Letter recieved

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<Shawn's P.O.V.>
I checked the mail and saw a letter addressed to me. When i got back inside i opened it and read it.
Dear Shawn,
My name is Maddi Harrison. I am 17. I live in Ontario with my family. Well i can't really say "family". My mom Mary is really kind. But for as long as i can remember its been just us. I never knew my father. My birthday is soon coming up soon. I wonder what i'll get. Maybe tickets to your show! That'd be cool. Please write back. It would make my life complete.
Your biggest fan,
Maddi Harrison
Wow. I picked up a pen and started my own letter. To her mom that is. A little surprise for her.
Dear Mrs. Harrison,
Your daughter Maddi wrote me talking about her life story. Its her birthday soon. So here's a little surprise for her. Sincerely,
Shawn Mendes
I walked over to my desk and slid two tickets and two backstage passes into the envelope before putting it in the mailbox and hoping this wouldn't come back to bite me.

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