Chapter Seven

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"So what you're telling me is, you were in here, for an hour, alone with Meredith, and you guys didn't fuck?" Michael looked at Luke disappointedly, crossing his arms over his chest as he stared at the blonde.

"Yes?" Luke said weirdly, trying to ignore the death stare Michael was giving him.

Ashton hit him on the back of his head causing Luke to yell out in pain, and Michael to give Ashton a high-five. "What was that for?" Luke yelled, rubbing the back of his head.

"For being an idiot. Luke, you have been in love with this girl for the past five years, you've probably had constant dreams about her and you're telling me you didn't pounce on her the second she closed the door?" Michael said, the look of disapproval still on his face.

"Guys, she's getting married in the next two weeks, she's moved on and maybe it's time I did too," Luke mumbled, refusing to look at this bandmates.

Michael sighed and walked over to Luke and took the seat next to him on Meredith's bed, "Okay look, you're right, but if you are ever going to get over Meredith you need to release all the things you have thought about her, and the only way to do that, is to complete those actions. How do you think I felt when I finally saw my girlfriend after a whole five years of tours and no breaks?"

"Mikey, I just can't. She's someone else's now, I need to move on and forget about her, after this wedding, I can't live here anymore man. I know it's been five years since we've been here, and I've missed it, but the memories are too much for me," Luke stated, his crystal blue eyes never leaving the floor, and the tone of his voice hurting his best friends' hearts.

"Luke, we've only been here for a few hours and you've already got yourself in a slump. Come on let's go pick out our suits, then get so drunk we'll be throwing up on ourselves," Ashton yelled throwing his fists in the air, causing Luke and Michael to chuckle.

Ashton and Michael left the room, leaving Luke to himself. They were right, he needed to move on, but he couldn't let himself do it. Just the thought of her made Luke smile, her raven dark hair that effortlessly fell on her shoulders, even though they now had highlights in them it was still beautiful. Her exotic body that she still seemed to maintain all these years, her tan skin that Luke assumed was still soft, and he would give anything to touch. Luke ran a hand through his hair and stood up, leaving her house that was full of memories that haunted his mind.

A few hours later, Ana had arranged a brunch for all of them at a restaurant.

"So when are you and Richard going to give me some grandchildren," Richard's mother, blurted out the blue, at the Sunday brunch table inside the empty restaurant, causing Meredith to choke on the omelet she had been chewing.

Richard patting her back giving her a reassuring smile before glaring at his mother who had an innocent smile on her face.

At the table sat, Calum, Luke, Julie, Michael, Meredith, Ana, May, who was Richard's mother and Janet who was Richard's younger sister. The two lady's had a stunning resemblance to Richard, they both had long flowing fawn hair like him and bright green eyes. May, however, had slight wrinkles on her face due to her age, but she still a beautiful woman, who had a new man on her arm every week, who could blame her she was one of the richest entrepreneurs in the town.

Janet on the other hand, was a young and fresh twenty-year-old, she was only three years younger than her brother but she looked very mature, however her attitude was another story. To her mother she was the disgrace of the family, every night she went out clubbing and drinking with her friends, even though that wasn't that bad that wasn't the end of it. She, just like her mother slept with a different man every night, but who could blame her she was very attractive. Her mother wanted her to be a lady, though, even if she was being a hypocrite.

"Mother, how is your business doing? " Richard said, trying to clear the tension and change the subject off of him and Meredith. The man was naive to the fact Meredith was only marrying him for his money, that she didn't love him at all, and he wasn't the only one. The only people that really knew about this was Meredith, her mother, and Julie. Calum couldn't have known cause he hasn't been around the past five years, and it had to stay that way.

"Very well, we're actually thinking about expanding our restaurants to all over the world. It's not set but, we have our team working on it," May stated very proudly, taking a sip of her coffee, her bright red lips leaving a print on the pearl white cup.

Janet sat in her seat uncomfortably, her stomach itching at her. Her bright green eyes traveling across the table to Calum who had been watching her the entire time, an alluring smirk on his plump lips. Janet smiled at him, she needed to get laid, because this brunch was boring her to death. She barely knew this guy, only that he was Meredith's brother, that's it. But she knew that he was sexy as hell, with his black hair that was put back smoothly, and his dark eyes that were almost black and filled with lust. She eyed the bathroom behind him and excused herself, him following in suit a few minutes later.

Luke glared at the, unfortunately, attractive man next to him. He scowled at Richard, the man that had captured Meredith's, heart. The man that was going to marry the love of his life, God he envied him. He gave her what Luke could never give her, happiness.

"So Richard what do you do for a living?" Luke asked, sipping his orange juice as Richard looked over at him, a small smile on his lips as he looked at Luke.

"I'm a doctor," Richard said proudly, smirking at Luke.

"Of course you are," Luke mumbled under his breath, wanting nothing more than to smack that smirk off of his pretty face.

Ashton and Michael were just watching this whole breakfast go down the drain while eating their food, neither of them uttering a word.

Julie was comforting Meredith, she knew her sister was going through a lot right now, with the wedding, and she placed a hand on her sister's underneath the table. Meredith smiling at her thankfully, she had to admit she was intimidated by Richards family, but she was more focused on Luke. The man that had bad her heart since she was seventeen that sat diagonally from her. He snuck a look at her, a frown on his lips before he quickly looked back at his food.

"Calum how was your guys fifth tour?, How was it to be away from your family and not even call us once?" Ana spoke up, once Calum and Janet came back to the table, everyone aware of what they were doing, and no one bothered to mention it.

Meredith's fork made a loud noise as it fell to her plate, she hoped that they could get through this brunch without her mother targeting Calum, but she knew that would be impossible.

"Mom, don't," Meredith warned.

"No Mer it's okay, I want to hear what she has to say. What do you want from me, mom an apology?" Calum raised his voice, not like it mattered, May had owned the same restaurant they were in right now so of course, they had the place to themselves.

"I want an explanation as to why you abandoned your family," Ana spoke, her voice surprisingly calm.

"What did you expect me to do Mom, You knew that I wanted to be here but I couldn't. All my life I had been doing everything for you, Mer, Julie, and Sasha, why couldn't I fucking do something for me for once!?"

"Don't you dare use that language at me boy," Ana yelled this time causing Julie and Meredith to jump at the authority of her voice.

"I can do whatever I want because I'm not your son right. You established that a long time ago," Calum spoke, his voice weak and frail. He shook his head and stormed out the restaurant. A deadly silence falling over the table, everyone trying to process what had just happened in the span of five of five minutes.

"I'm going after him, " Meredith said, standing up and leaving ignoring her mother's protests.

"Check, please! " Michael yelled. A small smile on his lips, but it fell when everyone glared at him. He was only trying to make a dark situation lighter with some humor.

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