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"Marcus Vulcan Flint and Cundrie Eilianna Weasley, please stand up."

Marcus and Cundrie stood up from their seats, holdings hands as Cundrie felt Marcus' hand so sweaty with nervousness. How can he not? He is an exposed murderer. Cundrie felt butterflies in their stomach, they feel sick too. What will Kingsley do? Will Kingsley un-revoke their undesirable status and chuck them both in Azkaban, now that they're both in the Ministry of Magic? Cundrie shuddered, they can't imagine what's it like to be exposed to dementors 24/7 and away from Annie.

Cundrie looked back at Penelope, who gave a supportive nod. Cundrie took a deep breath in, remembering that she and others who fought in the war were given Order of Merlin, either First Class or Second Class, depending on their participation. The other Weasleys had been given Order of Merlin, First Class, whilst Penelope had been given Order of Merlin, Second Class. Oliver was also given Order of Merlin, Second Class. It's maybe also that, Cundrie hopes. Or they'll be chucked into Azkaban for aiding murder.

"You're like a sinner in church," Cundrie whispered to Marcus, trying to lighten up the situation. However, Cundrie's voice failed her as even he can hear the fear in her voice.

"You're not better yourself, bitch," Marcus tried to muster a low and threatening voice as best as he can, but really, it came out like a pathetic whimper.

"Marcus Vulcan Flint, you committed murder so sadistic that the appropriate sentencing for you is life imprisonment, no plea bargain. Cundrie Eilianna Weasley, you aided a murderer in hiding his crime that the appropriate sentencing for you is imprisonment for 10 years, plea bargain available after 5 years." Cundrie tightened their grip on Marcus as they looked down, their knuckles turning white already. "However-"

"However?" Cundrie whispered to themself, looking up at Kingsley.

"- both of you also set up a safe house for 165 Muggleborns when the Muggleborn Registration Act took place and convinced 120 of them to fight for the Second Wizarding War," Kingsley continued, never acknowledging the interruption. "Therefore, it seemed fit to permanently erase your criminal records and your undesirable status to be permanently revoked, and to award both of you with the Order of Merlin, First Class."

Two Aurors appeared in front of them, each holding pure black wooden boxes. These boxes were opened to reveal two sun-shaped gold medals with an 'M' written on the centre of each medal, under them a golden plaque with the golden writing of each their full names, the ribbon that ties it revealed to be emerald green. Cundrie accepted the box, staring at the shiny medal once more before closing it, their attention back to Kingsley.

"For Cundrie Eilianna Weasley, as your undesirable status is permanently revoked, you should be back hired as Senior Undersecretary For the Minister, effective as you like," Kingsley continued. Cundrie couldn't control her grin as she jumped up and down. "For Marcus Vulcan Flint, as your undesirable status is also permanently revoked, Imaginative Publishing Company is no longer frozen, effective as you please. However, due to the sadistic nature of the murder, it seems fit to make sessions with a mental healer mandatory until the mental healer deemed you're free to go, effective immediately."

Kingsley hits a black mallet, signifying that the decision is final.

"Yes!" Cundrie couldn't hold their excitement as they immediately jumped to Marcus, causing the man to fall on his butt from lack of strength, hugging the grinning person so tightly, jumpy himself. "We're no longer undesirable! Permanently!"

"I know! I can't believe it! I was so scared there!"

"I can bring Annie to the park!" Cundrie excitedly exclaimed, still with her death hug onto Marcus.

"We should stand up-" Marcus coughed, looking around. Cundrie looked around and remembered where they are, the heart of the Ministry of Magic. Kingsley is staring at them with amusement in his eyes, Penelope is laughing. Cundrie stood up awkwardly and tried to help Marcus, both looking awkward as ever as they both became the centre of attention due to their little show.

"Well, it seems that I should dismiss all of you as you are anxious to celebrate this with your families and friends-" once again, Kingsley hits his mallet, signalling the end of the meeting. Cundrie ran to Penelope and lifted her before kissing her so passionately.

"I can't believe it! First Class! And complete forgiveness!" Penelope clapped Cundrie's back. "Congrats, you really deserve it. After everything you've been through."

"Please, I didn't do a lot-" Cundrie rolled their eyes, smiling so wide that if it's equated to paper, it's like the paper's been stretched so far that if it gets pulled more, it would tear.

"No, you did! You saved 165 Muggleborns and you mobilised 120 of them, whilst dealing with your undesirable status and pregnancy. Most people won't do it!" Penelope countered. "Take credit of what you've done!"

"Hey, Cundrie-" the couple stopped what they're doing to see Oliver, standing in front of them. Cundrie felt their heart rushed, this is the nopa of their baby. Of their Annie. This is the agender who still owns their heart, in actuality. "Can we yav a terk? Just the tewthree of us?" Oliver requested, looking at Penelope. Cundrie pulled themself away from Penelope, and without further talk, nodded.

"Lead the way." Oliver left, Cundrie followed. As soon as they deemed the spot empty enough, Oliver held xyr hand forth, offering for Cundrie to shake it.

"Congratulations for the achievements."

"Thank you-" Cundrie nodded, not looking at Oliver in the eyes as she bit her lips.

"I'm sorry fer sellen yaouw ert loike that," Oliver continued, cracking xyr knuckles. "An' breaken yaw trussen."

"It hurts me-" Cundrie nodded. "I knew what I did was wrong and I knew what you did was right, but it still hurts."

"I knoo, I knoo a single sorry woo coot it-" Oliver sighed, biting xyr lips. "But-"


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