a symbiotic relationship with the Newspaper Club, allowing the Writing Club to occasionally participate in the school newspaper, though under the condition that the approval of the Newspaper Club is obtained beforehand.

In response to Indecay's inquiry about the probability of the material relating to the mystery or thriller genre not getting published, Yami endeavors to reassure them by providing a response to the contrary. In particular, Yami makes the argument that the publication may be intrigued with the subject matter due to the unique and captivating nature of such information, which possesses significant potential to evoke a degree of interest among its readers.

Nene proceeds to provide additional information regarding the Writing Club, stating that a group session takes place every Wednesday, though it is optional and not necessary for everyone to partake in. The primary purpose of these sessions is to have a discussion involving the storyline being written, as well as any other relevant content, providing the foundation and basis for the narrative being created. In addition to this, Indecay will be considered as a member of the Writing Club from this point forward.

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