Chapter Nine

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Luke didn't sleep that night because all he could think about was how close the two of them were. How he almost had the chance to taste her lips on his again. He grunted in frustration, he wanted her so bad and he wondered if she felt the same. Probably not because she was in love with Richard, and how could she not be. He is so much more attractive than Luke, his green eyes could capture the soul of any girl he laid his eyes on. Luke hated this so much, he hated that he had to sleep in this empty bed, that he had to just sit around for a week and watch Meredith become someone else's forever.

But the way she was looking at him tonight, just made him have butterflies in his stomach. The same ones that he had the first time he saw her.

Meredith didn't sleep that night either, she couldn't get the guy off of her chest. To the fact that she almost kissed Luke, when she was getting married to Richard in no than a week. She didn't love Richard, but he didn't know that he probably thought that she was head over heels for him, and that pained her. She felt like shit for doing this to Richard, because he was a good looking and loving guy, and any woman who kill to have someone like him.

She laid on her bed, she had been sleeping here the past few days, but her mother didn't know that. She couldn't handle sleeping in the same bed as Richard, besides she didn't even get any sleep when she was over there because being in his house just felt wrong. Too bad that's where she was going to live for the rest of her life.

A knock on her door took Meredith out of her thoughts and caused her to jump up off her bed. Her heart racing in her chest, hoping it was Luke coming to finish what almost happened no less than two hours ago. Meredith slowly walked towards her door, pulling down her shorts that were riding up her legs and fixed her light blue tank top. She fixed her black hair into a ponytail and took a deep breath, she pulled her door open and sighed in disappointment to see Julie standing at her door.

"Hey," Julie muttered, her tone seeming depressed, her head hung low.

"Hey Jules, why are you up so late? " Meredith asked, letting her sister in and closing the door behind her.

Julie sighed, pulling her bright pink robe closer to her body, "Can I sleep in here with you? "

Meredith's eyebrows furrowed, " Uh. Sure" Meredith let Julie climb into her bed, she snuggled into her pillows. Meredith didn't bother to question her, but she had a feeling it had something to do with Michael.

Meredith climbed in her bed, turning to face Julie who was still wide awake, the two of them just laying there not a saying a word.


"Meredith why the hell are you here?" Ana yelled as she busts through Meredith's door. Her waking with a start, her bed hair shaking about the place, her hand flying to rubbed her eyes from burning she got in her eyes from the sunlight on her face.

"What-What" Meredith mumbled as she laid back down on her bed, snuggling under her covers.

Ana sighed and grabbed the covers and pulled them away from Meredith, causing her to groan at the cold that hit her body. "Meredith, why aren't you at Richards place?" Ana asked, taking a seat on her bed.

"I don't want to stay there anymore, I missed my bed," Meredith said, just realizing that Julie wasn't beside her anymore, she must have left in the middle of the night.

"You're moving in with him tomorrow, why wouldn't you want to sleep with him tonight?" she said bluntly.

"Mother, you and I both know why we're doing this, you know I have no interest in Richard. Why can't we just stop this? Calum has enough money to provide for us," Meredith finally asked her, that question had always been heavy on her chest.

"I will not use that filthy bastards money, he has brought shame to this family. Going off to play the devil's music, and don't even get me started on those tattoos his body looks like kids drawing, his money is useless," Ana spat, standing up from the bed and dusting off her tight leather jeans.

Meredith bit her tongue, she wanted nothing more than to snap back at her mother for talking about her brother that way, but she couldn't, not now at least. She knew what Calum and gone through the years of living here, Ana never making him feel like he wasn't good enough, even after he stood up and took care of his sisters while she couldn't. It broke her heart that even after all this time, Ana still couldn't except Calum for who he is.

"Now darling, it's time for you to pack the rest of your stuff," Ana smiled sweetly before she walked out of Meredith's room, pointlessly slamming the door in the process. Meredith groaned and placed a pillow over her head, wanting nothing more than to seep into her mattress.

She walked down the stairs, all eyes landing on her as she walked into the kitchen. Luke, Ashton, Julie, Michael and Calum all staring at her, Ana's back was to her as she was flipping pancakes on the stove. Meredith mumbled a Goodmorning to all of them, them following suit.

Luke's eyes werebstill on her as she walked over to Calum and sat down next to him at the breakfast bar, her giving him a weak smile. Meredith avoided Luke's gaze, even though she could feel it burning into her skin. She was trying to forget what almost happened last night and what she wanted to happen. She needed to, he needed to stay in her past, no matter what she felt towards him, she needed to forget about him. But that was easier said than done.

"Have you talked to Mom yet?" Meredith whispered to her younger brother who looked over at her with a lost expression.

"Why would I, she made it perfectly clear all these years that I am worthless to her," Calum spoke, his voice deep and musky with a bit of sadness attached to it.

"Cal, I'm getting married in a few weeks, I just wished there wouldn't be any tension for once in this house-" she paused placing her hand on his underneath the counter "-And you're not worthless," she added.

He just nodded his head, even if he didn't agree with her.

Luke couldn't take his eyes off of her as she ate her breakfast. Her black locks that had peaks of blonde sticking out, falling on her shoulders, covering her revealing tank top. Her soft lips moving as she chewed her food, her dark eyes focused on the breakfast in front of her. When she picked up her coffee to take a sip, her eyes connected with his. The staring contest only lasting a second before she looked away. Luke sighed under his breath, his plan was to stay as far away from her as possible before he lost control and did something, they would both regret.

He excused himself from the kitchen, claiming he wasn't hungry. His eyes connected with hers one last time before he exited the room, her wanting nothing more than to chase after him and slam him against a wall, placing her plump lips on his.

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