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Cundrie and Marcus stood in front of a store called 'On the Spectrum' a store for transgender essentials in Vertic Alley, an alley near Godric's Hollow.

"Maybe we should go back," Cundrie said, shaking their head as they start heading back, but Marcus held them back. "Marcus- what are you doing?"

"We've come here to buy the stuff to help alleviate your gender dysphoria, we're buying the stuff to help alleviate your gender dysphoria," Marcus said, determined. He softened his gaze as he sees Cundrie's fearful one. "If you fear that anyone will make fun of you there, I'm not scared to hex any transphobic piece of shit."

Cundrie nodded as she entered the store, Marcus trailing behind her. Cundrie took a shopping cart and decided to enter an aisle full of breast forms (since they already have several gaffs, they decided that they don't need to buy more). Cundrie stopped as she stared at the different sizes of breast forms, which one would fit her best?

"Excuse me?" Cundrie called a nearby shop assistant with their best feminine voice. "Uhh, can you help me? I've never bought a breast form before, can you help me with the size and how they work?"

"Sure!" The shop assistant said, walking closer to where Cundrie is. "Since this is your first time, I suggest the small one first to adjust to wearing breast forms. You'll also have to wear our breast form bra to hold the breast form in place so they don't fall off. Here-" they take size S2 for her along with a breast form bra.

"Is it reusable?" Cundrie asked, looking at the price of both of them. They knew these things are expensive (they also knew to transition is expensive), but it doesn't mean they don't hope to spend the least amount of money on these things.

"Yes, is there anything else that I can do for you?"

"No, thanks!" The shop assistant left. Cundrie grabbed several breast forms and breast form bras and put them in her cart, along with her gaffs.

"Cundrie?" Marcus called.

"Yes?" Cundrie popped her head out the aisle, facing him that's walking towards her.

"Do you want to use nail polish?" Marcus asks, taking a red colour. "I saw some girls wear them, and I thought you'd like them."

"Yeah, give me that," Cundrie nods, outstretching her hand. Marcus hands her the nail polish. "Where'd you get it?"

"Just the counter-" Marcus shrugged. "What have you got?"

"Some breast forms and breast form bras, not that you'd know-" Cundrie shrugged. Marcus is cisgender, so most likely he won't know the things. Marcus nodded, though Cundrie notes that there's no weight in his nod.

"Is there more here?"

"More to buy yeah-" Cundrie cocked their head to the side. "But not here. I should go to pay for these."

"Go." Cundrie left Marcus behind, heading to the counter and placed the shopping cart on the counter, the cashier taking the four breast forms and breast form bras.

"That'll be 158 galleons and 6 knuts," the cashier said, placing Cundrie's orders in a paper bag. Cundrie took out her money bag from her pocket, taking out her 159 gold coins. The cashier took it and returned 4 bronze coins, which Cundrie placed in the money bag and back to her pocket. "Thank you!"

Cundrie takes her shopping bag and leaves with Marcus. "So, where should we go next?"

"Maybe Ms Morgan's Mannequin?" Cundrie suggested. "It's all women's clothes and run by women."

"Cundrie, are you sure?" Marcus furrowed his brows as he faced Cundrie. "I don't mean to invalidate you but what if they kick you out? If it's a transphobic piece of shit who gives you a mean look, I can help and hex that piece of shit to next week. But I can't do much if it'll end up with a legal predicament. You're still legally a man and I can't do much if it ends up with the Aurors on you. What about your Adam's apple?"

"Multicorfors!" Cundrie chanted and their baby doll dress transfigured to a light blue turtleneck with dark blue checkered full-length skirt. "Can you still see it?"

"No-" Marcus shook his head.

Cundrie smiled satisfactorily as she entered the store, Marcus following behind. Cundrie grabbed a shopping cart, her hands brushing on a navy jumper dress but decided to ignore it. Cundrie stops at a short-sleeved pink pouffe dress, taking one to inspect it closer. She only dared to use jumper dresses before because it looks like a normal jumper if she tucks it in her trousers, but now that her 'family' isn't here to police her clothes anymore she doesn't have to wear jumper dresses all the time.

"Take it," Cundrie jumped to see Marcus from behind her, staring at the dress also. "Why not?"

"I don't have the occasion anyway-" Cundrie shook their head. "It'll probably look weird with my lack of, y'know..."

"You have the bra, don't you?" Marcus asked. Cundrie nods. "Try it first. Go to the changing room, wear the bra, then the dress. Try if you like how it looks on you."

"Will you come with me?" Cundrie asked. "I need a second opinion."

"Cundrie, it looks good on you-" Marcus confirmed as he pushed Cundrie in the dressing room.

Cundrie sighed as she closed the curtain behind her, taking off her turtleneck and hanging it on the wall, taking out a pair of breast forms and tucking it in a breast form bra before putting it on. Cundrie then puts on the pink pouffe dress, staring at the reflection of herself. Merlin, does she look sexy.

"Marcus!" Cundrie called, their head popping out of the curtains. Marcus raised a brow at them. "C'mere."

"What?" Marcus asked, entering the dressing room.

"Look at my dress, I like how it looks, but-" Cundrie points at themself. Marcus looked down at them. "Don't you think I look silly?"

"You look pretty."

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