Chapter Three

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One week ago

Meredith sighed, her back hitting the soft texture of her silk covers, her head landing on her pillows that she had had forever. She looked up at her baby blue ceiling, a feeling of warmth following her as she snuggled into her own covers. This would be the last time she would be in her own bed since she's being forced into moving in with her fiance Richard.

She was stressed she had to admit, having to deal with all the planning for a wedding she didn't want to happen, with a man she didn't love was tough. She couldn't believe that her brother was coming home this weekend and Luke. She scared to see him, considering it would be the first time in five years. Last time she saw him, was when they broke up, and that wasn't a very pleasant memory. However, she was worried that he would come back completely over her and with someone new, but maybe he needed to, so she could move on herself. So she wrote him a letter, a letter full of lies, her convincing him that she moved on, to bring a date to her wedding and that she was excited to see him. It was sad that only one of those were true.

Present Day

The following day after she had bought her wedding dress with her mother and her sister, and cousins, Meredith decided she needed a day off from everything and everyone. She woke up in his lavender silk sheets, the sunlight shining through her thin curtains and falling onto her barely awake face. She yawned and stretched, hitting something hard next to her. She looked over to see none other than her fiance, Richard, in the bed beside her.

Personally, she had nothing against Richard, he was a good man, he had a good job, he was a doctor. He was a very attractive man, with his shaggy blond hair, and his crystal green eyes, accentuating his scruffy beard and turned up nose. Under different circumstances, Meredith would be head over heels for him, but the fact that she was being forced to marry him, didn't exactly make him ideal. She only wanted one person, and she couldn't have him.

"Good-morning," Richard whispered, turning over to face her, bringing her out of her own thoughts.

Meredith mumbled back a response, trying to get out of the bed, but he pulled her back down, placing a kiss on her lips. She almost threw up in her mouth by the way his lips moved against hers, her barely moving hers at all. She felt nothing while kissing him, it was nothing compared to Luke. She sighed into the kiss and pulled back giving him a fake smile to which he genuinely returned.

"I've got to go, " Richard said, getting out of the bed, not before placing a kiss on her forehead.

"Where are you going? " Even though she didn't really care, as long as it wasn't here, she needed time to herself.

" Got an early shift down at the hospital. I'll be home around five," he stated, dashing to put on his scattered clothes for the night before, a night of the many others that wasn't pleasant for Meredith, but it was for him.

"Okay," was all Meredith said, trying to hold back the happiness in her tone, and the smile on her face. She would have the house to herself today.

"Bye," Richard mumbled on her lips once he was fully dressed, and he dashed out the door, a wide smile forming on Meredith's face. She would finally have a day to herself, without all the wedding planning and stress.

Her mother was forcing this upon her, even though her and Richard and only been dating for a few months. Meredith was even going to break up with him, that was before the mother proposed marriage to them. Richard was so clueless to the fact that the only reason she was marrying him, was for his money. Sure, that's a shallow thing to do, but her mother was desperate, and Calum going away didn't help at all.

As soon as Calum had come back from his one year tour with his band almost four years ago, he went right back on again. You could say it's been a while since Meredith had seen her little brother, considering he was on a cycle of tours. But, she could say that she has gotten closer to her two sisters since this had happened, though. With Sasha off at college, she couldn't make it home for her wedding and it was depressing that Meredith couldn't have her older sister at her wedding, but she sent her well wishes.

Meredith could say that she and Julie were the closest of the Hood siblings, ever since Calum was MIA. However, Meredith had no hate towards her brother, unlike the rest of her family. She knew that following your dreams was hard to do, and sometimes you had to think for yourself, and she respected her brother for that.

Meredith walked step by step down her cold hardwood floored steps. Her body shivering and she entered the kitchen, the window above her sink was open, letting in the frigid air, causing her to get goosebumps. She was only in a robe and her underwear which wasn't exactly appropriate clothing for her house, but who cares, no one was home.

She was staying with Richard, considering Ana said that they needed to get used to living with one another since they would be married soon. But, Meredith hated it, she wanted nothing more to be home in her bright pink bed, the bed that held a lot of memories, memories of her and Luke. She sighed, frustrated with herself for feeling this way, but she couldn't help it.

She walked over to the window closing it shut with a sigh. She walked towards a dark brown cabinet in Richard's beautiful kitchen. She had to admit that his house was wonderful, the halls filled with extravagant artwork, all the bedrooms huge with antique furniture, each room having a distinct color and style, the multiple bathrooms filled with updated technologies and plumbings, and don't even get her started on the kitchen. However, she didn't want all of this, she didn't want to be pampered twenty-four seven, and live this luxury life, she just wanted to be normal.

Sipping the coffee she made, the vanilla substance hitting her lips causing her to feel satisfied. Coffee was all she needed to wake up in the morning, and it helped a lot. She sat on the Island in the middle of the kitchen, placing her white mug on the granite and glass countertop. She didn't even notice the presence of her sister Julie, who stood in the doorway of the kitchen. She had just come from outside, Meredith not even noticing when the door opened and closed, being too caught in her own thoughts.

Julie stood there, staring at her older sister of only a year, who focused on her coffee as if it were a math equation. She took off her bright red trench coat the was slightly wet from the snow outside, she placed it on a chair, and walked over to the counter top, her French boots clicking against the hardwood floors, her blonde hair swaying from side to side, her hazel eyes filled with worry.

It was funny that the two girls looked nothing alike, yet they were almost the same, like twins, they could tell when something was wrong with the other. They could distinguish each other better than anyone. The fact that they shared different fathers didn't matter, and it never stopped them from being so close.

"Hey Mer, what's wrong? We were supposed to meet at the Cafe today. Remember, we were going to go with the other girls to pick out the bridesmaids dresses? " Julie stated with concern as she sat down in front of Meredith, who looked as tired as ever, her dark brown hair in a mess above her head, bags underneath her coffee bean eyes.

" Oh man, I'm sorry Jules, I forgot. It's just, I'm really tired and... " Meredith mumbled, not even looking up to make eye contact with her.

" It's okay Mer, we could always do it another day. You've been under a lot of pressure, seeing as Mom wants this wedding to happen in less than three weeks. Anyways, how about we just stay in today, we could watch old movies we used to watch when we were younger, order some pizza, and just have a girls day? " Julie tried, forming a small smile on her face as Meredith finally lifted her tired face to look at her, a smile forming on her lips as well." That would be nice," she smiled.


Luke mumbled in his sleep, he had yet another dream about Meredith. It didn't even feel like a dream because it felt so real. He needed to stop this, in a few days he is going back to see her, and she is in love with another man. She found someone better than him, someone that could actually provide for her, someone she could trust, and that's all he wanted for her. He couldn't fuck it up for her because she was happy. He felt selfish for wanting her back, but she was the only girl he ever loved, it was hard to get over her, and the look on her face the day they broke up, he would never forget it.

"Hey Luke, " Ashton said as he turned over inside his bunker across Luke's, his bright green eyes covering by his long and luscious dirty blonde hair.

"Hey, Ash" Luke responded, his face straight ahead, his eyes staring at the dark ceiling of his bunker. It was almost midnight, then other boys were asleep, the bus driver heading on his way to their last show of their tour, they were going home after this and that was terrifying.

"You glad to be going back home, to Sydney? " Ash asked him, Luke only glancing at the boy before answering the question.

" Not really, you? Wait that's a stupid question, you got Sasha to go back home to" Luke smirked, earning a sigh from Ashton.

"Nah, not anymore," Ashton mumbled, this caused Luke to turn towards him, a furrow in his brow as he looked at his band mate and best friend.

"What do you mean? You guys have been together for years, I thought she was the one for you," Luke whispered, he was upset to hear this news, but he didn't want to wake the other boys.

Ashton sighed, him taking Luke's role and laid on his back. "We just wanted different things, I wanted to settle down and get married. I was actually going to propose to her before we left for the tour again two months ago. But she came to me and said she was going off to college, and she was so happy, she wants to do so much with her life, she didn't even want to get married anytime soon, and I just realized that I couldn't hold her back on something she wanted to do, so I let her go," Ashton mumbled, his voice muffled by the horns of the busy goers on the zooming highway.

"Yeah, I know what you mean," Luke said, his mind racing to her, the girl that would never leave his thoughts. "But Ash, you're twenty-four, you have so much more of your life to look forward to, do you really want to be chained down so soon?" Luke asked and looked over at his band mate, who had passed out, his light snores echoing through the bus.

Like sighed to himself, and turned on his side, pulling the curtains of his bunker, hoping to get some rest without this girl popping into his mind again.

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