God Dammit Bioshock

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So if anyone has ever played Bioshock two before. You'll know the good ending. Unless your a evil and sadistic person. No judging by the way.

So earlier this month I started a bad run myself because I hadn't done it yet and it was my fifth time playing the game. After getting through to dionisus park (misspelled). I put the game down and play some other crap.

But, just recently I started up again. And as soon as I got on I was racked with stupid guilt over my choices. So I reset the game and basically used my 4 day weekend to beat the game on a good run.

A stupid thing with this game and me is no matter what I get very emotional at the ending. I usually feel like I wanna cry.

And I've seen it over and over but make me play the infuriating game over again I still get misty-eyed at the ending and I don't know why!

Sorry everyone this was just a stupid rant.

Thanks for stopping bye my little Hunters and Huntresses. Oh and you to Alpha. Have a nice day

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