Author's Note - Please Read!!!

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The following story may be triggering to some audiences! Please do not read this if it will affect your mental health in any way!

Full trigger list: (this will be updated frequently)
Emotional abuse
Mentions/depictions of suicide
Mentions/depictions of cutting
Brief mention or depiction of blood
Self esteem issues

Please do not make fun of anything on this list because people cannot choose their triggers. Please be respectful of everyone. If I missed any trigger warnings please please please tell me! I want to protect everyone to the best of my ability!!!

Hello! Thank you for opening this story!

I would like to start by saying that I've had this story in my head for a long time and I'm so excited to finally be writing it! I actually had a version of this story on my profile a few months ago, but I got to the point where I really didn't like it anymore. It wasn't what I felt like I needed to be writing, so I went through and changed a lot of it and now I'm extremely happy with what I have. I love feedback and constructive criticism, so if you have any don't hesitate to give it!

I'm also always open to making new friends, so if you want to private chat for any reason I'm totally up for it! I can be a listening ear for something going on in your life- sometimes it's easier to talk to someone you don't know well. I will gladly listen with no judgment. I'd also love to private chat for no reason at all except to talk!

I am going to try to portray sensitive topics as accurately as I can, and if I am not doing that please tell me because I want to fix it if that is the case. Heck, if I'm portraying anything inaccurately- historically, culturally, etc.- please tell me. I would also like to say that some characters in this book are going to have very different views on some topics than I am so I'm going to go through a few of those topics.

- Emotional abuse is terrible and not often enough talked about to the point where someone might not even know that they are being emotionally abused.

- Eating disorders are not something that should be encouraged by any means. They are an awful thing that takes the lives of too many people.

- No one should be judged based on what they wear. It shouldn't matter what people wear- what should matter is their personality.

- I am a huge supporter of the LGBTQ+ community. Being gay, trans, non-binary, or whatever you identify as in terms of gender or sexual orientation is NEVER something to be ashamed of. It is who you are and who you are is beautiful.

Last quick note- there are going to be a few things said in Spanish, but you do not have to know what is said! If you want to google translate it or you know/speak Spanish then that's great, but if you don't then that's also ok and you will not miss anything!!! (Also, my Spanish is nowhere near perfect, even with looking thing up, so if the grammar is off please don't hesitate to tell me.)

Thank you again for reading this story, I hope you enjoy it! I will update every Sunday!!!

<3 <3 <3


All the poems in this book are my original works, but the song lyrics are not!

I do not own the songs mentioned or sung in this book unless it is specifically said that the characters wrote the song. Other than that, the song lyrics and titles belong to their respective artists!

I also do not own any characters or lines from High School Musical! Both the characters and lines belong to Disney!

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