Chapter 24

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10th November, 2019

Shumail was gone for 2 hours to get changed into fresh pair of clothes and to offer his fajr salah, but his mind was just revolving around Eram. The moment Shumail stepped out of the elevator with Shahmeer, as it dinged open on the 4th floor of the hospital, his eyes landed on Zain who was coming out of the room where they had shifted Eram. Zain looked up and their eyes met. Shumail gave him a soft smile and looking at Shumail who was walking out of the elevator, Zain's happiness knew no bound as he made a run in Shumail's direction. He ran in Shumail's arms and wrapped his hands around Shumail's waist, hugging Shumail tightly.

"What happened to aapi, bhaijaan?" Zain asked, his voice wavering as he spoke. Shumail slowly moved his hands and wrapped around his shoulder, returning his hug.

"She will be fine. Don't worry." He tried to assure the teenager, caressing his back. Zain pulled back and wiped his tears. He looked up to meet Shumail's eyes and Shumail looked at him with a soft look in his eyes. "Your aapi is strong. She'll gain her conscious soon In Sha Allah."

"Aapi missed you so much. She should wake up and see that you're finally back." Zain had a smile on his face as he spoke, looking at Shumail.

Shumail had nothing to say. Whether she missed him or not, he wasn't concerned about it the least bit. It didn't matter to him anymore.

Nonetheless, Shumail nodded his head in understanding at the teenager. They both walked to the chairs placed in front of the room with Shahmeer following behind them. When they approached Zaid and Aahil, Zaid stood up and gave his seat for Shumail to sit but Shumail shook his head and instead supporting his back against the wall, he kept standing, looking at Eram from the small of the glass window.

"What did the doctor say?" Shumail heard Shahmeer question Aahil.

"They said she should gain conscious soon but they're not sure. They're saying her body is not responding well to the medicines." He heard Aahil answer.

Hours passed by like minutes and the day was going by in the blink of an eye. It was already evening and the doctors were doing their best to make Eram gain her conscious back but Eram wasn't responding to the medicines. Her body had become weak and because of the excess loss of blood in the accident, it was difficult for the doctors to inject her with heavy doses of medicines, which were a threat to her body.

What could be done, was to just wait and pray for her to gain back her conscious.

All the three of them were stuck to Shumail's side, not leaving him even for a minute. Shumail was silent the whole time and spoke only when anything was directed at him. An afraid look was on Zain's face, who was too young to be seeing his sister lying on the hospital bed like that. He was silently seated beside Shumail, who was lost in his own thoughts.

A while later as Shumail looked beside him, he found Zain sound asleep, resting his head on the wall behind him in an uncomfortable position. He looked around and found his friends gone. He couldn't understand where he was so lost that he didn't notice them leaving, but he shook his head and took a step towards him as he bent down and took the kid in his arms and entered the room, walking to the couch and making him sleep on it in a comfortable positon. He turned around and his gaze fell on Eram who was still lying in the same position since midnight with absolutely no movements.

He wiped his hands on his face and walked to the attached washroom to freshen up and make his wudhu. As he walked out, he glanced at the two sleeping, and silently headed out to the prayer room to offer his Isha salah.

His mind wasn't sane. Numerous thoughts were circling in his head. He wanted for her to gain her conscious soon but he didn't know what he was going to do once she gains hers conscious and how he was going to face her. A certain part of him was restless, as if it was difficult for him to breathe. His heart was beating rapidly against his chest and the mere thought of something happening to her was frightening.

It was a whole year later that he had seen her and that too when she had met with such a life threatening accident. He couldn't understand how he should react and what he should feel. The betrayal kept coming back to him but the helpless face of her was in front of his eyes. He wasn't able to decide what his actions should be.

As he finished his salah and had made dua, his cellphone began ringing. He walked out of the prayer room to answer the call and saw his secretary's name flashing on the screen.

"Yes?" He said in a merely audible voice.

"Good afternoon Sir. I know you had instructed not to disturb you but the matter is a bit urgent." Came his secretary's hesitant voice.

"Go ahead." He encouraged, with a nod of his head as if she could see him through the phone.

"You had ordered to keep reporting you every detail about Ms. Eram Azam while you were away. There's something that I had just gotten a report of."

"What is it?"

"Ms. Azam had kept her house papers with your aunt for some unknown reason. Last year before your aunt went missing, she seemed to have kept those papers to get a loan from unauthorised loan sharks. Soon after when they found your aunt missing, they began to threaten Ms. Azam for repayment of the loan so Ms. Azam had left with no choice but to repay them to get her house back. Last month they had demanded the complete repayment of the loan amount by the end of the last week, which Ms. Azam was unable to pay and hence after a threat of taking over the possesion of her house, those people have actually thrown out everything from her house and taken it over this afternoon."

As if it wasn't much on her plate already that this new problem too was added on top of it. Shumail's hand went up and he pinched the bridge of his nose. He hadn't thought that before his aunt ran away last year due to the fear of getting arrested, she would do such a thing. She couldn't get a penny from Shumail but he didn't have the slightest idea that she would stoop so low to get money.

"Ms. Rose, you know what you have to do right?" He let out a sigh as he questioned her.

"Yes Sir." She answered in affirmative.

"Whatever the amount they ask for, get the matter clear, and make sure that my name doesn't come anywhere in this." He saw Zaid walking upto him and he immediately tried to end the conversation, not wanting for him to know about it.

"Will do that Sir."

"Thank you." With that said, he quickly cut the call and placed his cellphone in his jeans pocket as he smiled at Zaid and answer to his salam.

"Who were you talking to?" Zaid asked handing Shumail a bag.

"My secretary. What's this?" Shumail asked taking a look in it.

"Mum sent food for you."

"And you guys? I'm so sorry I didn't even ask you guys if you had your lunch and dinner." Shumail was really guilty for being so lost in himself that he didn't even acknowledge his friends.

Zaid smacked his head as he said, "Don't be stupid. C'mon, let's go eat." He urged as he began to drag Shumail to the hospital cafeteria. It was night time and hence there weren't many people in the huge hall. Having peace and silence in the room was really soothing for Shumail, which was really unlike his old self who used to hate eerily silent places. Guess time really changes people?

They both walked to the last table which was in a corner and took a seat. Zaid began to open up the packed food while Shumail was gazing outside the window, looking at the greenery and the peaceful night view.

"Shumail?" Zaid called his name to get his attention and Shumail turned to look at him with his eyebrows raised. "You know it's not good to hold everything in, right? It's affecting you. Don't bottle everything. Let it out." Zaid urged him to speak. Shumail let out a sigh and his shoulders slumped.

"What should I let out? That even after knowing that she was in my life to betray me and hurt me, I married her? That even after knowing that I shouldn't be falling for her, I fell for her? That how I, who handle an entire business empire, couldn't handle my life and stop it from falling apart? What all should I let out Zaid?"

Zaid could see how broken and hurt Shumail was. His words held the hidden pain of his heart, and the fact that he couldn't do anything to help his friend was making Zaid feel miserable.

"I won't say I understand how you feel or any words which are just good to hear but have no meaning and emotions to them, but I seriously don't want to see you keep hurting yourself. I want my old Shumail back. I miss that old Shumail."

"He is lost somewhere in the past." Shumail let out a dry chuckle as he spoke. "Zaid, why must I have to go through all this?" Zaid couldn't hold himself back as he stood up from his seat and taking a step towards Shumail, he instantly engulfed him in a hug. Shumail didn't wait a second before wrapping his hands around Zaid and hugging him tightly, resting his head on Zaid's shoulder.

"Have trust in Allah SWT's plans. His plans are the best." Zaid tried to assure him and lessen a bit of his pain and suffering. "He must have planned something really beautiful for you. Just have sabr."

Shumail's grip tightened around Zaid, as he tried his best not to break down already and let his strong demeanour break in front of others. He quickly wiped the lone tear that was threatening to spill and slowly pulled back from the hug. "I'm fine now. Thanks."

"Instead of thanks, can you return me my old Shumail?" Zaid looked at him with hopeful eyes. Shumail gave him a small smile and Zaid knew well enough with just a look at him, that it wasn't easy.

'The one who had given you the scar is the only one who can heal it.'

Zaid thought to himself as he looked at Shumail. They both sat back in their seats and had their dinner silently, none making an effort to speak after that. When they were done, they headed back to the 4th floor. Shumail saw Aahil and Shahmeer seated outside the room and when they saw them coming, Shumail noticed how they both were having a talk with their eyes with Zaid. Shumail shook his head at their attempts and at the same time a smile appeared on his lips, feeling blessed to have friends who care for him so much.

"Did the doctors say anything while I was gone?" Shumail questioned them, who shook their heads in answer. He looked at Zain as he asked him, "Did you eat?"

"Shahmeer bhaijaan took me to his home for dinner." He answered with a smile looking at Shahmeer who ruffled his hairs.

"You should go in and check on her." Aahil suggested as Shumail nodded reluctantly. He walked to the door and held the doorknob as he stood there debating whether to go in or not. Nonetheless, he slided the door open and walked in, closing it behind himself. He was still at the threshold of the door when his eyes landed on the figure lying on the bed.

There lied Eram wide awake as she took in her surrounding. Her hand slowly went to her head which was throbbing, making her close her eyes because of the pain.

Shumail was stood on his spot, frozen. He couldn't move. His insides were going haywire and he didn't know how to react.

Eram had finally gained her conscious after more than 12 hours. He didn't know how she was going to react seeing him in front of herself after such a long time. His feelings were a mixture of emotions.

He took in a deep breath to calm himself and thought of making his presence known to her, but before he could make any move, her gaze went to him and both their eyes met, leaving both of them to stand frozen on their spots.

Assalamualaikum guys!

How have you been doing?
I wasn't well and that is why the update has been delayed for so long and I'm sorry for that :(

Anyways better late than here I am :D

Woah Eram finally is awake and they both are in front of each do you think she would react? What do you think he will do next?

Lemme know in the comments section ^_^

Until next time....Fi Amanillah!

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