Connections Become Clear

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As the mirror disappears Lucy-Nee lets out that beatific smile only she has and gets ready to wrap the Sabers in Fairy Tail issue up, "Aaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnndddddddddddd that's what happened, so be nice to my knights and somehow-not-to-sure-exactly-what-to-call-him-cousin-thingy Minna!"

I sweat drop and look to Levy-Nee, she's doing the same. Of all the things to say, our Crown Princess says THAT. We're so doomed. Before I can make fun of her for it there's a bright flash and familiar presence, Loke.

"But Princess! I thought I was your knight! As your brave lion spirit it's my job to always be your knight in shining armor!" The lecherous lion is there kneeling before my poor Nee-Chan with her hands cradled in his with a pout on his face. Poor Lucy, now she's gotta deal with him again! It was bad enough earlier, at least Virgos not here this time....

"Ugh, Loke! Stop flirting already! Do it quick too before one of the Slayers decides to attack you. Besides you are my loyal and ferocious lion, you don't need to be a knight you already have a badass enough title!" She has a small tick mark on her head, an indulgent smile, and sneaky eyes, I can see them looking around for her crush waiting for him to try and kill the playboy currently touching her. Hehehe he better let go~!

"Oh, huh, guess I do... fine but no other lions princesses!"

Me, Levy, and Lucy giggle and nod, Loke includes all of us in his nutty protectiveness now, he jokes and plays games with me, flirts and tries to be knightly or princely with Lucy-Nee, and does a bit of all that with Levy-Nee depending on whether her Mate is around or not. That reminds me...

"Lucy-Nee, Levy-Nee... ummm what is Gageel to me now, also what is he to the world now?"they all turn to me and Loke lets go of Lucy to kiss the back of Levy's hand, then pick me up and spin me around, ending with me on his shoulders and giggling.

"Hmm, well he was a lord before, and a knight of course..." Lucy begins

"Since he is my... umm, well, I'm saying boyfriend because court terms are embarrassing," Gageel smirks and laughs at this making her redder, "That makes him your big brother, a possible prince, and my personal knight." Levy finishes, causing gasps and rude comments about Gageel and his manners run around the guild. They knew about the dating but not the lordship status of Gageel apparently.

"Okay! He was all those things except a prince-to-be before anyway!" Everyone calmed down a bit after that and turned to Lucy for more answers.

After a while we'd answered most of the ones about opening the gates for Lucy-Nee's subjects, it narrowed down to one last question.

"Before Levy said only one gate left, us, so when can we open it? And more importantly, when can we visit you in person Lucy?" Erza asks.

We all glance at each other and nod, we would answer together in 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, now! "When Natsu Dragneel accepts and understands Lucy Divina the final gate shall be ready to open and Dragons will return to this realm. The gates between this world and ours shall be fully subject to the gatekeeper and those worthy shall be given passage." I know our eyes are glowing and our voices hold an ancient power that can strike to the bones of a person, I also know soon the questions will come.

Mira is the first to snap out of it and realize what we had said, not about Natsu, but ourselves. "Levy, Wendy, what do you mean OUR realm? What did they all mean earlier calling you princesses, and Lucy's sisters, I know you are by heart, but... the guys and what you said...."

We smile at her and stand together, hands clasped as Levy erects the barrier again. "We will show you and explain, please step back." I tell everyone gently. As soon as they comply we change, out of our mortal forms and into our Goddess selves, me, Lucy, and Levy emerge changed. They'd seen Lucy-Nee before but not us two. Levy steps in to explain,

"Minna I am blessed by the King and Queen of the Gods, as well as the Crown Princess, by magic and blood I am now part of the royal family, the Demi-Goddess princess and patron of Literature and Language, plus advisor to my sisters. Wendy is twice a princess once by her mother Lady Grandine, and again by our King and Queen, her other parents. She is the Sky Maiden, Dragons' Princess of the Air and Winds as well as Demi-Goddess of Flight. We will be Full Goddesses when the last gate is open, the final ritual for our change needs them all open between these two realms. Gageel with become immortal if he mates me, or his ghost can just stay with me after death, Uncle Hades doesn't mind. But his life is already quite long being who he is and all."

The whole guild is silent... I'm kinda worried it's been ten minutes since Levy finished.


"EEP!" I scream a bit when the whole guild shouts at once, how do we do that anyway it's weird how we always manage perfect unison in group shocks...

Lucy-Nee steps up, "Yep, that's why they look like this, and why they've got blonde streaks there, one for each sister and blonde to show they are of the Crown House, were the only ones with it in this exact shade, the others are all far different since ours is infused with the sun, moon, and stars' dust, rays, and tears. So back to the problem at hand, Natsu."

Our guild mates settle down and decide to go with it, soon everyone is insulting/trying to come up with plans to get Natsu to see without telling him. The others who didn't know figured it out already. Gods he's dense... by the end of the day we have a few plans the guild will try over the week, but until then Levy-Nee, Rouge, Sting, Gageel, Lucy, Carla, Lector, Froche, and I will be staying in the Gods' realm catching up, resting, and learning more about our duties.

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