Chapter One

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Present Day

She didn't recognize her own reflection, the woman standing in front of her was unrecognizable. Her raven black hair flowing down her back, her dark brown eyes staring back at her. The pure white dress clung to her body, the sparkles and embellishments glittering about. The dress fell down to her feet, her having to hold it up to walk. She hated this image of herself; she hated what she was doing because she had no choice.

"Meredith, are you done yet sweetheart?" her mother's voice rang in her ears, the heavy British accent clear and evident in her tone.

Meredith didn't respond, merely continued to look at her reflection before sighing. She took a deep breath and plastered the fakest smile she could come up with before exiting the dressing room. Multiple gasps of her female family members and friends as she exited. Her face hurt from the smile she had put on, but she had to bare on, for she was doing this for them, not her.

"Oh my god" her mother whimpered, a smile bright on her face.

"Honey you look marvelous," Her aunt Sarah said, sending a smile her way.

Meredith walked up the stance in the middle of the room, a giant mirror in front of it, and once again she saw someone she didn't recognize.

"What do you think?" the woman that had been aiding her asked.

Meredith smiled, tears running down her face, "I love it".


Luke threw himself on the couch, sweat glistening his forehead, his throat burning, he was exhausted. Another show was done, and he had always felt like this afterward, he felt empty, he felt nothing. He sighed and consumed some water, and then his other bands mates pilled in, them laughing and chattering with one another, sweat traveling down their foreheads as well.

"Hey Luke, you okay?" the raven-haired boy asked, a small smile playing on his lips, his eyes filled with concern.

"Yeah, I'm good" Luke lied, pulling his best smile before taking another sip of his water to rid the distaste in his mouth.

Luke laid back, staring up at the bland ceiling above him, his thoughts wondering as the sound of his best friends talking faded away. However, one thing brought back when he heard her name.

"So Meredith is getting married next month, and she wants us to come back home," Calum said, and Luke sprung up, his eyes wide, lip ring between his teeth. "Did you-you say married, she's getting married?" Luke said, receiving weird looks from Micheal and Ashton.

"Dude, are you good, you've been acting weird all night? " Micheal spoke up, running his hand through his newly dyed blonde hair.

Luke ignored his question and repeated his own, " Meredith is getting married? "

Calum nodded a sincere smile falling on his lips. He knew that Luke never got over her, it had been five years, and he still couldn't bother to hear her name. Luke had hooked up with so many girls, but he never settled down with anyone, unlike Michael and Ashton who had girlfriends of their own. Calum, on the other hand, chose the opposite direction of his big sister, he decided he didn't need to be tied down to anyone or anything, and that wasn't going to change.

Calum felt sorry for Luke though, he had to see his best friend go through so much heartbreak, and the fact that he didn't talk to him for almost a year after what he did to his sister. However, time healed wounds, but it just seemed that Luke never got the chance to heal his own.

"I'm not going," Luke mumbled, before storming out the room, slamming the door behind him.

Ashton looked at Calum, Calum sighed, "Just give him time" was all he said.

"How much time does he need, he's been moping around about Mer for five years now, don't you think it would been time for him to man up and find himself someone else. I mean they were only together for two years, it shouldn't have took him this long to-" Micheal was cut off by Luke reentering the room, a piece of paper and a torn up envelope in his hand.

"What is that?" Ashton asked.

" It's from Meredith," Luke said, his eyes never leaving the paper.

"Are you going to read it? " Calum said, raising his eyebrows at the blue eyed boy.

" I don't know, " Luke whispered.

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