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~A/N~ I recommend reading each letter after reading the same letter of Dear Tony (so what I'm saying is read letter 1 of Dear Tony and then letter 1 of Dear Peter and then so on) because there are specific things mentioned in these letters and I know that I would never remember the details of each letter lol. Also the font I'm using for Tony's handwriting is Caveat on Google Docs in case you want to check that out to see what I picture his handwriting/see how I see the letters~

Dear Peter,

Hey kid… I don't really know why I'm doing this… Maybe I hope that maybe you'll end up seeing these or that you'll somehow feel my presence or something? I don't know, it's dumb, this isn't the Sixth Sense, you can't see dead people…

Ya know, before I was Iron Man, I always thought that if I died it would be from drinking too much or assassination… After Iron Man I knew I would be taken out in battle, just not by my own hand. 

Anyways, I've been watching you, wait that's creepy… I've been watching over you… That's a little better. Since I can't be watching over you all the time, I've been watching you write these letters so that I can see how you're really doing  especially since you're good at hiding your true feelings, like me…

I miss you kid. I know I didn't say it enough, but I… I care about you…

It's about time they made a movie about me, haha. At least they didn't paint me in a bad light, although I'm sure Rhodey wanted them to deep down. I'm kidding, he knows better.

I'm sorry you've been having a rough time with my… death… I honestly didn't think it would affect you that much… You were in my head though, when I was dying… I was wondering what you would do, what you (and Morgan) would grow up to be, and that I'd miss it all. But as long as you and Morgan were safe, then I didn't mind dying…

I'm glad you're taking a break as Spider-Man, you seem like you really need one. I never liked how much time you were spending in the suit, you should have spent more time being a kid. I think you should go on the trip, it sounds like a good idea. Just stay safe, I don't need you joining me here. Especially not yet. If you come here before you're eighty-ninety then I'm going to kick your ass, understand kid?

I'm really happy you met Morgan, I always wanted you to meet her. She always wanted to hear stories about her "big brother Spidey" as she called you.. She couldn't wait to meet you… I wish I was there to see you two meet…

Goodnight kid, I look forward to your next letter.

Sincerely, Tony

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