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Hi.....I wanna bring something up that i've been brooding over. So i've seen on Wattpad, YouTube, fimfiction, Facebook, etc. Groups of people attack someone about stuff. Like on Wattpad with art stealers. People telling them to kill themselves or to leave Wattpad or that there shit or that there pathetic and useless.

And this pisses me off don't you get what your saying. Everyone who does that don't you realize your harassing them. Talking down to them like they're nothing more than bugs under your foot. I will admit I've done this to and I angry at myself because of it.

I resolved to try and stop and I did. I went more peaceful ways of doing it trying to talk to them calmly try to understand them.

So all I wanna say is please stop realise that what your doing is shoving the person towards something terrible. Something that's unable to be taken back.

That's all I wanted to say have a good day everybody.

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