Chapter 11

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10th February, 2019

Shumail was seated in his study, dressed in a plain white half sleeve tshirt and dark blue jeans and a knee length blue coloured overcoat as he flipped the pages of the file in his hand studying it's content. It was just the third day of his marriage and he was already back to his work.

He had wanted to take Eram to some place as a vacation but currently his work needed a little bit more of his attention and he couldn't do that but he had promised her a vacation, and being the sensible person that she was, she had agreed to go some other time. They both felt they needed time to get used to the situation and try to learn about each other more, and they both were more than willing to give each other the time they needed.

Now as he stood up and walked out of his study, he saw Eram standing in front of the dresser lost in her own thoughts. He looked at her for a moment before he walked up to her and stood behind her, looking at her reflection in the mirror. She still didn't seem to notice him and he felt she looked tense as worried lines creased her forehead, so he clicked his fingers bringing her out of her trance as she jumped in her place and looked startled.

"You scared me." She said in a small voice as she hurried to tie her watch.

"Where were you lost? What is it that you were thinking so deeply?" He asked as her head snapped up and she looked at his reflection in the mirror, looking at him with slightly widened eyes as if caught stealing but she quickly composed herself and shook her head at him.

"Uh it's nothing as such." She dismissed the topic. Shumail gave his shoulder a shrug as he proceeded to get his watch from the bedside table.

"I understand that I should be at home and at least accompany you to get you familiar with your new surrounding and spend time with you but work needs my attention right now and I have to head to office just on the third day of our marriage. I hope you understand." Shumail said, now standing in front of her as she turned her attention to him completely.

"You don't have to apologise Shumail. I understand." She said as she have him a smile and he too smiled back at her. "Besides I was thinking, maybe I should visit the day care and spend time with the kids?" She asked, looking at him with hopeful eyes as if asking for his consent.

"Eram." He called her as she looked at him with raised eyebrows. "I've married you, not hired you as my employee for you to seek my permission to do anything." He said as her lips curled up in a shy smile and he continued, "For anything you do, you don't have to ask for my permission but yeah just inform me where you're going so that I don't get worried. Okay?"

"You would be worried for me if you won't find me at home?" She questioned, looking at him with her surprised gaze.

"Of course I would be worried. You're my wife. You're my responsibility now." He answered as he gave her a small smile. Unknowingly a smile grazed her lips as well as she found herself getting lost in the pools of hazel brown eyes that stared right back at her.

"Would you like me to drop you off at work?" He asked a moment later, getting his bag as he put his shoes on.

"That will be helpful. Thank you."

"Now, will you stop being so formal with me?" Shumail said as she smiled sheepishly and nodded her head.

Getting in the driver's seat as she sat beside him in the passenger seat, he started driving the car.

"Shumail?" Eram called out his name as she turned her head to the side to look at him and he responded with humm. "How did you get my number? I don't remember giving it to you." She spoke with her eyebrows raised at him as he looked at her with a sheepish smile from the corner of his eyes.

"That...I had hacked in the system of your work place." He answered as she gaped at him with her lips slightly ajar. He scratched the back of his neck sheepishly, focusing on driving alongside.

"You can't be serious!" She said in surprise.

"I don't know what was I even thinking!" He answered. "But I'm happy I did that or else we would've parted ways just like that."

They reached her workplace as she opened the door and got off and waved at him. He too waved back at her and reversing the car, he drove away to his office. He was surprised to find himself smiling continuously on his way as he shook his head at himself and got out of the car when he reached his office.

On reaching the top floor, he made his way to his office as his eyes landed on the one person he hate with everything in him, the moment he opened the door to his office. His jaw clenched as he cleared his throat grabbing the attention of the person.

"Oh hey there cousin brother." His cousin Gufran said waving his hand at him. Shumail took in a deep breath trying to calm his nerves as he silently walked in and made his way to his desk.

Gufran walked to him as he tried to wrap his hands around Shumail but Shumail stopped him immediately placing his hand on his chest as he slightly pushed him away from himself.

"No hug? No greeting? What's with you brother?" Gufran spoke, trying to act all sweet but Shumail knew better.

"What are you here for?" Shumail questioned in his no nonsense tone as he looked at Gufran with no emotions on his face, staring at him with blank eyes.

"Uff don't be so emotionless all the time. We're cousins. Can't I visit you?" Gufran spoke giving Shumail a smile but Shumail rolled his eyes on his sugar coated talk, trying to figure out his intentions behind his visit.

"If you have nothing to say then you may please leave. I've work to do." Shumail stated as he removed his coat and hung it on the arms of the chair.

"Well I do have. I want to Congratulate you for your wedding. Though you didn't invited us but we are family, so Congratulations." Gufran tried to hug him again but Shumail took a step back this time.

"If you're done, you may leave please." Shumail spoke as he walked himself to a drawer to get some files he needed.

"Well I must say, bhabhi is hot." Shumail's steps halted as his jaw clenched and hands curled in a fist on his words. He turned around immediately to look at Gufran who was looking at Shumail with a smirk plastered on his lips.

"Before I call the guards and have you thrown out of this building, walk yourself out." Shumail threatened.

"Oh at least something of what I said caught your attention." Gufran said letting out a low chuckle. "Look at you. Already smitten by bhabi huh! She must really be something interesting."

"Gufran!" Shumail exclaimed taking steps towards him and holding him by his collars, looking at him with eyes filled with rage. "Another word and you won't be able to walk out of here with your legs." Shumail's voice was dangerously low as he tried to maintain his calm but couldn't. He left his collars with a jerk and stepped back from him feeling disgusted.

"I wonder if I had a chance with her if you hadn't appraoched her. She might really be a beauty if she caught your attention." Gufran commented on his way out of the office as Shumail's blood boiled on his words and taking steps towards him he had turned hima round landing a punch right across his jaw. Gufran stmbled on his steps with the impact of the hit as he tried to steady himself but Shumail didn't let him a chance to do so as he grabbed him again, landing a punch on his face again. This time Gufran fell on the floor with the impact of the punch as Shumail held him by his collar and made him stand. Gufran had raised his fist to land a punch on Shumail and Shumail's fists was about to connect with Gufran's face a third time but his movements halted when the voice of his aunt landed in their ears.

"Gufran!" His mother exclaimed, her eyes wide in shock looking at Shumail who had held him by his collar, about to hit him. She hurried to where the both of them were standing aiming their fists at each other as Shumail let go of Gufran's collar with a jerk, making him stumble back. Shumail straightened his clothes as he turned to look at both the mother and son with stone cold expressions on his face.

"Next time he steps in this building, I'll make sure he rots in jail for a week, with no bail available." Shumail threatened looking at his aunt.

"He won't! I promise you that!" His aunt looked horrified as she held onto her son's arm.

"Mom! What are you doing!" Gufran tried to interject but his mother looked at him with a pointing gaze.

"You better keep your mouth shut! Apologise to him. Now!" She ordered as Gufran gaped at her.

"You don't even know what happened or whose fault it was! Why are you telling me to apologise?" He protested but she gave him a stern look.

"Whatever! I don't care! I'm sure it was you who was at fault or else Shumail wouldn't have reacted the way he did. Now, apologise!" She said and gave him a look.                                       

"I won't!" Gufran exclaimed as he dashed out of Shumail's office.

"I apologise on his behalf." His aunt said as she nodded at him and made her way out of his office. When she was gone, Shumail let out a sigh as he ran a hand through his hairs. He was in no mood to continue working as he walked to the couches placed in his office and slumped on it. He massaged his forhead with his fingers and pinched the bridge of his nose. His cell phone pinged indicating a message as he took his cell phone out from his pocket. His mood instantly lifted as a smile spread across his lips seeing a message from Eram.

"My co-workers are asking me to give them the number of the handsome guy who came to drop me off at work. Should I tell them that he has got a beautiful wife already? ;)"  -Eram.

Shumail shook his head reading the message as he began to type his reply.

"Wife? Has he got one really? And beautiful? You kidding me! :/"  -Shumail.

" ×_× In case he has forgotten...YES!! He has got a very beautiful wife! -_-" -Eram.

Shumail chuckled at her reply as he began to type again.

"Don't worry the handsome guy has got eyes for his beautiful wife only! She doesn't have to worry :)" -Shumail.

There came no reply from her after that as he placed his cell back in his pocket and stood up to finally get back to his work. Gufran always got on his nerves with his oversmart attitude but this time he had crossed the line. Shumail was more surprised to see his aunt's attitude change so drastically. It was very unlikely of her to apologise, but she did and Shumail was just trying to figure out what was going on in her mind and why she did what she did.

He had never seen such attitude of her and he feared if there was some planning going on in her mind, and if that was it then he had to be careful. His mind recalled his aunt's threat on the death anniversary of his parents, and seeing her now, he thought the both were two different persons.

You better be careful Shumail!

He thought as he shook his head, his eyes slightly widened, and focused on the work that needed his attention.

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And yeah! Be sure to buckle your seat belts...the story is not what it is looking like...a rollercoaster ride to come *laughing evilly *

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