Letter Twelve

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Head down into hell till you see the crumbling fort.

After that there was no other context except the small buldge I felt in the envelope and I took out a small key.

A key? Is he talking to his house?

I decided on a whim that going down into hell might be down the street and started walking down eyes out for broken down buildings.

Eventually an old apartment building stood out. The walls were crumbling and it set off so much unease for my body as I glanced down closely at the key.

It was labeled thirteen. I headed inside the overwhelming smell of alchohal and cigarettes made me want to gag but I pressed onwards and up the stairs till I reached the apartment.

I stopped just short of the door.

Why? Why am I so nervous? It's just a door I'll head right in...

I unlocked the door and walked inside. The whole place was covered in trash and some furniture was torn or toppled over.

The whole place left me a feeling of dread as I looked over at the dirty dishes making up a giant pile.

I looked around for the letter opening the rooms for only a second till I reached the room I know was Ouma's.

It had a small twin sized bed and a lot of books he must have collected over the years with a mini DICE banner behind.

His letter was on the bed as I opened it up.

Dear Saihara~

Welcome to hell! Or my house. The name hell suits it dont you agree? Don't worry about anyone coming in by the way.

No one's coming.

I didn't like the sound of that...

I've been living by myself actually for the past year. Which sucks cause I had to get a job to pay for all that panta D:

Also rent but meh.

That doesn't sound nice. I don't live with my parents either but still..I had my uncle. But Ouma was all by himself.

My parents are just gone. Not like the missing kind. Just gone. I guess it sucks, but it's not that bad. I get to get away with a lot of stuff because no one can tell me not too.

Except for report card stuff. But I learned to forge a signature by now and no one who lives here really care as long as I pay rent.

I'm actually worried that you won't ever read this letter because I'll lose my apartment. I had to ask my land lord to help me and strangely enough they agreed.

So if you did get my letter from her...well let me just describe home sweet home.


There we go I'm done now.

Where are you, why are you all by yourself?

Ok I'll give you a bit more. My parents used to scream a lot actually so is it sad to say I'm ok with them being gone?

Honestly it's a lot more quiet now and I appreciate that. No one is throwing anything and I can actually sleep at night without having to push my dresser in front of the door so they can't break through my door.

I don't have to cover my ears just to get some sleep. It's just quiet. And that's perfect to me, also that means my friends can come over and they sometimes help me clean up the whole place which is good.

His friends sounded nice.

Just so it's clear my parents never hit me. That doesn't mean I didn't learn a lot of colorful words but they didn't hurt me.

Man this is getting depressing huh? Meh luckily I don't have much to talk about them anyway.

My Dad was gone maybe when I was ten and my Mom just recently. I never really talked to them so I don't know if we had anything in common.

I think my dad also liked panta. And my mom was...a work a holic. There we go, gosh I know them so well :D

That's all?

But at least they never threw stuff at me or anything.

That honor belongs to our beloved school. Gosh how many letters ago was that Saihara? I feel live I've been writing these for hours now.

How long have you been looking? Not that long right?

I actually need you to do something before the next letter, I don't have any money to pay you for this...sorry.

Just get some flowers.

Here's your riddle,

Where time stops.

I'll see you really soon huh? Kind of excited thinking about it. See you soon Saihara.

Kokichi Ouma

See you soon Ouma. Wait why do I need to buy flowers?

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