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"Hey, Dri."

It's been a month since Marcus and Cundrie opened their house to Muggleborns and as ambitious as they both are, Marcus rounds up about 20 Muggleborns, five of them Marcus' prostitute friends and one of them Penelope, who he found whilst being interrogated by Snatchers. Good thing he knew how to duel well, he got her to the camp.

"Sit with me, Pen," Cundrie said, gesturing to space beside her. Penelope complied, sitting next to Cundrie.

"How's the little one?" Penelope asked, gesturing at Cundrie's belly as if asking permission to touch it.

"So far so good. So active kicking Mummy. Honestly, I can't wait for her to get out of me," Cundrie answered, nodding as if giving Penelope a 'go' sign. Penelope walks forth to touch it and smiled widely, pressing it gently.

"I remember when my mum was pregnant with my little brother, I kept playing with her belly and talk as if he'll hear me-" Penelope smiled wistfully, her eyes dreamy.

"You have a brother?"

"Had-" Penelope corrected, still patting Cundrie's belly. Cundrie's heart dropped, hearing the correction. "He died a few hours after the labour, 'his heart is too weak' the healers say."

"What about your mum?"

"She died right after the labour, my brother's death made the day even worse," Penelope answered, looking away. "I was seven, it was so long ago."

"I'm so sorry, I couldn't imagine-" Cundrie shook their head, rubbing Penelope's back as to console her. Penelope sighed.

"You listen to your healers very well, do whatever they say-" Penelope shook her head. "You don't want to lose your first son and I doubt Marcus wants you gone."

"Will do-" Cundrie nods. "Penelope, I'm sorry of how we left off-"

"Hey, we were 17. What seventeen-year-olds that aren't idiots?" Penelope cuts. "Though I admit, you wrote a whole soap opera."

"Shut up-" Cundrie glared halfheartedly, sniggering. Penelope sniggers too.

"How did you find out?"

"It was the second month after last time I saw Oliver, I was in Knockturn Alley," Cundrie recalled the event. "I noticed the symptoms and wanted to see if my assumptions were correct, so I bought a pregnancy testing potion. When it turned green, I told Marcus and he offered to help me get rid of it, which I don't want because I want a child, so when Marcus heard that, he said he'll help me too."

"What a nice guy-" Penelope shrugged. Cundrie sighed.

"He's given me so many headaches, now-" Cundrie rolled their eyes. "That's siblings for you."

"Even though you're not related by blood?" Penelope prompts. Cundrie sat up straighter, she hates these kinds of talk but she must defend him.

"He might not be, but he's more of a brother than my siblings ever were," Cundrie defended him. "They're not here for me, he is. I want him as my brother and he wants me as his sister, so we are siblings."

"If you say so-" Penelope shrugged. "Did you not have feelings for me at all?"


"Was I 100% just a tool for you to get Oliver or did you have feelings for me, in some way?" Penelope asked, staring at the woods in front of her. Cundrie stayed silent. "You must've had feelings for me in some degree, right? You wouldn't have slept with me and you wouldn't have enjoyed it so if you hadn't."

"I don't know-" Cundrie shook her head. "I guess I had, but it wasn't as strong as my feelings for Oliver. I'm sorry I used you like that, I shouldn't have. It was shitty of me."

"I'm not going to say it wasn't, but Marcus would've appreciated that as a writing prompt," Penelope added. Cundrie closed their eyes as they chuckled, remembering one of their fights. Marcus definitely would've.

"He definitely would've."

"Can we be in love again?" Penelope asked. Cundrie closed her mouth. "I missed you, I've dated other girls but I don't love them as I loved you."

"But I'm carrying someone else's child-"

"But that someone else isn't here, Dri," Penelope cuts. "Xe lost you. It's been what- six months since you've split up?"

"Eight," Cundrie absentmindedly corrected, rubbing their protruding belly.

"Exactly," Penelope continued. "It's been eight months, no word from Oliver. Xe doesn't know anything new about you or the kid. Hell, xe has run off with someone else."

"No-" Cundrie shook her head in disbelief. "Xe couldn't have. How do you know?"

"Let's face it, a murder associate is not a good look for an ex-girlfriend-" Penelope shrugged whilst raising a brow, looking at Cundrie with a questioning look in her eyes. "Logically, xe would want to get another lover to forget you. And xe does."

"How do you know?" Cundrie lifted her head.

"Why don't you ask Arya? She was a Chaser for Hollyhead Harpies, she should know." With struggle, Cundrie stands up from the ground, abandoning Penelope. She shouldn't sit on the dirt anymore. She rushed in a tent, looking for Arya.

"Arya!" Cundrie yelled, but no one turned. They went tent to tent, yelling Arya's name, but Arya is yet to appear. After a while of looking, Cundrie finds a girl of Indian descent in the last tent, the fourth tent. The person they're looking for. "Arya!"

"Yes, Cundrie?"

"You were a Chaser for Hollyhead Harpies, weren't you?" Arya nodded. "Good. What's the last news that you heard of Oliver Wood about xyr love life?"

"What do you mean?"

"Like who's xe dating, does xe have a new lover?" Cundrie elaborates desperately in a single breath from her previous question, just taking a breath now. Arya looked up a bit.

"I don't know if it's official, but I remember seeing xem snogging someone in the lockers after our last match last June." Cundrie closed their eyes, a hand clutching on their chest, where their heart lays.


As soon as she left the tent, she lets tears fall out of her eyes.

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