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"How'd it go, Cundrie?"

Cundrie and Marcus are in front of a door with the sign 'Healer Jenna Page' in St Mungo's Hospital. Cundrie scratched their head as they nodded, looking away.

"So far so well," Cundrie answered, their hands to their sides. "Healer Page scheduled for my top surgery three weeks from now."


"Let's leave," Cundrie said, cracking her knuckles as she bit her lip. The hospital is so crowded, she'd never wished to just go back to Marcus' place and hide under the guest room covers before her whole life.

"Let's go-" Marcus nods as both he and Cundrie starts to leave the wing, Cundrie hoping that they run to no one familiar in the hospital. No one back at school, and certainly none his 'family'. Once they left the hospital, Cundrie held Marcus' hand as they both apparated away, not to Godric's Hollow like Cundrie had expected but to a mostly empty land instead, with only one wooden house occupying.

"What the hell are we doing here?" Cundrie shrieked. "We're in the middle of nowhere, Marcus!"

"Just a moment, Dri," Marcus assured her, looking around, a look of realisation dawned on his face. "Oh, uhh, I meant to go to Meltdown Comics store."

"Where even is that?" Being a reader of history books and NOT a reader of comic books, she doesn't know where is the one Marcus is referring to.

"That's supposed to be Diagon Alley." Cundrie rubbed her face as she sighed. Diagon Alley? Where her parents always go shopping for Hogwarts things? Oh for all the good things in this world, Cundrie hopes that at least Marcus is not expecting Cundrie to come. Cundrie can't see her parents, not after last time.

"Tell me you don't want me to come with you-" Cundrie slapped their face as they shook their head. Marcus bit his lip. "Marcus?"

"I was hoping that you can socialise more, y'know?" Marcus said. Cundrie can only look up, her expression flat. "I mean, since you ran away from your parents, you only talk to me, no one else. I'm not saying that that's bad, but that's unhealthy and you need more friends."



"Because!" Cundrie shrieked, hands outstretched.

"Because what?"

"My family still needs to go to Diagon Alley and I might see them if I go, and I couldn't!" Cundrie explained, taking a deep breath in as she noticed her voice breaking. "No."

"Come on, Dri."

"No is no, Marc-" Cundrie shook her head, her waist-length auburn curly hair flying around slightly. "If you want me to 'socialise' that bad, I'll socialise with the residents of that house-" Cundrie points to the wooden log house. Marcus sighed but nodded, both of them slowly walking to that log house. Cundrie stepped up the steps and knocked on the door.

"Allroyt, who-" the door opened and Cundrie widened their eyes. "Cundrie? Whit yer daein' haur?"

"Oliver?" Cundrie widened their eyes, Oliver folding xyr hand as xe leaned to the door, lifting a brow. "Uhh, hi."

"I misapparated and Cundrie tagged along with me, Oliver," Marcus answered for Cundrie. "Can we rest up for a bit in your place?"

"Aye, sure-" Oliver shook xyr head as xe backed away from the door, letting Cundrie and Marcus enter the house. Oliver leads to the sofa, which Marcus and Cundrie sat on. "Ginger tea?"

"Sure, thanks." Oliver takes a kettle and fills it with water before xe turns on the stove, letting the water heat on the stove. Oliver took out some ginger root and washed it, turning on another stove to burn the ginger root. What does burning ginger roots for- Cundrie doesn't know. Once it's burnt enough, Oliver takes it out of the fire and peels it, then flattening it.

"Is there something between you and Oliver?" Marcus whispered to Cundrie's ears.

"Not now."

Oliver watches as the water heats up, putting in three sticks of cinnamon, ginger root, and tied lemongrass in the kettle before xe closes the kettle to let it boil. Oliver quickly prepares three cups and puts a teaspoon of honey in each cup. Once it's boiling, Oliver takes the kettle off the stove and takes a sieve before pouring it to the cups, presenting a cup to Cundrie and a cup to Marcus before having one for xemself.

"Thanks, Oliver-" Cundrie said under her breath, sipping on her tea. Damn, Cundrie never knew that Oliver can make tea this good. The sweetness of cinnamon, the hotness of ginger root, and the sourness of lemongrass complement each other, making the tea most certainly taste so warm and awakening.

"This tea-" Cundrie drinks more. "I like it. How do you do it like that?"

"Thanks-" Oliver smiles, drinking the tea. "By burnin' the ginger rit, it makes it spicier an' nae jist warm."

"Where'd you learn to make tea like this?" Marcus asks, putting down his ¾-empty cup. "It's really good."

"Mah lest match in Indonesia," Oliver shrugged. "Learnt abit makin' ginger tea thaur."

"How's Puddlemere, Oliver?" Cundrie asked, finishing their cup. "Last I heard, you're a reserve keeper?"

"Am actually th' main keeper, now," Oliver confirmed, putting down xyr empty cup on the empty table near xem. Oliver asked for Cundrie's and Marcus' empty cups. "It's mainly th' same wi' Hogwarts Quidditch, difference is 'at th' cap'ain is th' coach, nae th' player. Ah admit Ah feel relaxed noo tha' Ah don' hae tae keep on suggestin' new plays each time, but Ah still suggest some tae tha' coach."

"I see, congratulations!"

"Thanks," Oliver nodded, looking at Cundrie. "Whit abit ye, Cundrie?"

"It's complicated," Cundrie answered. "I've been promoted to Junior Secretary and I'm currently on HRT, I've gone through voice surgery and in three weeks I'll have my top surgery."

"Congratulations!" Oliver said, tapping on Cundrie's knee. "Hoo did yer fowk tak' it?"

"That's the complicated part," Cundrie nodded. Oliver bit xyr lip looking down.

"Am sae sorry, whaur hae ye bin livin', noo?"

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