Chapter 17.2 | Alex

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Alex: Hey r we still doing tutorials this morning?

Alex glanced at the clock again. It was 7:55. Kata needed to hurry if she wanted to make it before the tutorial doors closed.

Kata: Yeah sorry I'm almost there

Kata: It took a while to get ready this morning. U'll see why when I get there. NOT HAPPY ABT IT

Alex looked at her phone in confusion, but after about two minutes Kata walked through the front doors, and Alex did see why she took a while to get ready.

Kata was wearing a dress that came down to about her knees. The top was made of white lace, and the skirt portion was made of dark blue material. She had a jean jacket on, and a black belt was around her waist. She wore hi-top jeweled converse that looked nothing like something she would usually wear. The thing that really struck Alex was Kata's hair. Alex had only ever seen her friend's hair in a ponytail, but now it flowed freely about her shoulders besides for two little braids that were bobby-pinned neatly in the back of her head.

Kata stormed over to Alex. She looked freezing. It was November and she was wearing a dress that provided no warmth whatsoever.

"You look-"

"Ridiculous?" Kata snipped, then guilt washed over her face. "Sorry, I'm just frustrated. I feel very uncomfortable in this thing," she said, pulling at the belt then eventually taking it, and the jean jacket off.

"No," Alex replied. "I was going to say that you look cold." Kata's face softened.

"Yeah, I am." Alex sensed that Kata probably didn't want to talk about why she was wearing what she was, so she just decided not to bring it up.

"I have an extra jacket in my locker if you want to borrow it?" Alex offered. A look of gratefulness came over Kata.

"Yeah that would be nice," Kata replied. "Thank you." The two girls began walking.

"No problem." The friends arrived at Alex's locker. "Also," Alex continued, pulling out her jacket. "You don't look ridiculous." For some reason instead of just giving Kata the jacket, Alex gently draped it over her friend's shoulders. She removed Kata's hair from underneath the clothing and turned a deep red. "You look really pretty." Kata's face fell, and Alex didn't know why. She did look beautiful, but there was something off about it. She barely looked like the girl Alex had come to enjoy being with. "You don't look like yourself," she said, choosing her words carefully. "I like the real you better." she decided. It was evident that Kata didn't like what she was wearing, and Alex was being truthful. She did like the real Kata better. "But that doesn't mean you look ridiculous by any means." Kata smiled for the first time all morning.

Suddenly, a whistle came from behind the two girls, and Kata's shoulders immediately tensed. Alex could see Hunter walking towards them and knew he was the one who made the catcall. She instinctively tried to step in front of Kata as she frantically looked around for any teachers who were supposed to be monitoring the hallways, but there weren't any. Kata, however, put her arm out to stop Alex. She walked towards Hunter, glaring at him.

"Hey, Kitty," Hunter smirked. Alex could see Kata balling her hands into fists. "Finally living up to your name aren't you?" He smiled, venom dripping from his words. "A Kitty who's able to be catcalled." Alex could see that Kata was riled up and about to charge at Hunter which wouldn't end well for her, so she quickly ran up to her friend, to keep her from doing anything rash. Kata may have been stronger than Hunter, but she was also blinded by rage, so she was bound to do something stupid. Plus Kata would get in huge trouble if she hurt Hunter. Hunter zeroed in on Alex. "Oh, it's the girlfriend." He drawled, sounding bored. "Did you convince her to stop dressing like she just came from a homeless convention?"

"Come on Kata, let's go," Alex whispered, tugging Kata's arm. Kata turned to go with her, but Hunter stopped them.

"Oh, Kitty?" he called. Kata stopped but didn't turn around. She appeared to be deflecting everything. She wouldn't give Hunter the satisfaction of her words. "You go now and I will make your life a living hell." Kata turned back around and walked towards the tall boy.

"What do you want?" she spat. Alex could see the fear in her eyes and hear the slight quiver in her voice and it seemed that so could Hunter because he smiled with satisfaction. She was reaching around with her hand, but Alex decided against grabbing it because it had made things so much worse for her last time, and that was the last thing she wanted. Hunter came up close to Kata and shoved Alex away. It hadn't been a hard push, but Alex was off-balance so she fell backward onto the floor, and by the time she got back up Hunter was already up in Kata's face.

"Do you know why I call you Kitty?" Kata was up against the lockers, and Hunter's face was mere inches from hers. She had no way to escape. Alex wanted to go up and peel Hunter away from her, even though Kata was pleading with her eyes and motioning for her to stay down. Alex couldn't just watch this jerk torture her friend. She ran up to him, trying to tug him away from Kata, but Hunter simply laughed and shoved Alex off again. He turned back to Kata. "I started calling you Kitty because I figured you would never ever have to worry about being catcalled, I guess I was wrong. But a Kitty is a small frail little creature, and that's still all you are. You're weak." He spat. "Useless."

"That's enough Hunter." A sweet voice called. Alex looked up to see Kate walking over to her boyfriend.

"Katie K!" Hunter exclaimed, then glanced at Kata to see the look of hurt that tore across her face. Kate, however, blushed at the nickname coming from her boyfriend.

"We've talked about this, you need to leave Kata alone. Be nice to her." Kate scolded, taking Hunter's hand in her own.

"It's okay Katie, I was just complimenting Kitty on her beautiful dress." he mocked, but Kate didn't seem to pick up on the menacing edge of his voice.

"Kata!" exclaimed Kate with surprise. "You look so pretty! I'm glad you finally stopped dressing like a homeless person. It was getting hard to defend you to Hunter, he made some pretty good points." she laughed with relief.

"Yeah," Kata replied, giving in. "I guess I just finally came to my senses."

"No!" Alex cried. "What is wrong with you guys? What did Kata ever do to either of you? Why can't you just leave her alone!"

"Fiesty little girlfriend you've got there Kitty." Hunter sniggered. Kate glared at him then turned back to Kata calmly.

"Kata," she stated coolly. "I don't think your companion has any right to speak to us like that. Could you explain to her that we're friends?" Kata sighed in defeat.

"Alex, it's fine. Just leave it. I'm okay, really." Alex glowered at Hunter and Kate. It wasn't fine, and Kata wasn't okay.

The couple walked off, and Alex rushed over to Kata. She could see tears glistening in her eyes.

"Tonight," she said. Alex cocked her head. "If I send you an address can you meet me there at 6:30?"

"But I thought-"

"I'll find a way to let my mother agree for me to see you. Can you just meet me? Please?" Alex nodded and Kata buried her head into the crook of Alex's neck. "So much for tutorials," she whispered.


A/N: I haven't updated in FOREVER! I needed a break to figure some things out and deal with my mental health, and I'm glad I took that break, but let me tell you I am so glad to be coming back to this story.

Thank you so much for reading this chapter! If you liked it please consider leaving a vote/comment!

Love always,

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