The Demon In The Wall

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I was on high alert. I kept hearing knocking on the wall. But I was alone in this house, or at least I think I am.

Ever since I was little when ever my mom or sister would take showers I'd hear knocking since the bathroom is right next to my room. I thought they were just playing a joke on me. But then instead of the knocking on the wall by bathroom it was behind me. My bed was in a corner so no one could do that unless it was a ghost or...if they were in the wall.

That sudden realization scared me but I tried ever since I was little to not think about. I might've been the pipes or something, maybe an animal. I hoped it was the pipes.

Being in the house itself gave me an eerie feeling. I never felt safe there. It was old fashion. The windows were different. They were side by side and you had to use a handle to open it, but some of them are broken so if you open it, it would get stuck and it's a two person job to close it.

I've lived here for so long but it never felt like home. John Sunshine made it worse. I feel like he's the problem. What if he's watching me and has been keeping an eye me since I was little.

Every second I was losing my mind more and more. The paranoia eating at me. The littlest things made me jump. All I could worry about was my family and John.

John...he did this. I'm losing my mind because of him. All I could hear is white nose. Why is this happening? The knocking on the wall getting louder. So much noise. My head couldn't take it.

He was messing with me. "John! Why!? Why are you doing this?! You already destroyed my life and know you're making it worse! I just want my mother and sister back! GIVE THEM BACK PLEASE!" I screamed, tears streaming down my face. They were my world. I'm only alive because of them. I have no friends, they are the only people who care that I live. I love them.

He stole the only thing I care about. I want them...I need them I my life. The tears strolling down, more and more. "I just want to be happy, why is that too much to ask for?" As soon as I asked that everything went silent. Finally some peace.

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