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Hey guys for those of you who aren't aware

The French government placed a ban on the Muslim headscarf also known as the hijab on October 20th. They also banned the slaughter of halal meat days before the month of Ramadan. Their government banned the niquab or the mask thats Muslim women use to cover their faces long ago.

Let's first talk about how the hijab became a part of the middle Eastern culture in the first place? So let me tell you a story

I'm gonna take you back, 1400 years ago.
In the city of Medina, as we all know Saudia Arabia 8s a really deserted country and a thousand and four hundred years ago it was far more deserted but in the sandy deserts of Saudi lurked monsters in the form of a human sexual predator. Groups of Bedouins lurked in the sandy depth of the deserts and in the day they would ransack traveller's and in the night time they would stop at the outskirts of town hunting for a helpless and unlucky lady who would be at the wrong place at the wrong time. Then they would violate the woman and throw her body in the desert for the sand to swallow and drown her and hence causing the maiden to never be found. However if the Maiden were to be wearing a long coat made of camel hide that reached her ankles, then she would be ignored as that coat was a sign of wealth and if this wealthy heiress were to be harmed, the desert would be turning upside down with war and searches. Now the higher portion of females were either peasants or slaves or of middle class families who held little to no power to cause such outrage for their beloved daughters. So a solution was demanded as soon as the prophet had established Islam. The first option was all women in town have the same coat, but this made the slaves frown as the expensive coat of camel hide couldn't be affordable for them and nobles frowned because they wouldn't except a peasant dressing in the same attire as themselves so another solution was demanded. This time Allah Subhanata-ala suggested the veil that every woman dress the same by throwing the veil above their choosen attire to avoid being targeted. The veil was called Jiquab and the face covering was called Niquab Saudi woman wear both because too this day those Bedouin still lurk and too this day the largest peninsula of this world is a rather deserted country the reason why law in there is as strict as it is. Another reason for this dresscode is the scorching heat hence even men cover their head and down to their ankles. The verse that came down on earth stated that all women dress the same to avoid being targeted and picked out of the crowd to be attacked and hence reminding us that our security is our responsibility as well.

In the Quran a woman is asked to dress modestly according to her time culture and

Before the birth of Jesus, women weren't given much clothes, rather presented almost nude so they could appear beautiful at the eyes of men and. If any of you have seen paintings and portraits of the Renaissance era and before women were only simple inexpensive objects to satisfy the needs of a man and hence slave women weren't even allowed clothes so men could have a proper look at what they we're buying. And the times treated women so very poorly as nothing but a sexual object (which is still case today in the modeling industry),

Allah asked woman to dress modestly so the world was bound to notice her for her hardwork and inner beauty. So that women can have the choice to openly reject the society's expectations, sexualization and unrealistic beauty Ideals.

The gilbab means the long coat,
The Jiquab means the headscarf
The niquab means the mask

Women who willingly cover themselves feel liberated to openly reject the society's expectations and sexualization along with having the burden of looking her best being removed off of her. A woman who covers can hence concentrate more on her

But did you notice that in my story in nowhere did I mention the

Hijab means barrier and as a religious term this word means the barrier of modesty. It is the curtain that women draw between themselves and the world to express themselves and their faith. The Hijab is seen as a form of liberty for women. The hijab is subjective to every woman who chooses to cover for me personally it is covering from neck down as nowhere in Quran is it said that the hijab is the covering of a ladies hair. For a lot of women hijab is covering their hair and for every single and each one of us its our own personal interpretation of our faith.


The hijab is a matter of choice

Let me clarify the common misconception about hijab

1. You should wear it so you remain unnoticed and intact for your future husband

Ans. He can go to hell for all I care. Islam isn't so low to ask a woman to cover because of her husband your husband has no say in what you choose to wear, its all your choice know that, if you cover its for you and only you not your family or your husband's family or him for that fact, its only for you.

2. Our faith requires us to wear the Jiquab.

Ans. Nope, women who wear the Jiquab willingly believe that is necessary and women who cover the rest of their body believe that is necessary, it totally depends as the Quran is open to interpretation to every human.

3. Hijab is forced.

Ans. Nope its totally a matter of choice in free countries. However what I don't support is how Iran and France have been for forcing the hijab on and off of Muslims clearly oppressing them.

4. Hijab is a submissive garment which makes us go back in time and snatches freedom from women

Ans. This question is me favorite one. Best for the last ya'll . I've written it above that by wearing the hijab women can openly reject the society's expectations sexualization and unrealistic beauty Ideals dose that seem submissive to you? If it does then I have nothing to say. And above I have also mentioned that hundreds of thousands of years ago women weren't even deemed worthy enough for clothes if by taking a step to cover our bodies we are going back in time to some ladies then I gotta say lady you need to go pass Fifth grade again as you bunked all lectures that year. Cause a seventh grader like me knows from her history book that little bit of information. But what France is doing now, that is what makes us regress in Time rather than progressing.

Cause women now a days say that if men can show their bodies then why can we? Let as you a question sister, do men go to red carpet events wearing less then a stripper? Ever seen that? Another question who has heavenly breasts you or him? Another question like women in red carpet events who show ther assets ever seen a man wear something that emphasizes his assets?

By normalizing nudity we are now regressing in time women go out side almost naked like they are public property, open to all, sorts of disgusting fantasies, trying to prove their worth in society by showing their bodies and not their work. Even children in nikolodeon's dance moms show are sometimes presented in two piece clothing to attract the attention of disgusting old pedophiles so they also watch the show. Just like ancient Greek portraits that showed nude women for marketing. So where are we going in time and no matter how you put it people who wear small clothes and are just as small minded.

Force a lady to wax shave and, do extreme work out, take up extreme diets. Go through All that pain every day just too look appealing? Is it worth it?

Turn you baby soft skin into leather?

A woman's sexuality is hers and hers alone. It's becoming basics now a days to expose for the pleasure of a man's eyes, disgustingly so.

So much Islamophobic people don't know about Islam yet make up all sorts of lies just to look down on us I assure you these people have never even taken the time to get to know Islam properly or educate themselves. And the Quran isn't for illiterates since it's written in riddles.

Same goes for people who force religion on their children and peers. You my brothers and sisters have never even taken the time to educate yourselves.

Women who wear the hijab are seen as victims especially in free countries even though they're all educated enough on that subject.

A nun wearing a veil is modesty
A Muslim women wearing the hijab is oppression

The English government believes that women wearing the hijab needs to be rescued

We reject this imperialistic savoir thinking.

In Islam the woman's worth or her value is written about far more then that of a man's.

A man should cast his eyes downwards to avoid fantasizing about any lady aside from their wives. See the amount of respect Islam proposes to women? A man cast his eyes downwards while speaking to stranger lady.

Parents who can raise a daughter like a proper human will most likely go to heaven. Not a son, a daughter.

Education is compulsory for both gender.

The prophets first wife was his protector and the first human to accept Islam was her Bibi Khadija. Her caravan business the one she own was so big that that even if you added all the other caravan businesses of the Arabian peninsula, they still wouldn't add up to the number 0f caravans she had. Proprietor thats what you would call, her in modern day. She was 40 years old when she married the 25 year old prophet. She used run up and down the mountain Jabal Al-Nour the 642 km high mountain every day to deliver meals while the prophet meditated every day. Without her he wouldn't even be able meditate which in turn made him Allah's Prophet.

Out of the 3 people who spread the prophets teachings there is Bibi Ayesha his last wife who spread his teachings or what we know today as the hadith. His second wife was a war General and prophet himself had only surviving daughters. None of the women related to him were slackers in any ways.

There is a whole Surah a really long one just based on Prophet Maryam or what Christians call, her mother Mary.

Islam for the first time proposed the concept of Divorce, before Islam Divorce didn't exist. And a woman and man, both can ask for Divorce.

The first university in the world was founded by a Muslim woman

Can someone tell me where in Islam did Allah degrade women?

Where in the Quran is a woman any less then a man?

Islam is all about a choice that you make it. It was and will always be our choice. In modern day people claim to open minded, and their way of open minded is straight up oppressing a whole mass of people?

Open minded means having a vision, trying understand other individuals way of life giving them a choice not supporting such injustice........

Oops France and Saudia Arabia just left the chat😗

Ps! Soon I'll publish a second chapter covering the topics I couldn't cover on this chapter since it was getting too lengthy

I'll made a proper protest book which is be up on my profile, and #savepalestine is up there so please check that out as well.


Stay safe you all

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