Chapter Eighteen

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"Not again," Calum said, sighing as he fell back on his living room couch.

"Didn't I tell you guys that they shouldn't have done this stupid 'finding themselves' shit, but no one listens to Mikey?" Michael says as he threw his hands in the air.

Ashton rolled his eyes, and patted Luke's back, "I'm really sorry mate," he comforted.

Luke gave him a half-hearted smile and sighed, "I just can't believe this actually happened, " he mumbled, running a hand through his hair.

Calum sat up and looked over at Luke, his interlocked his hands and rested his hands on his knees. "You do know that she didn't mean what she said right. She was just upset from seeing you with that Lily bitch".

"Lucy," Ashton corrected, but Calum rolled his eyes, "I couldn't care less what her name is, She was the one who fucked up my best friends and my sister's relationship,"

"Why did you even agree to go out with her anyway?" Ashton asked.

Luke sighed, "I don't even know, " he admitted.

"Well, you shouldn't' have, just because you didn't know where you stood with Mer, doesn't mean you should have gone out with Lily" Calum scolded him. Ashton opened his mouth to correct Calum once more, but the glare Calum sent him, caused him to close his mouth.

"So what now?" Michael asked Luke, taking a seat next to him.

Luke sighed, "I don't know."


Meredith blew her nose into her hundredth tissue, her nose still feeling full. She sat in the pile of tissues on her finally decorated bed. She was a person that cleaned and decorated when she was upset or mad, so she finally had fixed up her room. She had a dark red comforter with black pillows, and the same furniture from her old house, her desk with her family pictures, her flat screen Tv across from her bed, and her dresser that held all the new clothes she bought on her trip, her closet full as well.

It had only been a day since the incident, and she somehow managed to fix up her room on her own. Julie was really worried about her, considering she hadn't left her room since yesterday and her and come home in tears and then just locked herself in her room.

"Meredith, babes, please open the door. You haven't come out all day, and you're scaring me. Please just opened the door," Julie begged on the other side, knocking lightly on the door.

Meredith sniffled and walked over to the door, she pulled it open and sobbed in front of Julie, whose heart broke as she wrapped her arms around her frail sister.

"I'm going to fuck him up for doing this to you" Julie mumbled as she held her sister who sobbed on her shoulder, her tears drying on her on her sweater.

"You-you don't even know what-what happened," Meredith tried to speak, but her sobs interrupted her words and made them come out cracked.

"I don't have to know, he made you cry so I'm going to fuck him up," Julie said.

Meredith laughed a little, "I saw him, in a coffee shop with his ex."

"But that could mean anything, who am I kidding, they were probably going to go fuck."

"You're not helping," Meredith scolded, a chill going down her spine at the thought of Luke with someone else.

"But look, it's his loss. You are a young and beautiful woman, and if he couldn't realize that when he wasn't worth it," Julie encouraged.

"Thanks, Jules. But I loved him," Meredith said as she wiped away some tears.

"Yeah, and I loved my hair when it was short, but you don't see me complaining because I got extensions now."

"What does that-"

"I was trying to make a point. You could find someone way better than him, hell you could just stay single for the rest of your life, but what matters is that you love and respect yourself and not depend on anyone to do it for you," Julie said.

Meredith nodded, "You're right:"

Julie smirked, "Of course I'm right, I don't remember a time that I was wrong,"


Julie cut her off, "Let's not talk about that, " she smiled and pulled her sister of her room, "Now, let's get you out of this dump, call Janet, and go out for a girls day, no boys allowed."

"Didn't you have a date with Mikey today?" Meredith questioned.

"Eh, he can wait, besides, I'll make it up to him later."

Meredith cringed, "That's too much info for me, " she laughed. Julie only shrugged and then pushed her into the bathroom. "Hurry up, and make yourself sexy," Julie yelled to her through the door.

Meredith laughed. She smiled at the fact that her sister was helping her out of her slump. Her smile faltered when she saw her reflection in their slightly dirty bathroom mirror. There were a few bags underneath her eyes, which were empty and dull. Her hair was a mess and tangled, her lips were chapped, and her face was stained with mascara. She hated the fact that one guy did this to her, but she couldn't help it, she thought he was the one for her. He was her first love, and she thought he would be her's forever, but maybe that was naive of her.

Meredith took a long steaming shower, she washed her hair and scrubbed away all of her problems. She knew it would take a while to get over Luke, hell she never did get over him the first time and five years later he waltzed back into her life and screwed it up again. The thought always ran through her head that he should have married Richard, but she always contradicted that thought with the one that she would be more lonely than she was now with Richard. She knew she had to live her life her own way now, and that started with going to Standford. She frowned, remembering the agreement her and Luke had.

"What are we going to do about us? " Luke thought out loud, Meredith leans up to look at him.

" I don't know. I'm planning to go back to Stanford, I still want to be a teacher."

"Then I'll go with you. We can find a place over there, and be together. I'm not letting you go again," Luke said, pushing a stray hair out of her face and stroking her cheek.

"You would do that for me? " Meredith said, unsure, her voice barely a whisper.

" I would, I'd do anything for you," Luke said, his eyes on her lips.

Meredith cried silently to herself as the hot water hit her face, make her tears mix in with it. She wrapped her arms around herself and just let it all out. She needed to do that before she could even think about moving on.

After Meredith got out the shower, she washed her face and dried her hair. Thinking she may be needed to change her appearance again, maybe dye her hair and cut it. She didn't know what yet, but she wants to change her outsides before working on her insides.

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