Chapter 18 | Kata/Alex

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Kata was feeling weird about last Friday. It was Monday and Kata was still worried about telling Alex what she did.

Kata walked into eighth-period algebra and saw a piece of paper folded on her desk. She looked around as she set her stuff down and picked up the paper. She opened it as she sat down.

The bell rang.

Dear Kata,
As we sat underneath the night sky,
As magic wrapped its arms around us-
Pulling us closer,
I could only think of what would go wrong.

I remember when I called you perfect,
But I know you're not.
You're beautiful and broken-
But that's not something to be fixed.

A stained glass window isn't knocked down or changed-
When the weather turns to grey.
No- it stays standing until the sun decides to shine again,
Because it knows it won't change for anything.

It's beautiful.

And that's the kind of perfect you are.

Perfectly imperfect that all your pieces fit together-
Like pieces of a puzzle,
And all of your imperfections-
Just make you who you are.

You know,
Your laugh is the most beautiful thing to ever reach my ears.
When we both laugh so hard-
Our stomachs hurt.

Sometimes I'll stop laughing-
Just to listen to you.
Because in that moment you're not scared,
Or sad,
You're happy.

I could only think that I wanted to make you happy.
I want to make your heart fly above the clouds that cover your skies-
So you can see the beautiful rainbows above.
I want to live in a bubble where the joy we feel-
Never has to end.

But I can't fix this.

I can't make you smile-
When the claws of life's demons drag your lips into a frown.
So I'll say it now:

That sucks.
So much.
You deserve so much better.
You deserve the world.
I'm sorry.


P.S. Meet me in practice room 3 before rehearsal.

Kata could feel her eyes threatening to water as she finished the note. She looked over, expecting to see Alex sitting at her desk, but she was nowhere to be found. She pulled out her phone.

Kata: I just read ur note

Alex responded immediately.

Alex <3: Cool beans. I really am sorry Kata. I didn't mean to freak out and I really shouldn't have. That was a horrible time to do that and I'm so sorry.

Kata smiled softly to herself.

Kata: Dude.

Kata: Chill.

Kata: It's all good <3

Alex <3: (:

Kata stopped texting her friend for a moment so that she could write down a few notes.

Kata: Why aren't u in class?

This time Alex took a moment to respond.

Alex <3: Mr. Benj put Carson and me in couples therapy...

Kata almost burst out laughing at that. Couples therapy was when Mr. Benj took two love interests in a production and made them do weird couple-y exercises together like staring deeply into one another's eyes. It was hilarious to watch and surprisingly effective for stage chemistry, but Kata pitied whoever had to do it.

Actually no, that was a total lie. She pitied herself for not being able to watch the awkwardness go down.

Kata: Oh I don't feel bad for you AT ALL have fun with that lol

Alex <3: Thankssss *extreme sarcasm should be implied*

Kata: Love ya :))


Kata practically sprinted to the fine arts hall after school. She quickly went to practice room 3. It was locked. Kata knocked excitedly on the door. Alex opened it, her face bright red.

She had an acoustic guitar strapped around her body.

Alex shifted from foot to foot awkwardly as Kata entered the small space. "Um, so, uh I guess just sit down." Kata pulled a chair that was sitting in the corner of the small room away from the wall so she could sit down. She stared at Alex intently.

"Stop it!" Alex giggled.

"I'm just trying to make you uncomfortable," Kata retorted, which sent Alex into another fit of giggles, making Kata laugh along with her.

"Okay," Alex said, taking a deep breath.

"Okay," Kata repeated mockingly.

"Stop!" Alex laughed. "I'm never going to get through this if you keep making me laugh."

"Fair point, continue." Alex smiled, looking down at her feet, her face still visibly red.

"Anyways, like I said in the note I gave you, I know I can't fix all your problems nor should I try to, but there's this artist that I really love, her name is Emma Blackery, and she sings this song called Perfect. After we met on Friday I listened to it again and the only thought in my head the entire time was you." Kata couldn't control the smile and blush that crept onto her face. "So, I learned it over the weekend, and um, yeah. So here's- that- I guess."

Alex began strumming quick short strums that had an easy tempo. She was good. Kata watched as Alex began to become wrapped up in the music. She could practically see the notes flying out of her friend as she sang with such beauty and passion.

"Cause if you look past the imperfections
We're all the same we're only human
The most powerful thing you own is your-

Alex looked up to meet Kata's eyes and sang right to her.

"And it took me years to see
That all those imperfections fit me perfectly
And those words I heard that you tell yourself
That it would all go away if you were someone else
Be strong, breathe in, and use your...

Scream above the noise
That you're perfect as you are
Even when times are hard
You are brave
And even if they say
That you'll never go far
Cause you're 'dumb', 'skinny' or 'scarred'
You're perfect the way you are"

When Alex stopped playing Kata couldn't contain the emotions pouring out of her as she tackled Alex in a hug. When she pulled back, Alex's face was still red as a tomato but now she was smiling and no longer had nerves emanating from her. Kata just grinned and pulled her friend into another hug.

"Alex, that was amazing and you are so freaking talented and that meant so much to me and how did I end up with a friend like you?" Kata gushed. Alex laughed softly.

"Kata I can't breathe let go of me."

"No," Kata pouted. "Never. I'm not letting go."

I'm not ever going to let you go.



Dear Ocean,
Two flowers
Billowing in the wind
A carnation
And a dandelion
Never meant to meet
But they billowed
And blew right into each other
Until their stems intertwined
And they knew
They were better together
Than apart
For together
They withstood the flood
And stayed with each other
They were stronger
Than before


A/N: *throws fluffy cotton candy and y'all in hopes that you don't hate me*

Thank you all so much for reading this chapter!! I really enjoyed writing it, so I hope y'all really enjoyed reading it! If you did, please consider leaving a vote or a comment!



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