Chapter 4

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6th September, 2018

Sprawled on his king sized bed covering almost the full of it with his legs and hands all over the bed, Shumail was sleeping in a peaceful slumber. Wearing a red coloured night suit with white coloured polka dots he was looking cute as he slept on his stomach hugging a pillow to his chest, a small of a drool at the corner of his mouth.

The open window of his room let the cool breeze enter as he started feeling chilly. The carelessly discarded duvet that was half lying at the foot of the bed and half on the floor was all Shumail wanted when the chilly breeze hit him making him shiver in his sleep. Sleepily he ran his leg at the bottom of the bed trying to locate the duvet and frowning in his sleep when he wasn't able to. As he finally felt the comforter, he held it in between his toes and pulled it with his leg. Taking hold of the side of the sheet, he pulled it totally to him and fully covered the duvet over himself.

With a satisfied smile and a warm and cozy feel, he fell back in his slumber again.

When he woke up a good few hours later at the dawn due to the alarm blaring in his ears, he silenced the alarm and discarded the duvet on the floor carelessly back again and stood up wiping his eyes. Walking to his closet and taking a white Kurta and Shalwar that he mostly wore for salah he walked to the bathroom and quickly freshening up he changed into them and came out after doing his wudu, heading to the masjid to pray his fajr salah.

After praying fajr salah, he returned from the masjid as he walked back in his room. Closing the door behind him and keeping the house keys at the bedside table, he opened the buttons of his kurta and pulling it over his head he removed it. It was still early in the morning and he felt the bed looking inviting so he jumped back in his bed. The next moment he sat up and walking up to the window he closed it shut and walking back to the bed he lifted the duvet off the floor and falling back on the bed he covered himself with it.

3 hours later Shumail was finding it difficult to find the will power to leave the cozy bed and wake up. The alarm kept blaring in his ears and he sleepilu kept snoozing it for another 15 minutes before the alarm finally went off again and he had to put it off and sit up on the bed. His eyes were still closed and he was practically half sleeping but mustering up all his will power he dragged himself out of the bed and to the bathroom.

After he had taken a shower and freshened up he walked to his closet and took out the attire for the day. White coloured V-neck full sleves T-shirt, jeans and a blue coloured overcoat that reached till his thighs. As he changed into them and did his hairs, he walked to the attached study and getting all the important files, he headed to the kitchen to have his breakfast.

After the breakfast which included scrambled eggs, french toast and a glass of orange juice which he ate while reading a file, he headed to his car. His chauffeur greeted him as he greeted back and sat at the backseat working on his iPad. The car started and they were soon driving on the highways when he looked up from his iPad and gazed out of his car window.

A smile appeared on his lips as he recalled the incident when he had hit her with his car and he was suddenly reminded of her.

Ms. Erum what might you be doing right now??

I just hope that you liked my gift!

And by any chance will we meet again? I wonder.

Shaking his head at the thought of meeting her again, he smiled and got back to working. His cell phone rang and he answered the call as he saw the name of his secretary flashing on the screen.

"Good morning Sir. I've called to remind you that you have a meeting with the Director of the Qian Techs. Mr. Xander Smith and later you will have a dinner meet with our new investors regarding the rights and patents of the new technology." She spoke as he nodded his head taking a mental note of it.

"Yeah I'm heading to have the meeting with Mr. Smith right now. Have you mailed me their contract? And anything else on my schedule after that?" He asked.

"Already done Sir and you don't have anything on your schedule after the meeting. I wish you luck for the meeting." He hummed in response and cut the call as he placed his cell in the inner pocket of his overcoat. They reached their destinations as he got out of the car and taking his iPad along with him, he walked in the restaurant heading to the VIP section on the 1st floor.

He was welcomed by the other party as they shook hands and took their seats and began with the meeting. An hour later they were done discussing the terms and conditions and the profit margins of the project as Shumail closed the flip cover of his iPad and placed it in front of him.

"The contract seems to be very profitable Mr. Smith. I hope we have pleasant conditions working together." Shumail spoke as he gave the person a professional smile.

"The pleasure will be mine Mr. Ibrahim to have this chance of working with you. I guess it will be amazing to work with both the brothers."

"Both the brothers?"

"Yes Mr. Ibrahim. We are recently working with Mr. Gufran." Shumail's eyebrows raised in quite surprise as he gave him a smile.

"So our meeting is over I guess Mr. Smith. I have to get to somewhere now. So I'll take your leave." Shumail said as he took his overcoat and his iPad before he stood up.

"Sure Mr. Ibrahim. I'll get the contract sent to you. Hope we meet soon again." The director of the Qian techs. Mr. Smith spoke as he himself stood up and forwarded his hand for a handshake. Shumail looked at his hand and then looked up at his face and forwarding his own hand, he did a handshake and walked out.

Descending down the stairs, he took his cell and called his secretary. "Cancel the deal with the Qian Techs." And with that said he exited the restaurant and got in his car.

As they reached the Ibrahim Estate, he got out of the car and headed in the automatic doors of the building. Nodding his head at all his employees greetings, he walked to the private elevator and got in. The elevator stopped on the 56th level and as he exited the elevator, his secretary stood up and greeted him.

"Sir your friends are waiting for you in your office." She informed and he nodded his head before he walked straight ahead and climbed the stairs that led him to his office. The double doors of his office opened and he slightly peeked in to confirm if it was safe to enter. There was no sight of anyone in the room and he nodded his head in confirmation before he tiptoed slowly to the couch placed in front. He took the playgun from behind the couch where he had hid it and again tiptoed to the side door which was their gaming room.

He aimed the gun in a soldier style wanting to surprise them by firing at them and turning the doorknob, pushed the door open. A sponge bullet was instantly fired his way by Aahil which took him by surprise but Shumail skillfully dodged it and fired back in random direction aimlessly. He had already entered in the room so he hid behind the couch in order to not let the bullets hit him fired by his friends. The gaming room was filled with their laughter and Shumail too laughed out loud before he stood on his knees behind the couch and started firing the bullets at his friends hitting Zaid at the side of his arm while Shahmeer dodged the bullet.

Shahmeer fired back which hit Shumail on the forehead. He laughed again before fully standing up and firing at them. Zaid attacked him making his gun to fall on the ground and they both ended up falling on the couch with a flip. Shahmeer and Aahil laughed at them and slumped on the floor when their guns ran out of bullets. Dodging Zaid's attack skillfully Shumail sat on his knees on the couch and wrapped his arm around Zaid's neck, his overcoat perfectly showing the outline of his biceps. Zaid raised his arms in surrender and Shumail finally let go and they both fell back on the couch.

"So long we played like this." Aahil said from where he was slumped on the floor panting from all the laughing and playing.

"I miss our good old days." Shahmeer said and Zaid nodded his head in agreement.

"Thank you so much for this amazing surprise. After a horrible morning this was really something awesome." Shumail spoke, a pleasant smile plastered on his lips.

"Any thing's wrong?" Zaid asked turning his face to the side to look at him and Shumail's shoulders slumped as he huffed out.

"Gufran has joined hands with the Qian Techs!" He spoke.

Shahmeer let out a dry chuckle and looking at Shumail, he said "As if that 'good for nothing' cousin of yours is capable of doing any harm to The Inbrahim Estate. I don't think it is worth your concern."

"Exactly!" Aahil agreed.

"I'm just worried he'll end up in trouble again and I will have to collect his mess! I'm just so fed up!"


Shumail was seated in the restaurant waiting for the investors. He looked at his watch and saw he was early for the meeting. His cell phone rang and his eyerbows furrowed in confusion when he saw the name of the investors flashing on the screen whom he was waiting to meet. He eventually swiped the call to answer and put it on his ear.

"Good evening Mr. Ibrahim. I'm very apologetic to inform you that we can't have the meeting today. There's some family issue that I would have to take care of right now. I hope you understand."

"I totally understand Mr. Chang and of course family comes first." Shumail spoke.

"Thank you so much Mr. Ibrahim for your understanding."

"No problem Mr. Chang. I hope we can have this meeting next time." Shumail spoke and cut the call as he got up and started to walk out of the restaurant with his overcoat hanging on his arm.

He was immersed in typing in his cell phone and didn't realise that someone was walking from the side in his direction and ended up colliding with the person. He bit his tongue in embarrassment as he looked at the person to apologise but was surprised to see her.

"Ms. Azam! We meet again!"

"Mr. Ibrahim."

"Strange right we keep meeting and colliding with each other like this? By the way how's your leg?" Shumail asked as he smiled at her. Her eyes instantly met his as she nodded her head slightly.

"The fracture is removed. I'm able to walk properly now. Actually I was here to meet my friend but she couldn't make it so I decided to head back already. It gets very difficult to find a transport or else." Erum said as she fidgetted with her dupatta.

"What a coincidence! Actually I had a business meet but the clients had some urgent issues to handle so the meeting was cancelled. I was heading out but was immersed in typing and collided with you. I'm sorry." He said and she smiled as she shook her head at him. "Ms. Erum I hope you received my gift. Did you like it?" He asked anxiously waiting for her answer and silently hoping for it to be yes.

"Yes I received it."

"And did you like it?"

She looked at him for a moment, with absolutely no expressions on her face and his heart suddenly dropped in his stomach thinking that she might get angry at him for doing so. He raised his eyebrows at her and waited for her reply. Her expressions finally changed to one of glee as she smiled at him and nodded her head and he finally took a breath of relief.

"I had already told you. It wasn't needed but anyways Thank you."

"You nearly gave me an attack with those serious expressions of yours." He scratched the back of his neck as she giggled at his expressions. "It was first time in my life that I had given a present to a girl and I really was confused what to gift you and then I finally decided to go with hijabs. Hijabs are I guess a hijabi's dearest accessory? And there! I was right! I'm so glad you liked them."

"I loved all of them. Thank you again." Erum smiled.

"Well now that we both are here...Can I have the privilege to have a dinner with you?" He asked, hesitation audible in his voice and she looked at him with uncomfortable gaze.

"I seriously have to get back home. I'm really sorry. I hope you understand."

"Uh yes of course! I'm sorry. Maybe next time if we end up colliding with each other again?" He grinned at her making her giggle as she nodded her head at him.

"In Sha Allah next time for sure. I'll take your leave. Allah hafiz." She had taken steps ahead to walk away when he called out her name and she stopped in her tracks and turned around to look at him.

"Um it will be difficult to find a transport. I'll drop you."

"No it's fine. I'll manage on my own." She tried to protest and shook her head at him but he cut her off.

"Ms. Erum I'm not asking you this time. Being a gentleman that I am it's my duty to drop you safely to your house." He said praising himself as he grinned at her. She nodded at him and they both made their way out of the restaurant to where his car was parked. He opened the door for her and made her sit and he himself got in the driver's seat.

As he looked at his side, he saw her side of door wasn't closed properly. He eyed her to close the door again but she didn't get what he was trying to say so he himself got out of the car and walking to her side of the car door, he opened it and taking the edge of her dupatta that was in the doorframe he handed it back to her and finally closed the door shut.

"Thank you." She said in a small voice once he had settled back in his seat.

"It's no problem Ms. Azam." He gave a smile and started the car driving it out of the parking lot and headed to her place. He drove to the address that she gave him and stopped in front of a building. It was quite a peaceful neighbourhood that she lived in. She hung her handbag on her shoulder and turned to look at him.

"I live on 10th floor of this apartment. Thanks for dropping me to my house."

"I'm glad I was of some help to you."

"Allah hafiz." She bid bye and got out of the car as she walked to the entrance of the building and waving a final goodbye to him, she disappeared in the elevator.

Shumail took in a deep breath and rested his head on the seat.

Ms. Erum you are something unique! There's this charisma in you that atracts people to you!

Mujhe hamari agli mulakat ka intezaar rahega besabri se...
(I'll be waiting impatiently for our next meeting..)

Dobara milengi na mujhse?
(Will you meet me again?)

With that wish in his heart, he sped off.

Assalamualaikum guys

I know it's been really long that I updated but sorry I was being a lazy bum and it was taking a hell lot of willpower to make myself to write :p
Soory again *holding ears*

And then when I finally wrote the chapter and decided to update yesterday...wattpad decided to mess up with me by deleting the chapter and eventually I had to write down the chapter all over again!


Coming back to the was it?
Isn't it such a coincidence that Shumail and Erum keep meeting time and again?

Any suggestions how should they meet next time?

Comment down below and I'll tryna write from the syggestions which I'll find the most magical yet romantic situation in which they'll meet next time ;)

Cya next time..untill then
Hasta La Vista Baby! B-)

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