Chapter 14

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6th May, 2019

Shumail was happy.

Being able to spend time with Eram, for it, he was happy.

With a broad smile, which didn't leave his lips even for a second the whole time they were out for dinner, he really looked content, as if he finally found the missing piece of his life which he was trying to find since forever.

Shumail and Eram were seated in his car and were heading back to their home. Eram had a small smile on her lips as she gazed out of the window, adorning the beautiful scenery passing by. Shumail kept stealing glances at her from time to time and she was aware of it too as she felt even more self conscious.

Shumail realised her discomfort as he smiled to himself and looked ahead at the road and focused his attention on driving. Some time into it when he again turn to look at her, he found her already dozing off as her head kept falling off her shoulder. It was past 11 at night and the roads had started to get empty, with hardly any car that could be seen passing by.

He didn't wanted to return home just yet as he took a turn and drove towards a valley where he used to go always to lighten his mood, and stopped the car at a little distance. He gazed out of the windshield and could see the city shining brightly in the artificial lights. Looking at the city from such a height looked mesmerising but what was even more captivating for him was his wife who had fallen asleep beside him. He slowly turned to her and placing his hand on her head, he made her head lie on his shoulder.

"Am I falling for you?" He whispered lightly caressing the back of his hand on her creamy cheek. Adjusting himself in his seat, he placed his head above her lightly and closed his eyes, relishing the moment. There was a feeling of content in him and he was thankful to his Rabb for sending her in his life and giving him another reason to live.

It was cold outside and he had slided the windows up to prevent the chilly breeze from entering the car but it still felt cold even after they had their jackets on as she put her hand around his arm and hugged him tightly, snuggling in his warm embrace. His eyes were still closed but a smile appeared on his lips feeling her snuggling into him and he let her do so. He didn't know when but being beside her and holding her close to him, he had lost himself in deep sleep.

It was a little while later that Eram's eyes suddenly flew open. She took in her surrounding and found herself snuggled to Shumail as her cheeks flushed taking in their position and realising the fact that she had her hands wrapped around him, she was about to pull back and move away but stopped when she saw him who seemed to be deep asleep. For a moment she kept looking at his face, taking in his facial features. Dark brown hairs that were curtaining his eyes a little were silky and she felt like running her fingers through them and caressing his hairs. Her eyes fell on his eyelashes which were a little long and curled up. Her fingers went up to her eyes and she wanted to touch them lightly but then she pulled back her hand not wanting to disturb him who looked so peaceful while asleep. She couldn't help herself as she placed her fingers on his cheek and caressed it lightly with her thumb.

You're too good to be true Shumail.

She placed his head properly against the seat but in his sleep he held on her hand and pulled her to him wrapping his hand around her and taking her in his embrace. She was a little taken aback but then she quickly composed herself. Not wanting to disturb him, she stayed in the same position. At first she was hesitant and tried to get his hands off her but unable to do so, she gave up as she too placed her hand on his torso and hugged him.

Her head was placed on his chest and she could hear his heart beating. She thought it was strange but his heartbeat was sounding like a melody to her ears as she brought her hand and placed it on his chest, feeling his beating heart under it.

"You're a precious gem Shumail and I'm not worthy of you." Eram's voice was not more than a mere whisper as she spoke looking up at his face, her eyes suddenly moist. "I don't deserve you at all." She whispered and fisted the material of his jacket in her small of a palm tightly, not wanting to let go, ever.

A lone tear escaped her eye but she wiped it quickly before she pulled away from him and slowly opened her side of door and got out, closing the door very lightly behind her so as to not disturb his sleep. She walked to the edge and stood a good few feets away as she gazed at the beautiful city right ahead of her eyes. The chilly breeze fanned against her making a whoosh sound and she stuffed her hands in her jacket pocket from keeping them from freezing. Even after having the warm cozy jacket on, she felt shivers for the weather was cold, but she still kept standing, enjoying the peaceful night sky.

"How did I get so lucky to have you in my life Shumail?" She questioned looking at the night sky which was covered with clouds, and it seemed as if there will be snowfall soon. "Amidst the chaos of my life, you became my dawn."

She was startled when a shawl was wrapped on her shoulders but she relaxed the next instant when Shumail's face came in view as he moved forward and helped her cover herself properly with the shawl. He moved back and stood in front of her stuffing his hands in his overcoat pocket.

"What are you doing out in the chilly air?" He questioned to her as she gave him a small smile, closing her eyes for a brief moment.

"Look at the sky. It's so peaceful." She said looking up. He stood beside her and looked up.

"Whenever I felt sad or lonely, I would come here. This place always calmed me down, giving me a sense of peace, and if those idiot friends of mine will get to know that I brought you to our secret place, I'm sure they'll beat me up." He laughed when he was reminded of them.

The incident from a few hours ago flashed in front of his eyes and he let out a visible huff, shuddering on the very thought of it. Zaid, Aahil and Shahmeer had teased him endlessly and pulled his leg when a few hours ago they met at the restaurant where Shumail had taken Eram for a candle light dinner. Being the first one to get married among the four, Shumail was really going through the torture from his friends, where they surely were totally enjoying embarrassing him and he was sulking.

They had almost ruined his plan for the dinner, for they were hell bent on joining Shumail and Eram for dinner, even after the death glares that Shumail was throwing their way but they seemed to care less, for they were enjoying his miserable state.

After much begging from Shumail, and a bribe that for the whole next month food was on Shumail, the three had finally let him have some private moments with his wife as they had taken their leave, and Shumail couldn't be more thankful.

"What's with your expressions?" Eram questioned looking at Shumail who looked a little horrified as Shumail quickly composed himself and shook his head at her. They both stood looking at the sky, silence engulfing them. None of them made a move to break the comfortable silence. They were just relishing being with each other.

Eram turned to look at Shumail, who was busy gazing at the city, her gaze filled with wonder.

"What? Why are you looking at me like that?" Shumail asked in a calm tone, his gaze still fixed at the scenario in front of him. She moved her hand forward and slided it in his hand as she turned him to face her, interlocking her fingers with his.she was hesitant for a moment before she took a step and wrapped her free hand around his back and hugged him, placing her cheek flat against his hard rock chest, taking Shumail by surprise.

It was the first time where they were so close to each other, where Eram had herself taken the first step towards him in full consciousness. It was surprising for Shumail, as Eram had been a little hesitant since the beginning but he felt happy.

"What happened Eram? Is something wrong?" He asked but he could only hear her heavy breathing.

"Just for some time Shumail. Please let me stay in your embrace." She begged. He had his one hand interlocked with her and he brought his other hand forward and placed it on the small of her back, pulling her more into him as he hugged her tightly. They stood in each other's embrace, his chin resting on the top of her head and her ear pressed against his chest as she listened to his heartbeat which was soothing to her soul.

He brought his hand up and caressed her head which was covered with her hijab as she wrapped her hand around his torso even more tightly, suddenly having a feeling of fear, as if he would vanish in thin air if she let go.

"Shumail?" Eram called in a soft voice as he hummed in answer. "What do you hate the most?"

"Why are you asking me this suddenly?" He questioned back.

"Just answer it." She said, freeing her hand from his grip and wrapping it around his back.

"Being lied to." Shumail answered. "I absolutely hate liars and people who back stab."

Unknowingly her grip tightened on him as she held him more closer to herself but he felt it, as his eyebrows furrowed in worry and he pulled back a little to look at her. Her hands were wrapped around him and his fingers were interlocked behind her back. She looked up at him and met his gaze as he brought his hand to her face and careesed her cheeks.

"Are you alright? What is it that's disturbing you?" Shumail questioned. She had no answer to his question, or rather she couldn't answer his question as she shook her head in negative.

"It's nothing. Don't worry."

"You aren't lying to me now, are you?"

She shook her head at him as he smiled softly and placed a kiss on her forehead.

"As much as I want to enjoy this moment with you, I don't want you to catch cold. So let's head home?" He asked. She nodded her head in answer. They both walked back to the car as he opened the door for her and made her sit and he rounded the car, getting it the driver's seat. He saw her rubbing her hands together for some warmth, as her hands were freezing due to the cold. He took hold of her hands and rubbed his hands on her, blowing hot breath on them as her lips curled up in a smile seeing his care.

"Still freezing?" He asked and she quickly shook her head, the smile never leaving her lips.

Starting the car, he reversed it and they were soon on the highways heading back to his mansion. It was almost midnight and he was tired himself as he rushed the car to reach faster. With the speed he drove they had reached in just 15 minutes as he headed in the gates of his mansion and parked the car.

When he came to her side of door, he found her asleep, again, as he rolled his eyes at her but with a smile on his lips, he put his hands under her legs and back and taking her in his arms, he headed in, closing the door behind him with his leg.


It's been a whole month that I updated. ..I'm so sorry but couldn't help it coz I was a bit busy with stuffs. u_u

So let me ask you guys...How was the chapter?
Eram's feelings are changing...Shumail is falling for her!

How do you think will their relation progress? ;)

Comment down below and let me know & of course please share the story with your friends and help it grow :)

Next update will be after Ramadan In Sha Allah!
Do remember me and my family in your duas...Ramadan Mubarak to all my beloved readers :-*

Until next time...zâìjìân!

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